I agree with you guys, 2011 was a GREAT year for movies, but you wouldn't know it watching the Oscars last night. What they ended up nominating and awarding seemed more mediocre than most years. Drive (I watched it again and loved it, lol), MMMM, Melancholia and Take Shelter are four of the best films of the year - completely shut out. The Tree of Life, best surprise on the nomination morning, came away empty handed (not even the Cinematography

). Moneyball and Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy got some nominations, but each too went home empty handed. At least A Separation took one award. Then there are stunning performances in We Need to Talk About Kevin, Tyrannosaur, The Guard, again, nowhere to be found.
Instead we got a love fest with Hugo and The Artist (both terribly overrated), which was just basically Academy petting itself on the back for the great movie business they have.
ETA: That picture of Angelina kills me every time, lol.