The 100 Movie Challenge (2012)

Blueorchid, that's crazy, but awesome too. :shock:

I feel like my biggest problem when it comes to movies is having no idea on what to watch next, so I end up watching nothing :lol:. Guess it's time to make a good guide before I stop caring!

CC, yes to the 100!
Blueorchid, that's crazy, but awesome too. :shock:

It's all because of iCheckMovies. I've become addicted to getting the medals on the site and wanting to complete their lists. :shock: Truthfully, my movie addiction started once I decided to try to complete the IMdB Top 250, years ago. I go through phases, so on a weekend I might watch a bunch, but during the week I won't watch any. I've also included some short films in the count, so they're not all feature length. I'm not that crazy!!! :innocent:

I have an idea though. How about instead of picking specific movies to watch, we could have theme weeks or months. Missbluejean said earlier that she wants to focus more on Asian cinema, so maybe we could have a month where we try to focus on a specific area of film? Of course nobody has to participate in the themes, but for those who need ideas it could be useful as well.
^^ I meant a guide for myself! :lol:
I'm honestly not fond of group decisions (:lol:), because I'm so fickle when it comes to music/movies/etc, I go through phases when I feel like watching censored documentaries only, and the next week I only want to watch romantic comedies. And I get turned off if I feel like I have to watch something. *commitment issues* :innocent:

You're making me curious about iCheckMovies. I'll [check] it out!
:lol: I wasn't specifically referring to you, don't worry. I think the themes should just be a suggestion and nothing forced or competitive about them.
Here are the movies I've watched this year.

1. Avatar (2009)
2. Green Lantern (2011)
3. Abduction (2011)
4. Panic Room (2002)
5. Beastly (2011)
6. Winter's Bone(2010)
7. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
8. Super 8 (2011)
9. Gracie's Choice (TV 2004)
10. Bridesmaids (2011)
11. Mini's First Time (2006)
12. Charlie St. Cloud (2010)
13. Blindness (2008)
14. The Hangover(2009)
15. The Hangover Part II (2011)
16. Restless (2011)
17. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

These are the movies I could remember.

I'll post a short list of what I'm looking forward to watch.

1. Up in the Air (2009)
2. Feds (1988)
3. The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
4. One Day (2011)
5. Love and Other Drugs (2010)
6. The Tree of Life (2011)
7. The Descendants (2011)
8. Peace, Love and Misunderstanding (2011)
9. The Resident (2010)
10. Margaret (2011)
I'm gonna participate in this. Should be fun, as I'm off to a good start (though I've not been doing much this month, so I have so much time for watching films!)

One Hundred Movie Challenge:
001. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
002. The Adventures of Tintin
003. Weekend
004. The Descendants
005. The Devil's Double
006. Little Black Book
007. The Debt
008. Moneyball
009. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
010. Certified Copy
011. The Artist
012. Restless
what a great idea for a list, this should be much easier compared to the monstrous backload of books i could never seem to get rid of :p and i think having a themed week is a good idea though i guess it should be optional cause not everyone would find it agreeable/easy to follow(?).. which therefore almost defeats the purpose of themed weeks since not everyone will participate? :ninja: but i'm very much open to it, if only because i have tons of movies in my hdd that i can never seem to watch cause i sometimes end up watching the ones i've already seen :lol:

1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011)
2. Lars and The Real Girl (2007)
3. The Lovely Bones (2009)
4. Melancholia (2011)
5. Rear Window (1954)
6. Man On Wire (2008)
7. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
8. Brick (2005)
9. Enemy of The State (1998)
10. The Skin I Live In (2011)
This is the perfect challenge for me because I'm always watching films. I think I can reach a 100 however for the moment it's just going to be 50. And then once I get to that milestone I'll shoot for the other 50. Also perhaps it will help me finally cut down on my Netflix que... I have a total of about 140 movies on my list at the moment. :blink: Also, I must warn people that my movie list is kinda crummy at the moment, my sister has been picking out the films we watch the last few weeks. I'm still trying to get her to broaden her mind though. Also I'm taking a psychology and film class at the moment so I think I'm going to star the one's I watch in class, incase anyone else is interested in that sort of thing. ^_^

1. No Strings Attached
2. Rise of The Planet of The Apes
3. Tangled
4. The Artist
5. Eat, Pray, Love*
6. Mulan
7. Half Nelson
My list - with those I highly enjoyed and recommend in bold!

1. The Staircase (2004)
2. Murder on a Sunday Morning (2001)
3. Twelve (2010)
4. Margin Call (2011)
5. BASEketball (1998)
6. The American (2010)
7. Project Nim (2011)
8. Buried (2010)
9. Seeking Justice (2011)
10. The Descendents (2011)
11. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
01. Enchanted [B+]
02. Blood Diamonds [A]
03. Out of Africa
04. Beginners [A-]
05. Adventures of Tintin [A+]
06. The Descendants [A-]

I just watched The Descendants and quite frankly don't get George Clooney's
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Here's a link to the iCheckMovies topic that was created a few months ago, in case anybody wants to share their usernames or chat about the site.
^That's a great site. I was surprised at how few of the "Best/Classic" films I've watched.

I wish I could include the movies I watched late 2011, because I watched SO many in December. However, there are still quite a lot of films I need to see before the Oscars.

01. Letters to Juliet
02. Scary Movie 2
^I never realized how many movies I haven't seen until I went onto ICheckMovies. Now I'm addicted to checking off the one's I have seen and making a list of the ones I want to see. Thanks for sharing the link. ^_^
there's a 365 movie challenge in tumblr, that one is pretty hardcore.
Is it weird that I don't find 100 movies a lot & 365 isn't that much of a challenge:ninja:??

I can see a 100 in about 2-3 months so if there's anybody wanting to know if there's a movie worth seeing, I'm probably your guy:lol: but I'm intrigued & accept your challenge:mowhawk:
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Oh I love this!

So far this year:

001: Crazy, Stupid, Love
002: Martha Marcy May Marlene
003: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
004: 30 Minutes or Less
005: Super 8
006: The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
007: Breakfast at Tiffany's
008: Midnight in Paris
009: Rio
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I'm in! Much easier than the book challenge, at which I failed miserably -_- It's actually one of my New Year's resolutions to watch every movie in this book; it also doesn't hurt that I'll be "helping out" at a small film festival, which will force me to watch, like, eight movies per week :p

So here goes! My recommends are in bold :)

1. A Scanner Darkly (Richard Linklater, 2006)
2. The Room (Tommy Wiseau, 2003)
3. Invasion of Alien Bikini (Young-doo Oh, 2011)
4. Alucarda, a.k.a Sisters of Satan (Juan López Monteczuma, 1978)
5. 3 Women (Robert Altman, 1977)
6. Code Blue (Urszula Antoniak, 2011)
7. Dernière Séance (Laurent Achard, 2010)
8. L'enfer d'Henri Georges Clouzot, a.k.a Inferno (Serge Bromberg & Ruxanda Medrea, 2009)

I should point out that since the festival I work at is pretty off-kilter and B-movie oriented, nobody should expect to find many films d'auteur in my list so far :lol: But if you're in a weird mood and have some time to kill, go ahead and check some of these out...ESPECIALLY THE ROOM. I swear you won't believe your eyes, and I mean this in the most honest of ways :shock:
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