I'm in! Much easier than the book challenge, at which I failed miserably

It's actually one of my New Year's resolutions to watch every movie in
this book; it also doesn't hurt that I'll be "helping out" at a small film festival, which will force me to watch, like, eight movies per week
So here goes! My recommends are in bold
1. A Scanner Darkly (Richard Linklater, 2006)
The Room (Tommy Wiseau, 2003)
3. Invasion of Alien Bikini (Young-doo Oh, 2011)
Alucarda, a.k.a Sisters of Satan (Juan López Monteczuma, 1978)
3 Women (Robert Altman, 1977)
6. Code Blue (Urszula Antoniak, 2011)
7. Dernière Séance (Laurent Achard, 2010)
L'enfer d'Henri Georges Clouzot, a.k.a Inferno (Serge Bromberg & Ruxanda Medrea, 2009)
I should point out that since the festival I work at is pretty off-kilter and B-movie oriented, nobody should expect to find many films d'auteur in my list so far

But if you're in a weird mood and have some time to kill, go ahead and check some of these out...ESPECIALLY
THE ROOM. I swear you won't believe your eyes, and I mean this in the most honest of ways