The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #2

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Thank you very very much for the kind words and compliments!

Welcome to the forum RedandNavy.
I also love the A.p.c. shirt... since it's one of my favourite brands, and I love everything striped.
As for your first post, I am also not "edgy". Actually today when I went to work I thought about your words because I wore black skinny jeans, black tank and a hoodie from american apparel, with a bag from marc jacobs and white flats. Eventhough I really selected the pieces carefully and they are very good pieces, I felt a little boring compared to other people on the subway. But I feel comfortable and chic nevertheless. I think it's all a way of carrying yourself or something. Another point is, that I find "edgy" people hardly ever get it right. Fashiontrends look good on very few people. I find most of them look very uninspired and boring on a different note, they all look the same. So yes, I'd rather look minimalistic/boring/basic, but I personally feel chic and I think that shows. I always - no matter how I tried different styles in the past - go back to black pants, striped T, white shirt, black cashmere sweater, minimal accessories.
I suppose we all are born with a certain style - or better: we all were born with a taste that changes a little but merely stays the same... being it a classic taste, a "being fashionable" taste or whatever.
This is my humble opinion on the matter :-)
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Thanks for welcoming me, Betinapple! May I say that I love that perfect white dress that you bought and the maxidress? Both look absolutely adorable on you! I love your style! :blush:

The pumps are miu miu and I ordered them online, but they are sold out where I bought them. The shirt is A.p.c. I've recently discovered that brand and I love their clothes. They aren't crazy expensive and yet so stylish in their simplicity... That navy-striped tee is so cool because it's no fuss and simply perfect in my opinion. :heart:

Thx so much! Actually I had to put the maxidress up for sale, it is to small around the bust :( such a shame, I really love it. Actually i have not worn the white dress yet, since I couldn't figure out if I thought it was a bit too much with the sleeves and all, but I think I'm gonna wear it tomorrow :)

Bummer about the miu miu pumps, they really look like the perfect black pumps for me. I love striped things. Unfortunately my white/black striped tee is almost worn out and I simply can't fint the perfect one to replace it.
"I suppose we all are born with a certain style - or better: we all were born with a taste that changes a little but merely stays the same... being it a classic taste, a "being fashionable" taste or whatever."

so true. i feel a bit like the process has been experimenting with, rejecting, resuming and redefining that personal taste.
Hi everyone

Can I join you? I'm fairly new the forum, as a poster that is. I have been posting an outfit of mine yesterday in the "what are you wearing today thread", a pink shirt with a black skirt and my beloved pink and white prada flats. Looking at it again, I realize how "un-edgy" I am compared with some others here :p:D But I feel that is me! I'm so much more about classy, timeless pieces and I try to achieve a certain lady-like elegance... I'm in my mid-thirties now, I'm a mum of two kids and somehow the edgy and trendy stuff just feels wrong nowadays - even if I try to have a few trendy pieces that suit into my wardrobe.

I buy very little every season but try to spend on some good, lasting pieces. Actually about 70% of my wardrobe is older than 6-7 years... I love having pieces that last. And I'd love if you guys could help me picking the ones that complement my style!

Actually, this season I've bought exactly four pieces so far... As you can see in the picture:
A pair of black pumps
A pair of blood orange wedges
A navy striped tee - have worn such for years and they always feel great
and a honey trench coat that I expect to own until the end of my days :lol:

I would love to buy a dress this season, too. I'm thinking of a style that I could wear to many occassions like work, day partys etc. A shirt dress or a wrap dress probably...

I also want a big tote but maybe that has to wait. And my jeans and trousers could use some updates.

I hope I can use this thread to buy the right things :blush:

You seem to already know what you're doing quite well ;) Your new acquisitions are great.

The part I don't love so much is that buying a few really great things can be quite expensive :unsure:

Just wanted to mention that I don't get rid of things simply because I'm not wearing them at the moment. Sometimes you have more formal things that you're not wearing because your life has taken an informal turn. Or sometimes there's a color issue. I used to wear brown much more than I do now. Then I wore it a bit ... and my brown skirt wore out, and my dog ate one of the shoe ornaments that made my brown shoes so cute ... now I have a brown cardigan I never wear. And a camisole. I haven't gotten rid of them because I think that when I have something to wear them with, I may wear them again.

I also don't get rid of things that aren't perfect. My black pants are not all I'd hoped for ... but they're all right. They're doing their job, and I'm going to get my $500 worth out of them. Next time I'll do better. I'm not gonna sweat it ...

I might do that differently if I won the lottery, but that hasn't happened yet.

I don't live in NYC, so I have plenty of spare closet space ...

What I do get rid of is things that are unflattering, that just don't work (the black pants I wore a couple times that attracted all the lint in a 10-mile radius), that I just don't feel good in, etc. Those things have got to go.

BonjourTristesse, you mentioned a white dress ... I agree that white is just a magnet for all manner of things, and I don't use chlorine bleach, so that avenue is out for me. I have an ivory skirt I wear a lot ... you might try separates, and you might try off white. Speaking of imperfection, once again I tolerate it when it comes to this skirt. If it brushes up against the car door or anything dusty, there's a mark on it somewhere. It has a lot of detail (seams, it gathers into knots at the hem on either side, etc.), so that makes it more forgiving. Plus it's made of hemp + satin in a relatively informal style ... I think the satin may be more forgiving than certain other fabrics too. If it were a perfectly plain pencil skirt, any imperfection would absolutely show ...

R&N, I got a pair of dark wide-leg trouser jeans this season (pictured earlier in thread)--maybe that's something you would like too. I love them ... they function like jeans, and also almost like black pants. They dress up and down well. I had them hemmed to wear with heels ...
Regarding taste ... I feel like mine has changed significantly over decades, but maybe others would have a different view. I think it is definitely bolder now than it was when I was younger--I'm certainly not afraid of making a statement. There have always been classic elements, it has never been trend driven ... I would say that now more than ever I don't really care about what's going on in the world at large. To me what knowledge of trends is good for is knowing what you'll be most likely to have a broad selection of this season, which increases your chances of finding something really good. (Sometimes I avoid that item though because the saturation is just too much.) I used to be all about prints, and now I pretty much don't do prints at all unless they're animal prints. I'm more comfortable in my own skin, and I'm not really interested in clothes that have their own agenda. Cutesy is pretty much gone now ... there was a point where I had a distinct feeling that I had reached a point where it should go. My style was much more buttoned up when I was younger ... it was the preppy era, and it was suited to my body then, which is also much different now. I always had curves, but then you certainly couldn't have called me voluptuous ;) So that makes a difference too. Now probably not a day goes by when I'm not wearing at least one knit item. Then, I'd get up at 5 am to iron :rolleyes: Now, I touch an iron once every few years--and I'm more likely to be ironing a household item than something to wear. There are very few high-maintenance items in my wardrobe ... and the cleaners maintain those that are there.
@Fashionista-ta: If you have the space I think it is great keeping items that you've been fond of, but do not wear that much any longer. I do that my self but it comes down to a very few items. I generally sell what I do not use, which ATM is "inperfect items". I had a bad habit just buying stuff even though they weren't excactly what I was looking for, just because they were cheap, so I have some stuff that I do not use, because it is simply not the perfect items - for me.

I also aggree with not excatly liking to spend lots of money on one item, but I DO want to spend that amount of money for the PERFFECT item, instead of using the same amount of money on a lot of inperfect items.

I also have a completely different way to look at my economy. I feel like I'd gone shopping-crazy yesterday because I bought a dress (fantastic item, can't wait to show you, from a danish designer, which was on sale and costed less than an H&M dress) and a nailpolish (which I've actually bought with a gift certifitcate). I've gotten used to buying maybe one item pr. month, so to me it was a lot. Actually bought a jacket/cardigan in the evening, but I do not think I will keep it because of my economic conscience. Not that I can't afford it, but I should save some money, I think.


For a long time my style has been kind of rockabilly/50's/60's/french-chic with a hippie/boheme twist in the summer. It is a style that I absolutely love and feel good in, but lately I've been craving a more classic look. I adore basic, classic items, like a good black dress, the perfect black, classic bag, a good striped shirt (I'm all in for striped shirts, and my H&M one is SO worn out), the perfect black flats etc. I've just turned 20 and this fall I'm starting my education to become a teacher, so I kind of feel that my rockabilly/whatever look is a bit too .... childish? I'm short and I have kind of a baby face with big cheeks, so I look like a child faster than most people, and right now I just feel like looking more grown-up.

BTW: I LOVE sharing my thoughts with you guys.
I already love this thread and its discussions! Thanks for all the replies and for welcoming me.

@Bonjour Tristesse: I don't think you need to be edgy to have style or to be elegant. I know a woman who has basically worn jeans and white tops for about ten years now but she wears them so well and with such elegant that she looks like one of the most stylish women I know. I also agree that while fashion trends can look great on the right people, the reality on the streets is often different. It happens so often that I see people wearing trends that just don't seem to suit them - be it because of the body shape or because it's just not them in a way. But I love following trends and fashion, no doubt about that! I also agree with fashionista-ta that following trends can be helpfull to know what to buy in a season. For example I love stripes and polka-dots, so this is a good time to buy some items of these trends.

Like Hi-Heels I feel like in a process of constant redefining my style but it basically stays the same. Sometimes I feel like changing but then again I might just come back to what I loved in the end, discovering that there was a reason why I loved it. I still want to evolve my style but I don't want to change it completely.

I own many pieces that aren't 100% perfect. That's okay. I try to make the best out of them and learn from them. What is it that doesn't make them perfect? I try to keep that in mind for future purchases. But if I'd give away all pieces that aren't 100% perfect then I would have to spend a lot for new pieces and I just can't do that. Besides, I sometimes make mistakes when buying new pieces, too. Like buying a pair of nude Louboutins that are adorable but just so uncomfortable that I can't wear them for more than five minutes... :innocent: I hope I won't do that mistake again!
For a long time my style has been kind of rockabilly/50's/60's/french-chic with a hippie/boheme twist in the summer. It is a style that I absolutely love and feel good in, but lately I've been craving a more classic look. I adore basic, classic items, like a good black dress, the perfect black, classic bag, a good striped shirt (I'm all in for striped shirts, and my H&M one is SO worn out), the perfect black flats etc. I've just turned 20 and this fall I'm starting my education to become a teacher, so I kind of feel that my rockabilly/whatever look is a bit too .... childish? I'm short and I have kind of a baby face with big cheeks, so I look like a child faster than most people, and right now I just feel like looking more grown-up.

BTW: I LOVE sharing my thoughts with you guys.

I love your style!! I can imagine thought that there can be times in life when you want to express something else than the playful, cute girl. But I think the things that you chose so far show a great eye for your body and your type. I think you can probably use most dresses and clothes in a more "serious" look, too. Maybe just by small adaptions, like in accessories, shoes, bags etc? I feel like so many pieces can be dressed up or down with some imagination and you definitely have that.
I love your style!! I can imagine thought that there can be times in life when you want to express something else than the playful, cute girl. But I think the things that you chose so far show a great eye for your body and your type. I think you can probably use most dresses and clothes in a more "serious" look, too. Maybe just by small adaptions, like in accessories, shoes, bags etc? I feel like so many pieces can be dressed up or down with some imagination and you definitely have that.

Thx a lot! I love it too, but it doesn't quite feel like me anymore. I feel that I look like a teenager .. and I'm not anymore, so I feel like it is time for something new. I want to feel like a woman, not a little girl, and I do not want to look like a child when I start working as a teacher. Actually, when I worked as a assisting teacher, someone thought I was one of the children (who were up to 13 years old) at a time when I was 19 - kind of a bummer :lol: so I DO have a baby-face. Also, I can feel that I look pretty, stylish or even chic, but I never feel that I look sexy (in a good way), and don't we all want that once in a while? :)

But you are perfectly right. I'm not going to get rid of all my 50s dresses, and Im not going to stop wearing my funny shoes, Im just going to start paring them with more classic items.
^ I understand how you feel ... you can definitely choose items that will help you feel the way you want to feel right now, but part of it you will also just naturally grow into. You'll be thankful for that baby face later ;) Be sure to enjoy the part of your life you're living right now ... all the rest will come :flower:
I've been meaning to post here this (Baker furniture) tagline that reminded me of this thread ... 'The art of things chosen well rather than often.'
@Fashionista-ta: really good answer, thank you :) And you are completely right, the baby face will come in handy later, but right now it makes me feel like ... a baby. The tagline is really good too.

Just made a big ugly scratch in my black flats yesterday, and I can't live without my black ballerinaflats. I wear them 3-4 times pr. week and use them for changing shoes, so that's really a bummer, since I do not have a lot of money to spend on buying new ones. Im looking at these but Im not sure how well suede is for danish weather with rain sometimes and I do not know wether the bling-y stuff will anoy me, because they do not go with everything. Im not sure how good they will be with my mulberry bayswater in choclate, which is my everyday bag. Do you have any input?
^ I agree that suede is not the best for a basic item. I'm contemplating that myself right now ... we've had a cold front, and I have some open-toe suede booties that would be perfect today, but rain came with that front ...

You might try taking the scratched ones to a cobbler and seeing what they can do with a bit of dye to tide you over ...
^ I agree that suede is not the best for a basic item. I'm contemplating that myself right now ... we've had a cold front, and I have some open-toe suede booties that would be perfect today, but rain came with that front ...

You might try taking the scratched ones to a cobbler and seeing what they can do with a bit of dye to tide you over ...

No, that is my concern too. I've found them in regular leather which I think will be better, even though the suede ones look really nice - they just wont look nice that long.

I really like that these ones have a good heel and sole so you don't walk directly on the ground. Actually it is the only ballerinaflats I've found with a good sole, at this price. I'm not sure about the bling though. I think it looks good, but Iøm not sure how well it will go with all sorts of thing. And I really can't figure out if they will go with my bayswater too.

It is a good tip to try getting them fixed but I think theyre worn out, so I need to get some new ones at some point anyway.
^ I think your picture of them didn't come thru ... do you want to repost?

I once got a blingy pair, and one of the 'jewels' kept falling out. Finally I returned them ... If you do bling, gotta make sure the quality is there. (These were Hollywould ... not sure they're still around? But they weren't cheap ...)
^ I think your picture of them didn't come thru ... do you want to repost?

I once got a blingy pair, and one of the 'jewels' kept falling out. Finally I returned them ... If you do bling, gotta make sure the quality is there. (These were Hollywould ... not sure they're still around? But they weren't cheap ...)

it is these ones


I do not think that the bling will fall off since I've heard a lot about these shoes and not about any problems with them. I'll go try them one today :)
Nice shoes, Bettinaple!

I'm also looking out for shoes... Bad weather summer/spring shoes. I have suede pumps and flats (there we go again :p) but as you've discussed, suede isn't the most practical with rain.

I have old black leather shoes that I've worn for such a long time that they will soon fall apart but they might make it through this season.

So some of the things I really need or really want sooner or later are:
- a multipurpose dress, preferably a wrap or shirt dress
- jeans and pants (the pants preferably in navy or chocolate or grey)
- a knit cardigan in gold or beige
- shoes that can stand rain, both flats and heels
- open sandals
- a tote (medium to big size since most of my handbags are small size)

I know I won't have to find everything now this season but I try to focus my purchases on these items.
@Redandnavy: thx :)

seems like a good idea to find "focus-items". I do that too. I have a "musthave list" on my computer and on the list I have a list called "need to have" which is the items (specific or unspecifik like "black cardigan") that I NEED (like black ballerina flats) or craves the most (like a specific black bag). I helps keeping a focus. Right now the only thing on that list is the black ballerinas and the bag im saving money for, which means I've been a good girl buying the things that I really want :)

A girlfriend of mine is giving me a pair of black ballerinas that she haven't and will not use, that I can wear untill I figure out which ones to buy. ATM I'm leaning towards buying the ones I just showed you guys, but actually I shouldnt be shopping this month. Just cant go on without black flats.
I think they look good. You may want to check that the crystals are easily replaceable JIC. My problem stone was iridescent green/yellow, marquis shape :innocent:

I personally prefer leather soles, but a lot of people like this type of sole. (I walk fast & tend to trip when I wear rubber-type soles ...)
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