I like Repetto a lot, too, and they are not extremely expensive, especially if you get a pair on sales (which is possible). I own some cheaper local brands as well which are doing a fine job. I think looking into local stuff is great since they are not as overpriced as some of the big international names.
As mentioned earlier, my best pair of flats is from Prada, I bought them on a sale so the price was okay. And they are so great in terms of quality!
Btw, I've also owned a pair of Ecco shoes. They sure are the best for walking! However, they got a bit smelly with time
I hear some people swear by Tory Burch. I don't own any but they do look comfortable and classy.
Oh, by the way, I scratched my Repettos today, too. Ugh. As much as I LOVE Repetto they probably aren't the most longliving shoes either. Hmmm.