The Acne Thread

Oh it's St. Ives! Okay I was thinking it was some like natural (health store) thing!
Originally posted by Glamourina@Sep 15 2004, 11:14 PM
as for tea, i've heard green tea is good for your skin but any kind that has sugar in it it could aggravate acne. who knows?

this is because green tea has lots of antioxidents in it, which help with acne.

also ditto what sean said about warm/hot water - I've heard that your body penetrates the water better than when its cold and you don't feel as bloated.
Water does wonders for my skin... and judging from these replies i guess it entirely depends on the person.
I guess I am not patient enough.

I'll try this for 5 months and we'll see!

Sean, 3 L of water a day IS A LOT !
^^ I drink about the same as Sean, I think.... I'm too lazy to do a conversion, but I drink about 150 oz a day.

The biggest thing I can say for clearing up acne is: DO NOT DRINK SOFT DRINKS. *Especially* soda, but fruit drinks as well. Replace every can of coke with water and you'll notice a difference.
Lately i've began the habit of drinking water at least 2L a day. I feel rather bloated at times but one thing i realized is that since i drink water i'm less hungry, which helps me to keep away from unessisary food.
Originally posted by BBabe@Sep 4 2004, 03:54 AM
Yep! Works amazing for scarring, and just in general skin all over. Really an amazing product. It's my "creme de la mer" miracle. There are so many different uses for it - google it. Just be sure to get the 100% pure unrefined. I've seen it being sold on eBay. It's truly a great product.

anyone know where to get it online????
Ebay is a great place for it. I'm in NY, so it's available locally. if your city has a local African community, you may be able to find it there also.
i def think it's a combo of things - lots of water is a must and lots of sleep too ;) as for green tea, has the chinese ever been wrong :P i know it dilutes oil and when i don't have any when i'm eating dim sum my stomach begins to ache from all the oily dishes :sick:
Drinking water will help clear up your skin because it helps flush out toxins from your body. The more you drink, the quicker the process. But, if you're still consuming these toxins (sugar, red meats, foods high in saturated fats, soft drinks, etc) it's not going to make a difference because you're putting these right back into your body. Everything you eat comes out through your skin - some people are just lucky and don't have to worry about this. I've had my fair share of learning what works and what doesn't. I would try something for a few weeks (takes about that long to start seeing results). Try cutting out sugar and making sure you get at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also lemon juice is a great acne fighter. Drink 1 oz. of lemon juice daily to help clear up skin and dry up excess oil. Don't use the lemon juice that comes prepacked though - buy fresh lemons and juice them yourself. Spinach is also good as it's packed with Vitamin A. If all is fails, go to your dermatologist - there's so many new products on the market now that are available for acne prevention. :flower:

Hope this helps!
Any moisturizer or lotion that you leave on your skin for extended periods of time that contains salicylic or glycolic acid will greatly speed the reduction of redness and scarring via chemical exfoliation.

Some good products to try are Neutrogena's Multi-vitamin acne treatment for a drugstore brand or Kiehls Blue Herbal Moisturizer or DDF glycolic moisturizer. Personally I mix Kiehls blue herbal and DDF together and it works great. Also try the DDF 5% BP + tea tree oil to prevent acne in the first place.
The price is around 600$ for the full face and you need to go back every 3 weeks or so and the results last up to 6 months or more (max 1 year). Do you think it's worth it? And has anyone tried this before? Any side effects and is it really effective?
I have heard that it's not worth the money. Well, that is, if you're talking about Smoothbeam.

I don't know, I would get it done if I was guaranteed with clear skin, but I'm almost sure that with my stubborn acne, it wouldn't happen. :huh:
Mmh, it depends upon people, from what I've heard ( message boards, to be precise). Some people have good results, others do not have any at all..
I dunno, I'd try it, if it wasn't for the crazy price..

Good luck though, if you do get it, tell us how it goes! :flower:
:heart: Ok... here is the story...

I bought into the african shea butter story... so I went and got some...

and OMG... after just 2 days use... I see my skin got better already, alot of my pimple scar has lighten a lot... Thanks Theory... I am hooked... except.. I don't like my shea butter smell.. mine is unrefined so it has a weird smell, but bearable.

Works great ... I wonder how long it will take to work on the operation scars...

One really interesting thing I did notice is that I usually get acne because the moisturizer I use is too oily. BUT with shea butter... it is pretty heavy.. but for some weird reason.. it is actually my answer to the cure of my acne... it actually helps to calm it down...

I´ve heard wonders about the Avon ANEW CLINICAL 2-Step Facial Peel.

Never tried it though because thankfully i don´t have any acne scars and never had acne. ;)
Originally posted by sofialuv@Oct 25 2004, 06:14 PM
I´ve heard wonders about the Avon ANEW CLINICAL 2-Step Facial Peel.

Never tried it though because thankfully i don´t have any acne scars and never had acne. ;)

Damn you are lucky!!!! I am 27 and I am still getting pimples... UGH

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