The Hair "Down There"

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I joked with an Esthecian at work today that I needed her to give me a "manzilian" today. She said no way, and told me of how she saw one done.

"No thanks" was my response. Too much pain for me.
:shock: he said the p-word!!

fairy: ouch!! that sounds painful!!

it wasnt really as soon as i got used to it...but i got takes ages :rofl: i rather wax

to be honest i dont like it when guys shave/wax/whatever their pubic might suit some guys but not the guys i like and i wouldnt want it on mine :rofl:
Usually I just trim. But sometimes in the shower I put neosporin over the area and shave.

Ugh, but I never know what to do about the hair on my labia. it's hard to trim close and I can't shave that. :(
I shave it all off. I would get it waxed, but I still live with my parents and my part time job doesn't allow me to spend that much money.

I typically just lay in the bath for around 5 minutes, then apply a deep moisturizing conditioner. I use a new razorblade and shave in the direction the hair is growing at first. I get a nice clean, smooth shave.
I think we came up with the title of the thread a couple years ago, I don't see why people care whether or not we had prudish titles. I for one don't want to be scrolling through the titles while i'm sitting in class and see BEST PUBIC WAXING METHODS jumping out at me :rofl: I booked an appt. for this weekend with a new person so hopefully it goes well!
wax/shave/or tweeze the bikini line and trim the rest.

which reminds me, i really need to get on that. beach season has arrived.

i wish i liked the way brazilian waxes looked on me, but i just can't look at myself in the mirror that way. i tried it exactly twice and um, probably never again. plus i went to bliss spa the 2nd time and it was like 80 or 90 bucks with tip - insane!
Keep it trimmed. Simple.

You can't expect people to go down there if they're going to feel as though they're entering some sort of tropical rainforest. :innocent:
definitely 2nd that...tropical rainforest like = argh

that being said wish manzillians were cheaper..haha, its leeching too much from my monthly cash
well what do you do if shaves and ther is spots that just bleed if you shave ?
^ nah that's totally normal. sometimes if there are ingrown hairs, and you shave over them, it can break the skin and cause it to bleed. i have sensitive skin & this happens sometimes.

your best bet is just to not shave so often. let the hair grow long enough that the ingrown hairs/razor bumps have gone away. also pull the skin taut.
yeah we girls are not allowed to have 'rainforests' but somehow its okay for guys :innocent:
thankfully i dont have that problem :rofl:
Hey, some guys (and girls) LIKE rainforests :p

For the Americans; how much does the average bikini wax cost? Does the caliber of the salon you get it done at matter?
^ nah that's totally normal. sometimes if there are ingrown hairs, and you shave over them, it can break the skin and cause it to bleed. i have sensitive skin & this happens sometimes.

your best bet is just to not shave so often. let the hair grow long enough that the ingrown hairs/razor bumps have gone away. also pull the skin taut.

It could be totally normal or it could be something else.
But fair point, I'm just not used to getting any spots down there.
^ you wax yourself? i applaud your bravery! :clap:
I find it more painful to epilate my legs than to wax my pubic area, to be honest:blush:

I think it's very important to use small wax strips, since you feel more pain by trying to remove a lot of pubic hair at once;)
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I shave down there. It used to be really a pain to do because I'd get a lot of ingrown hairs, but then I found a technique that really works for me and now it's easy and pain-free! ;) I shave with Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Daily Treatment Conditioner. I don't know why it works so good for me, but it does! I got the idea to use conditioner to shave with from when I bought a special shaving cream just for the pubic area. It said on the bottle that it could also be used as a conditioner. So I decided to try shaving with conditioner when I ran out of the special (and overpriced!) shaving gel, and the conditioner worked even better!
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