The Last Movie You Saw?

Has anyone seen Nightcrawler?

It's so odd... instantly reminds me of To Die For. It's not quite dark comedy, but there are moments in this film where the morbid, the immoral tones are darkly comedic in how absurdly, awkward but still grounded they are done. Amazing. Masterfully paced and deveolped. Jake Gyllanhael plays his character Lou as at once sympathetic, shrewd, observant, ambitious and psychopathic. and, wonderfully creepy. His chemistry with Rick, his assistant is amazing-- comedic and abusive.

Stellar performances and first-time direction all around. Kind of hated the ending for its satirical tone.
I watched a lot of movies at a Film Festival here, but these are some of them:

Wild. I really liked it, and I am not the biggest Reese Whiterspoon fan, but she is really great as Cheryl.
Birdman. Disappointing third act. Edward Norton is the best thing of the movie.
Before I disappear. Loved, loved it.
What we do in the shadows. Amazing, such a nice surprise.
Jauja. Boring, beautiful photography though.
Nannerl, la soeur de Mozart (Mozart's Sister). Pretty interesting.
Bad Teacher
The House Bunny
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt 1.
I have it, still need to watch it. How was it?

It was ok. A little too predictable "I have a terminal disease but I'll live life to the fullest" kind of movie, but Julianne is absolutely superb in it.
The Red Tent (part 1 & 2)

Technically, it's a TV movie, but it was still amazing. A lot of big names were in it--you've got to watch it.
Night and weekends. Loved it
The Skeleton twins. Bittersweet but both Wiig and Hader are amazing.
Predestination. Hated it
Nightcrawler. Really good and Gyllenhaal amazed me.
Mockingjay part I. Can't wait for the second part, this one was almost unnecessary.

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