The O.C.

I Think it was more like Ryan wanting to do something for someone like was done for him.
Woohooo I never knew there was an OC thread before...
Be prepared to hear alot from me. In my opinion, just cos the shows over doesnt mean we have to stop talking baout how much we all love it!

Quickly my thoughts on the last episode. I really liked it. I was very emotional. From when Summer gave Julie the locket to the end I sobbed, I just started crying and didnt stop. The only thing that annoyed me was how much they squeezed into one episode I dont see why they couldnt have just made a few more and spread it all out.
Generally Ive been unhappy with everything since Marissa died, the show just didnt seem the same to me. But overall, and this is gonna sound dramatic, the OC has been such a big part of my life it does almost feel like life wont go on without it. Obviously I know it will, I just loved this show with all me heart! Thank god for dvd's I'll just have to keep living in the past!
I loved the last episode!! I just think the last season in general was the best of the seasons. This sounds a little mean, but I think the show got better after Marissa was gone. She was always in trouble over something and was just in general very annoying to me :blush: I loved Ryan and Taylor together though! I never thought I would ever like her when she first showed up in season three but she turned out to be a great character :D

I actually liked the fact that season four was less dark and dramatic than the other ones. I think that's why I enjoyed it more and was even sadder to see the show end! :(
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Wow... you havent seen it yet. You are so lucky in a way... you still have heaps to look forward to. I miss the oc almost everyday!
Why do they always end the good shows that really should have carried on a few more seasons ... like the OC and SATC??? It's so annoying!
The show is on Soapnet now and sad to say I am addicted. I always amde fun of my friend for watching but it's so stupid... I cant turn it off.
^:lol: I know! I'm sure it's the most addictive show ever!
^ it is, since the first episode I was hooked :wub: I remember getting the 1st Season on DVD and not having seen it on television prior to that; watching the DVD set was better than biting into a delicious slice of cheesecake ^_^
i :heart: oc
but killing marissa....:yuk: what a stupid thing to do!!!
S4 just ended a couple of days ago... I seriously cried like a baby :cry: OC has been and still is such a big part of my life! I can't believe it's over...
^ me too :( thank goodness for the DVD's at least, but I do miss my weekly Thursday night highlight :(:(
I know :cry: It's just weird... You've seen them grow, go through ups and downs & now its like they all died, I mean no new stuff never ever. It's so depressing :(
but killing marissa....:yuk: what a stupid thing to do!!!
:rofl: Am I the only one who didn't really mind...? I mean I liked her, but the show went on without her fine. I liked Taylor better. :innocent:
no, you arent, I liked it without her better, things just flowed nicer without her terrible acting..and the whole rebel stuff was getting old.
I also thought the show improved dramatically with her gone. Part of the reason Season 1 rocked was because it wasn't all about Marissa. When the show became all Mischa all the time it became a bit painful for me.
hmm... Am I the only one now who thinks it was great with Marissa too? :huh: But I liked Season 4 aswell quite alot. I mean I loved Coop but she has gone through everything! There was nothing the creators could come up with anymore so I think it's quite the best for her to die. Although it was sad nevertheless.
Coop was my fave character in season 1 so I got sad with happened to here at the end of season 3 :(

but the show in general was addicitive due to Seth's jokes, Ryan's brooding and Summer's fashions; the music was also always very good. :p
season 4 sucked, otherwise the show would still be on. marissa wasn't the drama queen by choice... her parents split, her long term bfriend was cheating on her, then he slept with her mom...her father ran off... but her death was stupid... do you not remember that she and seth were the only ones who invited ryan into their lives, even though for the rest of OC he was just white trash... i am watching/downloading season 1, and it is very cute how ryan felt for her.
and though they had to kill marissa, they should have put some other girl, cos even though taylor is hilarious, seeing her and ryan was just so wrong. people think that coop was not realistic...what about seth and summer? they were so perfect as a copule, they seemed like it's some fairytale.

marissa may have been over troubled but she had big heart, and that is why i liked her. she loved ryan, she always wanted her familly to get back together, she was just gorgeous and damaged.

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