The Prestige


May 8, 2006
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Have you guys been hearing about this movie called The Prestige? It has Christian Bale AND Hugh Jackman as two magicians who are best friends but then come into conflict and the plot gets darker. They two of my favorite actors and I cannot wait to see this!! It also has Scarlett Johansson and a cameo by David Bowie!! You can see the trailer here. What do you think? Yum haha.
It looks really good and I love Hugh Jackman so I'll probably see it!
I cannot wait for this one. It looks fantastic and has such an awesome cast. Yay!!!!!!
yeah definitely!! i was thinking that it's like a battle between wolverine and batman set during the turn of the century haha (yes i am a big superhero dork). from the trailer, christian bale's character seems very dark, which i'm sure he will do a great job portraying.
I can't wait to see this film. I saw the trailer yesterday and was hooked :woot: :heart:
so i just saw it at a sneak preview!!! christian bale and hugh jackman were on the money - they are both sooooo talented and hot - and do such a great job portraying these flawed characters who become obsessed with each other's craft. i also loved the fact that the movie is set at the turn of the century, so there's a lot of cool things to look at - the whole theme of magic, street scenes, costume, etc. oh and don't forget scarlett - her performance really impressed me and she looks fab in the costume!

i just picked up the book too - and though i am only a few chapters in, it looks like christopher nolan did a superb job translating the complex story into a feature length movie. highly recommended!!!
I had heard about this movie before the filming began, and ever since, I've been curious to see how it would turn out.

Christopher Nolan did a great job directing Batman Begins, so I'm sure this movie will be great as well.
Spiral1532 - you can def see Nolan's touches as shown in Batman Begins because he also used the same editor and i thought it was smart to team up with him again, especially considering how confusing the story could have been, had it not been for Nolan's brilliant adaptation and the editing.

i just finished the book and i must say i actually prefer the way Nolan presents the story better than the way it is in the book, because it plays to the strength of the story in presenting the rivalry between Bale and Jackman's characters really well, and it helps that Nolan has the experience with Memento.

has anyone seen it yet? i am prob going to see it again b/c i started talking about some of the plot with my friends and we all came up with diff theories haha - its one of those movies that you love more as you watch it again - like Memento, i thought.

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