I find certain people's instant assumption that Tom Ford is making all this stuff up to be rather amusing. If YSL really was as "carefree" as some would like to believe, he (and Berge) wouldn't be spreading venom to every single major publication ever since the Gucci group took over his label. The two of them have always come across as complete A-holes, for the lack of a better term, and sound as if they were forced to sell the house with guns held next to their heads.
I'm sorry, but unless he happened to be another one of his "fragile" states (and whatever that means) the very moment he signed the papers, it was a mutual and completely willing decision on behalf of him.
Now, on to the newest bout of conflicts between him and Ford, I don't think the prospect of Tom Ford using these alleged letters against the old master would be in anyway a deterrent for YSL not to write them in the first place. For the record he's said countless blatantly biased, vicious comments to the press. If he could say such things in public, imagine what he'd spit out in private. However, it appears for some individuals, "throwing dirt" is completely harmless if it was done by YSL, but outright unacceptable if Tom Ford was doing it.
At least whenever Ford tosses out a criticism of any kind, it's most often supported by facts and logic, which is more than can be said about a certain disturbed, elderly, "fragile" figure.
And as far as I'm concerned, Ford certainly doesn't have to, and shouldn't, make the actual letters public. It'd be unprofessional and immoral to do so, as these matters are strictly personal matters between him and YSL.
As I've always said, I respect the hugely differences of opinion here regarding Tom Ford, but to display such an apparent bias against him, in whatever he does or says, is just downright silly.
I will say no more.
I'm sorry, but unless he happened to be another one of his "fragile" states (and whatever that means) the very moment he signed the papers, it was a mutual and completely willing decision on behalf of him.
Now, on to the newest bout of conflicts between him and Ford, I don't think the prospect of Tom Ford using these alleged letters against the old master would be in anyway a deterrent for YSL not to write them in the first place. For the record he's said countless blatantly biased, vicious comments to the press. If he could say such things in public, imagine what he'd spit out in private. However, it appears for some individuals, "throwing dirt" is completely harmless if it was done by YSL, but outright unacceptable if Tom Ford was doing it.

And as far as I'm concerned, Ford certainly doesn't have to, and shouldn't, make the actual letters public. It'd be unprofessional and immoral to do so, as these matters are strictly personal matters between him and YSL.
As I've always said, I respect the hugely differences of opinion here regarding Tom Ford, but to display such an apparent bias against him, in whatever he does or says, is just downright silly.
I will say no more.