The Small Boob Appreciation Thread

i used to want much bigger ones, but now, ive come to love my small boobs! hooray!
I am a full A-I used to be a lot smaller but I have grown- and I don't mind right now because I have a boyfriend and it is ok wearing padded bras and looking sexy!!But when I was single I was really scared ..I didn't wear padded bras because I didn't want to experience being mocked by a disappointed boyfriend..So being in a relationship has made me forget about my biggest insecurity!
I love small boobs. Mine aren't that small, I'm a 34B, but I hope they might become smaller as I've gone off the pill recently. The women in my family all have forever-growing boobs, it's really weird. My mum was a 32B when she was my age and is about a 36D now even though she still is the same size in clothes otherwise. I would hate for that to happen to me :(
i love small boobs. i have huge ones right now (34DD) but that's only because I put on weight during my finals at college :lol:. I can say from experience that small boobs are definitely preferable! I'm naturally a small B cup and CAN'T WAIT to get these bazookas off my chest!! Clothes looks worse and everything seems to make me look like a hoe bag so i try to wear higher-necked things to cover them up and end up looking like a sack of potatoes.

meh. love your small boobies if you're lucky enough to have them, and TRUST me, the grass is not greener on the other side!!
I'm pretty petite myself, I'm 5 ft 1/2 inch.... and I used to want bigger boobs at least in the B range... but I've learned to embrace what I have. Thinking about having bigger boobs seems so unnatural to me now, and I feel it would look strange on me. So I've grown to appreciate what I do have. And I have something, not a lot but--just enough.
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Mine are 32B but i would be happy with As, no bigger than Cs though cause i don't want backaches and creepy men oggling.
My friend has big boobs and i couldn't help but giggle when she tried on a t-shirt at the shop which had a big print of a pin up lady lying on her back with her legs in the air. When she came out wearing it, you could only see the lady's feet lol. The whole image was lost under them.
Men don't really care anyways, as one previous poster said, it's all about the as$!! And i've got plenty of that lol.
Itty Bitty Titty Committee! ha... I use to be jealous of women with big boobs, but I have embraced the small ones. Personally, I think small boobs are chic haha. I'd rather have small boobs than really big ones
Personally, and being a guy, I don't think there's anything wrong with having small boobs and I don't think anyone should feel ashamed for that reason. Actually I don't understand what all the fuss is about having large breasts.
yeah if you're large chested you pretty much can't wear anything...but isn't that the point?! ahahaha
yeah if you're large chested you pretty much can't wear anything...but isn't that the point?! ahahaha

too my experience, my big boobs either looks hideous or obscene in pretty much everything :cry: i get really depressed about them sometimes, i'd give anything to be a member of the ittybittytitty committee :blush:
Too true. IMO, no boobs look better than having too much boobs. I saw this one time in television, a TV star who's had several breast augmentation surgeries has 40-G boobs. Goodness gracious, her boobs look like they'll explode any minute and flood the place with icky silicon! it's disgusting.
34A...yep. I actually find it an asset, because some clothes just hang better when you have a flat chest. Not strapless, though...
I love my 34B boobs, I think smaller is way sexier and elegant, I find bigger boobs are very p*rn star-ish....although its whats most men like..& heidi montag too :lol:
My boobs are different in size... I hear it's normal but they are really different in size. Perhaps a cup difference? They're still small. I wish I had bigger boobs so my body wouldn't look so pear-shaped. I'm still thin but my upper body looks childish... very childish in comparison with my hips.
too my experience, my big boobs either looks hideous or obscene in pretty much everything :cry: i get really depressed about them sometimes, i'd give anything to be a member of the ittybittytitty committee :blush:

Hand those boobs over to me, and you can have my AA. :flower:

Did you say small boobs or nonexistant boobs? Maybe you'll only give me some, and not all. haha.
Hand those boobs over to me, and you can have my AA. :flower:

Did you say small boobs or nonexistant boobs? Maybe you'll only give me some, and not all. haha.

Oh boy i'm a size AA too :ninja:

I would love to be an A or a small B :doh:
I'm sorry, Jovial. No disrespect. haha. After I put a shirt/dress on, my boobs completely disappear.. :(
My boobs are different in size... I hear it's normal but they are really different in size. Perhaps a cup difference?
Mine are very different in size, too. That's the one thing I don't like about my breasts. I feel very uncomfortable going braless because I'm convinced other people can tell they're different. When I lose or gain weight they both get equally smaller or bigger, they never get symmetric. So unfair :lol:

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