I think I'm definitely the smallest chested girl I know. It's a lot more comfortable that's for sure but it's so depressing when you're shopping for evening dresses. And I disagree that it's easier to keep on tube tops....they're a hazard to me!!
I hated my small chest since forever. My grandparents had three daughters. Two took on the shape of my grandma (who was curvy) and one took on the shape of my grandpa (lean, slim and thin). My mum was that lucky one. And thus, I am also a beanpole. My mum has always said that breasts are beautiful and nobody will find me very attractive if I never wear paddded bras (not that I fill them anyway). So I've had that drummed into my head since I was about 12. She's also supportive if I want surgery.
10 years later and I'm the exact same size. Non-existent breasts prove to be a relationship hurdle when it comes to dating and boyfriends. I do feel like I'm falsely advertising. It makes me very self conscious....especially in those situations where you can't cover youself. I mean, they don't get in the way-which is a big bonus but still, it takes a pretty mature guy to see tiny breasts and go 'you're so beautiful'. In a way, I find that this acts as a guy selection device. Chances are, the guy who sticks around is the guy who will have no problem understanding that a beautiful female figure is not just Pamela Anderson.
Other good things:
1. Guys will never stare at your boobs when you're talking
2. You never have the issue of 'mono-boob'
3. They never 'rub' (we'll never know what that means!)
4. You can sleep in any position and it will be comfy
5. During 'the monthly' event, your boobs aren't sore! From what I've heard it can be horribly uncomfortable if you have bigger boobs
6. It's easier to appear 'stylish' and chic when you have smaller boobs. Not saying big girls aren't fashionable, just saying the majority of fashion images are of small chested people
7. When you go to concerts-there's less potential of getting elbowed in the boob and injured!
I think breasts are such an obvious mark of the female form so for a small breasted person like myself, you tend to develop other ways of showing your feminimity and learn to accentuate other features.