The World of Nicole (please put all Richie news here)

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oh man. i've been one of the people in the pregnancy thread saying she was for a while, but now that its confirmed. oh god, she'll be a worse mother than britney spears
i can see this about a year down the road with nicole back out partying, and her and joel split with joel now taking charge of the losing faith in the's all so whack!
i can see this about a year down the road with nicole back out partying, and her and joel split with joel now taking charge of the losing faith in the's all so whack!'s all sooooo predictable!!:blink:
I am surprised she actually got pregnant...I just didn't think she was still getting her period...and
i was so an advocate for her not being pregnent so i bguess ill just stick my foot in my mouth! but i agree with above that i for one am shocked she she had her period to even get pregnent
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden will be welcoming a son this winter, according to In Touch Weekly.
On July 25, Nicole, then 16-weeks-pregnant, had an ultrasound at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA. Nic learned she has a December 30 due date and will be having a boy!
“She’s having fun planning for the baby — shopping, picking out names and designing a nursery,” a friend says.
Nicole and Joel also recently picked up a white Chanel blanket, a white Glaser “I ♥ NY” bib, and a white onesie with gold fleur-de-lis with a matching hat and blanket (the baby’s rumored take-home outfit from the hospital).
UPDATE: Nicole found out she was pregnant with a home pregnancy test! Watch the video here.
“I didn’t believe it,” she said. “It was my best friend and I, and we were at her house. And she was like, ‘You’re definitely pregnant.’”

source; justjared
Looks like Joel has been eating for two aswell.

She seems sweet, happy and mature.

At least she takes responsiblity unlike other celebrities :innocent:
I DVR'd the "Good Morning America" interview and just watched it now. I thought that Nicole sounded mature and intelligent (except for over-use of the word "like" which Joel laughed at). Unlike Paris, Lindsay, and Britney, I believe Nicole when she says she has learned her lesson and will change. She looked really beautiful and healthy too, and I am excited to hear more about that during the 20/20 segment tomorrow evening.
I think Joel had a positive influence over her and forced her to take responsibility...she's lucky to have him. If she didn't she would be acting as spoiled and in denial as Paris/Lindsay....she really stands alone right now.
Friday Won't Be Fry Day for Nicole

Posted Aug 3rd 2007 1:44PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Nicole Richie
Contrary to speculation, TMZ has learned Nicole Richie will NOT go to jail tonight.

Reports circulated this morning that Nicole would turn herself in later in the day, but ain't gonna happen.

As TMZ first reported, Nicole will do her time at the Lynwood jail ... the joint Paris made world famous.

If she didn't she would be acting as spoiled and in denial as Paris/Lindsay....she really stands alone right now.

Acting is the key word. I don't know that I believe she truly has learned her lesson and is going to change or if it all is an ACT...I mean I thought she seemed mature and responsible (not to mention recovered) before the whole wrong-way on the freeway incident.
I just cannot explain it, but I really believe her. I am just sensing a genuine desire from her to change. For one thing, she looked Diane Sawyer in the eyes. Britney and Lindsay and even Paris always look away and act flustered when they are interviews and are asked questions they might not want to answer. Nicole seemed strong, sincere, and confident. Only time will tell if she has changed, but I am buying it for now.
Well Nicole just came off more mature than Paris for various reasons...and she also did attend college and graduate high school unlike the other two, so maybe that really does have an affect on how one handles them self in front of the media...not vastly but...
Well Nicole just came off more mature than Paris for various reasons...and she also did attend college and graduate high school unlike the other two, so maybe that really does have an affect on how one handles them self in front of the media...not vastly but...
I had no idea about that! Where did she go to school? What did she major in? You taught me something new. :lol:
^ She went to the University of Arizona for 2 years studying Arts and Media. It's a party school (of course) but still better than nothing at all :p
^ Definitely! At least the intention was there at some point. :lol:

Has anyone seen her and Joel's home videos documenting the pregnancy? They played a lot of clips on 20/20, and they were very adorable.
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