The X-Men Film Series

Promo Pics HQ´s
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Movie & Production Stills HQ´s interview with Taylor Kitsch aka Gambit :smile:
(only the part where he´s talking about Wolverine)

Aside from F.N.L., you have a new project: Wolverine. It’s your first major film role. How did it go?
I knew it was the gig, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of gig to get. I had an amazing time and I learned so many things from Hugh Jackman. We have really good chemistry. Hopefully, you’ll see that. I was telling Hugh the other day: if I could have the same career path he’s had with Wolverine, of playing this guy over the span of 10 years, that would be just a dream. I would murder to play Gambit again.
Movie got leaked on internet :o DVD Quality :lol:
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OMG I read about that! Crazy - did you see it?!?!

I'm SO excited...and not just because Gambit is in it :P My favorite X-Men character EVER!!!
I read that it´s an incomplete version of the movie, a "workprint"... :(
anyway, I rather see it in the cinema first :smile:
I would definately rather see this at the movies than leaked online... I need Gambit in full screen glory! :stuart: :heart:
I don't like who they chose for Gambit at all. Plus they ruined the original story again.

But it was good. I saw the leak at a friends; the guy who plays Remy put on a very small Cajun accent. His role was small in the film but I was happy with it =)
Heh anyone would have been better. And makeup can do wonders, I like Josh was my choice as well :heart:
^he´s a little old to play Gambit :lol:

Really? I think he would have been perfect :crush:


I just had to wipe drool from my lips.


google images


  • x3gambit7mhpp8.jpg
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Yummm...nice pics! :smile:

My brother managed to download the leaked version but he refuses to let me see it because he thinks it'll ruin it. Anyway, it's a working copy...would def rather see the finished version with Wolvie, Gambit & Deadpool in all their big screen glory! :P
It wasn't that bad of a copy guys, you could see wires a couple times and there was some missing CGI but other then that it was in really good shape.
I'm SO excited...and not just because Gambit is in it :P My favorite X-Men character EVER!!!

Gambit is the only reason why I can't wait to see this film. :lol:

I like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. But Wolverine, the character in general? He's ok. He was never one of my favorite X-Men.
I just came from the cinema. This movie is great! Specially if you love the comic books, the pages come to life, snikt snikt ^_^
Love Gambit, favourite character of all times! too little screen time for my taste :doh: Deadpool kick a$$ as well and of course THE WOLVERINE :woot:
I´m going to see it again next week :lol:

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