Thigh high boots

This may sound a little weird, but are there any short ppl here who have a pair of thigh highs which fit them well? Would like to have some suggestions. I am 5'2 btw, I know my leg doesnt stretch for miles, but I'd like to join in the fun :D
I'm a fellow shorty gateau (just under 5'2") and ordered those thigh highs from Topshop yesterday so will let you know. Are your legs quite short? My friend at work is quite short because she has quite short legs, but I'm lucky that my legs are in proportion, it's just all of me that's been "scaled down" haha. I like to think I'm small but perfectly formed, hehe
I ordered the Topshop Britany2 also. They arrived last week & are nice for the money. I got the suede version & liked them so much, I ordered them in leather too. They should be here around the end of this week.
I'm a fellow shorty gateau (just under 5'2") and ordered those thigh highs from Topshop yesterday so will let you know. Are your legs quite short? My friend at work is quite short because she has quite short legs, but I'm lucky that my legs are in proportion, it's just all of me that's been "scaled down" haha. I like to think I'm small but perfectly formed, hehe

lol i don't know.. i think my legs are proportional :blush: at least i would like to think so hahah... but i'm just scared it won't be tight enough and hold well..

ohh.. do you think the suede will look bad after heavy use over time in comparison to the leather one?
I'm sure you'll be fine, definitely go to a few shops and try a few just so you get an idea of fit though. One of the reasons I'm going for the Topshop ones is because they're not as tall (in fit, not heel) as others. It seemed like a safe option really.

Suede I think should be OK. I'm really festidious with my shoes and really take care of them. Suede for me's the only option as I think leather can look a bit too fetishy if not worn with the right outfits.
I want some over the thigh boots but I can't seem to find any locally. Perhaps I will also have to resort to ordering online
Where abouts are you Caramel_Diva77?

Got my Topshop thigh highs today. Only wore them briefly before I went out, but they fit really nicely, the length is fine although it will take some getting used to, it feels a bit alien to me. As boots go, though, these are amazing, pretty good value too.
Hopefully some other members here are from Memphis who might be able to help :)
ok i have the weirdiest question ever...
I got my stella mc cartney boots, worried like hell that they would be enromously high like the ones on rhinna but suprisingly they arent! they are just above my knee cap...almost 1/4 of my thigh..did stella mc cartney produce different versions of the boots?
rosalynn- that's good to know! i'm about 5'4" and was looking for some suede thigh highs. i'm still trying to plan outfits around them since i def don't want to come across as the sl*tty look.. i'm thinking black tights, black leggings, black skinnies will look good with them. do you have any mod pics??
Im dying to get some flat black thigh-high suede boots, available online for shipping to Germany... any ideas/suggestions ? Your help would be hiiiiighly appreciated :flower:
Hey pinkprincess113, I don't have any modelling pics but I wore them properly for the first time tonight. Wore them with thick black tights, a Paul & Joe jersey dress and black cardie. I'm definitely always gonna pair them with thick black tights and I thought the colourful, breezy dress helped tone down the look.
has anybody bought the Topshop Dusk boots? they are black suede over the knee flat boots. I was thinking about getting them, but it's such a gamble when you don't get the chance to try them on.

Also, has anybody seen Alfie? I always thought the absolutely perfect pair of thigh highs were the ones that sienna miller wore in her first outfit. you don't get to see much of them but they seem to be a very supple, soft leather with a kitten heel (a nice balance, kept them from looking too overt).

Actually, I always wanted to know who made those....does anybody have any idea?
Kiwiprince- I saw those boots you are talking about! I really like them, but I haven't seen any mod pics or anything of them...

Rosalynn- Here's a great idea to wear the topshop boots! I really love how it looks rocker chic instead of "sluttified" here :)

Ooh, that's a really good look I think. I've been thinking about stuff to wear with them all day (lol), I think they're pretty versatile really but I'm never going to wear them without tights or leggings. I've got loads of tunics though so I think I'm sorted, haha.
Source of Article:
The Thigh High Boots = Pretty Woman/Hooker comparison needs to STOP.

I'm very active on Twitter. Every evening, I check the web for the latest news and blog updates regarding boots (and gloves) and post the links. Since thigh high boots are the THING for the F/W 2009 season, there's a massive deluge of daily info. Mainstream media and their inane 'Trend Reports', and the countless fashion blogs - all weighing in on their opinions of the 'Thigh Boot Trend'.It's been a Bootlovers BONANZA! I can barely keep up! In my entire adult life - and I'll be 40 in a few weeks - I have never witnessed such an all encompassing devotion to exotic boots by the fashion world. EVERY magazine is promoting boots in their Fall issues - and it's HOT boots too!
Thankfully, it's not like last year, with the no-heel designs and the hideous 'open-toe' bull**** that 99.9% of us righteously hated. The only criticism I can direct at the 'trend' is the prices. Did you think The Little Shoe Box was expensive? You may want to lean towards the fainting couch. Average prices for the seriously 'must have' boots range from $1400 - $4000 USD. Fashion confirms what us custom-whores already knew - boots are an EXPENSIVE fetish.

I suspect the 'glove guys' are laughing their ***es off - they've always known the score.
But it's not the prices that are getting me down. It's the 'thigh boots = wh*re' thinly-veiled slant that so many of these fashion writers have.
For once - it's not the boys I want to throttle, it's other WOMEN who are doing this. They are using a silly rom-com called 'Pretty Woman' as a comparison, and a put-down.

Pretty Woman was released in 1990. How many other films released in 1990 can you name off-hand? I'm a SciFi film geek and even I can't think of any w/o checking IMDB. Those boots made a hell of an impression on our cultural psyche. Unfortunately, it only enforced the "thigh boots = hooker" mentality that so many outsiders have. While countless male boot fetishists swoon over that film/poster - it only made acceptance for female boot lovers much harder than it already is.

That so many 'fashion editors' are mentioning Pretty Woman in their 'trend' write-ups only shows their age. The majority of women who are devouring the latest fashion trends were in grade school in 1990 - they wouldn't give a **** about an old Julia Roberts film if it wasn't for its continual mention by fashion 'experts'.
It ANGERS me that while a whole new generation of young women are being introduced to exotic boots - the 'wh*re' stereotype is still being dumped on their heads. It's intimidating - and it's scaring them away from wearing the high-end fashion boots that are filling the fashion shops right now.

I have a request. It's not a solution of the problem - but I believe every bit helps.
Your mission - should you accept it. When I post all of these "Fashion Trend' links on Twitter, and if you pick up the 'thigh boots = wh*re' vibe in any of the editorials, please respond in their Comments. Do NOT let the innuendo slide. If a woman has the nerve to post about how much she loves the new trend but is afraid to wear the boots - encourage her (not: U LUK FKING HOT in BOOTS!!! - Be A Gentleman!). If she posts pics on her blog - give her a compliment. The most important thing: give them props for wearing gorgeous boots. For every comment you make, there's hundreds reading it.
The thigh boots trend won't last - trends never do. Next year we may be back to clunky-heeled boring inanity and we'll have to wait another decade before wild boots are 'hot' again. Let's be the Boot Ambassadors! The women who are just beginning to love boots may be the boot designers ten years from now!
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