Toni Garrn

So finally here's the last part of the ndr interview in english:

(They are still talking about how she was discovered, see second part of the translation.)
But what did you do then? I mean, you were 13 years old...
I turned 14 a couple of weeks later.
So you were 14 and contractually capable so to speak...
I was...which grade was I in? Ninth? I don't know. I still continued to go to school obviously, but I did test shoots every other month, and then one year later I spent a whole month in New York. I got to know my NY agency and they sent me to the most important clients, Calvin Klein above all. It was the agency's goal from the very beginning to get the show and the campaign, and then it happened one month later. And that was how it all started...
That's absolutely crazy!
Yeah, and I really wasn't aware of it. I just did what they told me. Dress like this, get into that car, go to this and that casting. And I was like 'Ok, I don't know this, I don't know why, where is Calvin Klein,'s not the same person any more' I had no idea.
But you did your Abitur in 2010, so it worked to combine school and modeling?
I really worked a lot in 2007, 2008 and 2009. I told my agency that when I wanted to do my Abitur I wouldn't be able to do all the shows, so I skipped two seasons and ... studied.

You were born in Hamburg, then moved to England with your family, then back to Hamburg...
...then to Greece
no, I went to Athens first.
So Athens first, then England...
no, London, Athens, then back to Hamburg
Yeah...that's what I meant... How much does it help you to have grown up so internationally?
Incredibly much. I think my career wouldn't have been possible without that. I first learned writing and reading in English, that's why I often feel less comfortable being interviewed in German, because I grew up with English and giving interviews internationally. It helped me a lot to understand different cultures, different people. People took my seriously at the beginning and thought I was American. And I've always liked traveling a lot. I never got homesick in my whole life, never.
And you also speak French, we saw that in the video...
Well...that really shows off my best side in the video, whoever made that, thank you. [ironically]
Do you also speak Greek?
No... I can count to ten. And that's it. And I can say good night. My dad always said 'Karl is nich da' [means 'Karl is not there' and is supposed to be a joke because it sounds similar to 'Kalinikta].

[another video about an air guitar contest in NY, not related to Toni at all]

So, it feels like we're in New York, too, now! And Toni, you're a big fan of playing the air guitar...
Sure, I do that all the time. [sarcastically] ... I've never done it.
when dancing
No, I don't do that.
How do you live in NY?
I live in the West Village, I'm never here [points to the studio background showing Central Park], that's too far uptown for me, but it's beautiful. I've been there like three times in my life, I should go there more often. I prefer Washington Square Park near my home, that's where I walk around more often, or along the Westside Highway.
Your brother just visited you...
He's still there, he'll be staying for a couple of months.
So what did you show him?
Everything! I showed him around and was like 'you have to go there and there, this is the coolest place...'
So tell us two or three things!
Uhm, what did I tell him? How to... well, NY is the easiest city to be on one's own, to get to know people and to find things, and it's my favorite city... so, I don't know, my favorite bakery, my favorite running route, a good place for him to go shopping...things like that. But he gets along well on his own.
And just sitting around in Central Park...
Yeah, he should do this, I'll tell him later.

You're half-vegan?
I do eat fish, but no meat and no dairy.
And no eggplants either I read?
What? I like eggplants, but I hate mushrooms.
So you're trying to...
I can't cook, I wish I could, but it's so easy in NY to find delicious food that's healthy, it's more difficult in Germany. And in Burkina Faso I had to stick to bread, but I love bread, so it's ok.
How important is it for you to have a permanent home in NY and to be able to say 'That's home'?
I like to say that in interviews, but I'm only there for a third of the year max... so, I have the biggest wardrobe there, let's put it like this. But I'm not there that often. Most of my work I do there, but most of the time I'm on a plane.
So how do you deal with the jet lag?
I realize I'm getting older, I really am jet lagged now and I never was a couple of years ago. But now I have to take a nap for lunch...I never did that before. And I never took a sleeping pill in my whole life.
That's how it starts...
I never did it! But maybe I need it now.

You don't want to talk about your relationship with Leo DiCaprio...
We accept that of course, you want to keep it private. But is NY home for you becase you can keep things private there?
You can be very private there. You always bump into celebs and nobody's interested in them in NY. New Yorkers are used to it or maybe they are too proud, I don't know, but you're really used to having a huge film set on the street and it's first of all getting on people's nerves, like 'there's a film set in my street AGAIN' and they pass it by bike and start yelling, they would never stop and stare. The only people to take pictures are tourists.
When it comes to paparazzi, to what extent are you willing to play the game?
Honestly, 99% of the time I didn't see them at all. The pics are always very surprising, that's why they are also often very unflattering.
Not true...
They really are pros. In restaurants, they are completely hidden. I'm always surprised. But you can't choose and you can't do anything against it, it's best to just lead your life and hope that there are less of them one day.
Do you have a favorite place in the world to really retreat from the world?
The Alster in Hamburg. In Hamburg I'm really relaxed, run around, nothing gets on my nerves ever...I love Hamburg, really... even though I love NY too and I'm not often annoyed there either, so I really feel at home wherever I am, I always say 'I'm going home' when I just go back to my hotel room.
In Hamburg you share your apartment with your brother?
Yes, we share both apartments.
Is he as good-looking as you are?
One could think that we are twins, yes?
And he's very tall, too?
Even taller,and I have 8 cousins they are even taller than him.

Being Karl Lagerfeld's muse, what does that mean to you?
Uhhm...Of course it's a huge honor, I love Karl. Everything he has created, he's an idol for me, working with him is always lots of fun. He has several muses though, he works a lot with different people and I haven't seen him in a while.
Is it an accolade in the modeling world to work with him?
Sure, of course.
And then there was this show you did by Victoria's Secret...
It's every year.
It's every year, but that was the first show you did...are these milestones in your career? Can you say 'She made it' after walking for VS?
I think people see it that way. VS is very well known internationally. Being German I didn't really grow up with it. But as I said, I didn't grow up with any model dreams, I never wanted to become a model and when I got approached, I didn't even know what Vogue was. But when I was very successful in NY, everybody was like 'You need to work for VS, but you're only 17, you're still not allowed to', so I went there when I turned 18, and from 19 on I did the show every year and it's really a lot of fun. I love doing the show, all of my girls do it, too, we can do what we want on the runway, we can laugh as much as we want on the runway, you really feel like a princess with wings.
Is there something you don't like about yourself?
A lot of things. For example... Uhm... [thinking]
So, nothing really.
Of course! A lot of things, but I don't want to say them, I don't want the media to report that I'm nit-picking or something like that.
Right, one has to be a bit careful... I mean: Ears perfect, nose perfect...
My ears are very sharp. Somebody made fun of me and said I had ears like a dwarf.
One last question: Do you have a plan for a future? Like, five years of modeling and then a family and kids?
No, no, I have no plans, I told you before, I fly to LA on Monday and that's all I know, really.
Out in LA yesterday


I just can't with her style, it's getting only worse. :(
Those pants, those shoes, that polyester looking top. HIRE A STYLIST already.
We should accept that she doesn't have a sense for style. She simply does not care and i don't she would hire a stylist EVER.
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We should accept that she doesn't have a sense for style. She simply does not care and i don't she would hire a stylist EVER.

You're right, she just doesn't care. In this Grazia interview summary I posted on the last page she says: 'I love fashion, but I don't want to feel disguised on the street'.
BUT: there are a few styling rules that don't have anything to do with being disguised or too dressed up. Easy rules about shapes and patterns that make an outfit aesthetically pleasing to look at. One of these rules: If wearing loose pants, wear a tighter top and vice versa. The pants she's wearing would look so much better already if she had picked a tight tank instead of this granny blouse. I know she doesn't get her money for being perfectly styled on the street but for wearing what other people want her to wear, but being known for having absolutely no sense of style as a model can't be an option, really.
Even people who are not famous have stylists. She's in the spotlight more than ever because of her relationship with Leo. With the right stylist she could be extending the shelf life of her career, and receiving even more opportunities for herself. Working with a stylist, especially for events!, is just a smart move. She's such a stunning woman, but her style drags her down.
I know everybody just wants to forget these pants even exist, but can somebody ID them? Just out of curiosity?
Victoria's Secret

victoriassecret via LeGator & LenoreX/Bellazon

She looks so stunning in these recent VS shots. Best she's ever looked for VS, except for the Swim stuff. :wub:
^ I think she only had this one shoot so far, I hope there will be more to come.

Grazia Germany July 10, 2014

scanned by Love B. Cumberbatch on Bellazon

It says the pic with the chignon and the red dress is from when they shot the Mango campaign! :heart:

Interview (boy, interview overload at the moment!:(

Walking the runway for Mango seems to be a lot of fun for you. Aren't you annoyed that most people are even more interested in paparazzi pictures?
It's a bit difficult. I hope I am perceived as a person of my own and not as a mannequin only. In private I wear what I want though - if it's necessary I wear the same shirt three days in a row when I need to travel spontaneously. I love fashion, but I don't want to feel disguised on the street.

You're hardly ever in the same city for more than a few days. Can you relax a little more in Hamburg?
I think so, yes. In New York I'm out and about more often, also in clubs and restaurants. At home I prefer to be at my grandma's, just lying on the couch and being myself. She always says: 'Girl, eat a bit of chicken fricassee!' (laughs) Then I have to tell her that I haven't eaten meat for four years. All my grandparents are still alive and I have a lot of relatives, so I'm really busy eating cake already.

Where can you move more freely, in Hamburg or in NY?
In New York, people there are too proud to admit that they recognized you, or they just don't care because you aren't anything special amongst all the other models anyway.

Doesn't being surrounded by beautiful people every day make you a bit dull sometimes?
Oh, we're not always beautiful. You should see us after fashion month, when we have all these extension and bleached eyebrows. We look like boots and don't feel like dressing up anymore.

Are the other models friends or colleagues for you?
Most of them are friends actually. We see each other every day when I'm in NYC. My best friend is a doctor though and she lives in LA, I often don't see her for three months or so. That's why I want to spend the whole month of July in there, I won't be as busy then.

What are you looking forward to the most in LA?
Doing nothing! Just hanging out, driving in my car, baking...Even better perhaps: learning how to cook, there's definitely room for improvement. Oh, and I'm looking forward to putting my things back in the wardrobe, instead of packing and unpacking all the time.

Apart from orderliness, which German virtues - or clichés - do you fulfill?
I'm always on time and very accurate. My mum is very accurate, too - when it comes to my money. Many of my American friends always say 'Oh, true, I almost forgot you're German' whenever i accomplish something. My family on the other hand is already annoyed because I'm too American already. I don't know if this is very German, but I'm also very faithful.

Are you a friend for life?

Is this also true for your relationship with Leonardo di Caprio?
I don't talk about my private life. Never. One of your colleagues recently told me that it would be unfair if I didn't tell him anything but the journalist after him a lot. I'm here for work.

Do people send you a lot of script because you're dating a Hollywood star?
Yes. I read everything, also because I want to learn about these things. But acting is a lot more intense than modeling. If I have the passion and the talent for it one day, I'd love to do it. But not at all costs. I don't need to see my face somewhere more often than I already see it. I get asked a lot if I want to run through the picture or play a bartender. I really don't feel like doing something like that, it's so stupid.

Your brother Niklas is living with you in NYC at the moment. Does it work?
Absolutely, but I'm never home anyway. He is going to stay for 3 months, but we share the apartment in Hamburg anyway and are very close.

Did you also have trouble at some point?
Sure, but always because of little things only. I only realize now how messy he really is. I'm not that tidy, but I would really appreciate it if he didn't change in the middle of the room and leave all his clothes on the floor afterwards.

You're a regular at Hollywood Partys. Are there still people you're really in awe of?
Beyoncé! She came over to me at the met ball and was like 'Hi, I'm Beyoncé, nice to meet you!' I was completely speechless. I went over to Jourdan Dunn immediately, but she was really cool, she already knew her. With my German friends I would have run into the next room and screamed. She's a goddess. Rihanna is awesome, too, but she is a bit more approachable, I had a great time talking to her. (laughs)

Do you also like her music?
Sure, but I also adore the Gipsy Kings! Everybody finds that weird, but Latin Music is really relaxing for me, dancing to it is like vacation for me!

Would you like to confess more dark secrets? Trash TV you can't live without for example?
I don't even own a TV and I only watch 'Modern Family'. So luckily I never watch all these gossip magazines either.

Does it annoy you to be defined based on your looks only?
Of course. In my case, there are a lot more advantages than disadvantages though. I'm surely not the first person they turn to when it comes to serious topics or to interviewing somebody really smart. But I like to convince people to the contrary. That's also why I started caring for projects that are important to me.


If your mirror could talk to you, what would it say?
In the bathroom? First of all it would scream: Clean me! And than it would advise me to do my make up differently for a change...

And your cell phone?
Haha, it would say: Toni, you don't have any new messages, leave me alone!
Does anyone know where her best friend, the doctor is? I always tought her best friend is Ali Stephens?
^I was surprised that she calls somebody else her best friend,too.
Her name is Jamie;
Didn't know she was a doctor though.
Are you sure?? I always tought she is a stylist. With that amount of travelling and partying. What a surprise!
Found her. She is from Salt Lake City and does modeling too.
exploretalent / markiantoscer.tumblr


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^Her hair looks amazing in the 2nd and 3rd picture. The best since she's had it cut short.

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