Trend Zeitgeist: what's next for cutting edge?

fixoid said:
i think the change in fashion trends is driven by the internet.

every niche under the stars has a myspace, an msn group, a live journal community and a vast panoply of blogs all devoted to pushing its agenda without the constraints of time and space*. this has several consequences, most of which i am to lazy/stupid to go in to.
some of these consequences should contribute to the above fragmentation, lack of direction and reduced life span of trends as the world is reduced to one desperate, pyrrhic sh*tfight for eyeballs.this attention melee crates a massive arms race for content, forcing people to hop from one new extreme to next shiny thing at an ever accelerating pace, messing with the delicate sociological factors that create trends by giving everyone to much information and to many choices all time.

it has become very simple to discover, imitate and participate in any sort of culture one wishes to.

i love being wrong.

*that and the fact that a bunch of hormonal teenagers, raised on mtv, microsoft windows and redbull is in charge of this environment (imagine being choosing to look at billions of melted lego bricks all screaming "look at me, look at me !!!").

I have to agree with the point, internet does have some impact on fashion.
fixoid said:
i think the change in fashion trends is driven by the internet.

every niche under the stars has a myspace, an msn group, a live journal community and a vast panoply of blogs all devoted to pushing its agenda

it has become very simple to discover, imitate and participate in any sort of culture one wishes to.

why do you object this last underlined phrase fixoid?

i generally agree with you view, i just find it interesting in developing a new -even though overpacked- creative 'universe', while from your post above you give me the impression of being a bit dissapointed by whats been going on

(excuse my tired english)
while i take a negative tone, i consider the assertions from my last post to be largely positive.

Lena said:
why do you object this last underlined phrase fixoid?

i do not object to this truthiness. i think it is a wonderful thing, for without this distraction i may become bored.

it is both an very good and a very bad time to be a "creative". the term is moving into very uncreative territory of late. at the moment we might be placing to much focus on trying really really hard to be creative. forcing creativity is most often a futile exercise, producing only stucco shadows of real unforced creative acts* (see deviant art for examples).(at some stage i would like to think more about how things like flickr and blogs force people to create and huge glut of user generated media flooding the internet)
i guess, even though there are more artists, more designers, more photographers and more creatives, more exposed than at any other time in history, i feel like there are less creations that warrant appreciation. i feel like many of these people are more focus on being perceived as "creative" than they are on creating.

*please excuse romantic illusions i still hold dear.

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