Trends You Are Sick Of #2

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I'm tired of:

studs on everyting
headbands with flowers
shredded jeans and leggings/tights

totally agree.
also sick of boot cut
sheer everything-it's embarrassing
low rise
"motorcycle" style
sausage tops(so tight and cropped and baby sleeves you feel like you're wearing sausage casing)
heels(especially spike heels-unless they're very expensive and well made and worn for an occasion-ie. fancy dinner or awards ceremony)
fake hair color(black,bleach blond)
western anything
I normally couldn't care less what others wear.

I'm putting myself on a limb here...but as devastating as they look, I'm getting sick of seeing all the stars of fashion week streetstyle...Huynh, Lamphear et. al. in black black black/shoulders shoulders shoulders/minis minis minis/legs legs legs/booties booties booties.

It's such an easy way out...I mean come on, these people are supposed to be creative, leaders in fashion! Where is the creativity??? I see nothing but following.
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I'm way beyond over (and never was into) all the bad copies of the chanel 2.55. It's an absolute insult to the brand and everywhere sells these unoriginal fake things in all sorts of awful colours and designs... leave quilted chained handbags to chanel!
Shoes that are like horse hooves, those giant clomping platform things. Like the Alexander Mcqueen shoes that Lady Gaga wears and everyone designer has their own version of. I'm sick of seeing ugly shoes. It makes me want to walk in the street barefoot. I'm not a horse. Seeing everyone in blogs fawning over shoes like this makes me feel like I'm crazy pills.
- Boots in the summer. IMO it looks really stupid.
- Anything with a label printed on it so you will notice the label. Regardless if it is bags, t-shirts or shoes. It's not classy or pretty in any way.
- Young girls, who doesn't dress their age. I don't think it's OK to wear superhigh heels, short-short skirts, sexy garments etc., when you are 12 fx. And yes, it happens. In my town at least.
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excessively high platforms, i mean the ones that noone can actually walk in normally.
short hair - it just isn't flattering on most girls
the jewellery/ hair accessories that have a gold chain with a ribbon threaded through it
80's inspired apparel, I'm sick of the overly bright clothes....they hurt my eyes...

My darling, clearly either someone shoved you into a chair, and in a method reminscent of the mental cleansing in A Clockwork Orange, they forced your eyes open with prongs, and basically flashed 200,000 Vogue images into your eyes and every 40th frame a big circle with a line through it, or you are basically throwing up your hands and saying "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT ALL!!!" Your post, while giggle inducing and extreme, is hardly pertinent. It's off topic. You are basically ranting against not only trends, but against things that could be constructed as mainstays, so perhaps one could argue it's and style in general you're sick of? Unless you're walking around in a toga all day long, or perhaps a habit, I'm sure you own many of the things you're railing against. It's hilarious, but confusing. What is it that REALLY bothers you? Sounds like you need a break from the whole enchilada.

As for "trends" I'm sick of seeing, well like my cohorts here, I am growing weary of this entire 80's redux. I'm still trying to figure out how we even got there. I'm not going to dismiss all 80's influence negatively, because some wonderful ideas came out of the decade, and if done in small doses, there are some great style elements, but the way it's being interpreted for the masses, has made me weary. The problem I've always had with 80's fashion, is that it makes the eyes tired if you see it ALL DAY LONG. It's such a HARD AND UNCOMPROMISING look. Great for nightlife, and fun for a minute, but ultimately it just reads as being cheap and disposable. I'm not a nun, and lord knows I love me some glam, some trash and some vampy, but this is becoming tiresome. I knew once I saw the Balmain shoulders, I'd be seeing them over and over and over and over and over again, and that I'd become intensely sick of them. Over the knee boots? LOVE THEM, but only with a CHUNKY HEEL. Even if the heel is low, I'd prefer a squared off chunky look. If worn with a stiletto heel, the whole look cheapens for me. There is just something so inherently CHEAP about the 80's look. It's fun, but it's not particularly ENDURING. More daunting is that for the price tag, this new fashion barely is worth it's weight.

I, am tired of skinny jeans. I've seen a re-emergence of the straight leg, and already it's so much more universally flattering. Skinny jeans, while handy for tucking into a pair of boots and wearing with pumps and higher heels for a long silhouette, is deadly tricky to pull off if your gams are anything less than long. I realize that the skinny silhouette is probably here to stay, and if worn in a really inky dark shade, or in pitch black, they're fine, but I really would love to see a return to a 70's style. I noticed that any flirtations with a trouser style and heaven help us a highwaisted 70's style were very quickly dismissed when the trend attempted to re-emerge. I blame poor design for this. A 70's jean has a higher waist, but it is the elusive fit to the knee that makes them what they are. I love how elongating they are, and how much more....inherently shapely they are. The rise should be above the bellybutton, but certainly not clinging to your ribcage. I, am a curvy gal, and what I like to do is go into vintage stores (more on this in a sec), and go into the men's sections, try on a bunch, and then take them to the tailor, re-assign the zipper and tailor them to my specifications (small waist, large hips and butt) to the T. So while I'm not saying that I'd like to see skinny jeans banished to the 9th circle of hell, I am growing more than a tad weary of them. Any color that isn't a dark inky wash, the pure aqua of the 70's or black (only in skinnies) needs to GO. Needless to say Acid Wash ANYTHING is not ironic, not cute and stupid. People who buy them and wear it need their heads examined.

I hate IRONIC fashion. I guess this includes that oft reviled subsection known as "hipsters" Boy, it's amazing how definitions change. I always thought that my friends and I, being artists and all by default were not mainstream, and when I thought "hipster" I almost always thought of William Burroughs, Chet Baker, Woody Allen, and Walter Becker and Donald Fagen of Steely Dan. People who could quote Dylan, Ginsberg and Kirkegaard with aplomb. Today apparently, a hipster means looking like a piece of industry fodder, with an electro soundtrack to accompany them. Never before have I seen imagery that suggests the old addage "individuality is great, so long as we all do it together." The uniform is blatantly apparent. Purposely messy/unwashed hair, the aforementioned skinny jeans (which on men, unless you're The Ramones just should not be), the wayfarers, the ironic tee, and this confused sexual overtone that just suggests not enough time spent with members of the opposite sex all add to this uniform. I hate uniforms. Looking like an auteur, can have a wonderful edge, but they don't look like auteurs so much as amateurs. I am not a fan of irony in fashion, because it ultimately eliminates sincerity.

I hate gladiator sandals. They truly infuriate me.

I DESPISE purposely ugly shoes. I'm not completely against what McQueen did in his latest collection, if only because Vivienne Westwood had done outrageously hard to navigate platforms previously and because exaggeration in a shoe doesn't bother me. Do I think the shoes particularly ADD anything to an ensemble? No. That they're unwearable, doesn't help. I wanted to think that those shoes were to fulfill the whole look, but I just saw Daphne Guinness wearing the pale bone egg shoes, and looking like a complete and total fool. If you're a performer, and you're doing something in a video, perhaps they bear some relevance. My biggest issue is that the shoes DO NOT ENHANCE YOUR FOOT OR LEG. Who wants to plunk down money for a shoe that doesn't make your legs look great? Those tick wedges? The ones that make your foot look like you're wearing HR Geiger inspired Alien sets? UGLY! As of recent there is a whole mess of ugly shoes. I didn't like the Robo-tech Balenciaga shoes, I just hate these shoes that could also uncork a bottle of wine.

Unless they are black and matte, leggings need to go. Period. Even for women with bone thin legs, making your legs resemble house insulation or a baked potato is just not a good look. Leggings when they replace hosiery, and are BLACK AND MATTE, are acceptable. Anything else is foolhardy. That said, I do love the return of the disco pant. Are they trashy as hell? Yes. However, the higher waist, the fact that it's a PANT, and has a zipper and some construction makes a shiny bottom easier to function around. I have a few vintage pair and now and then, when worn with a solid top, good shoes (preferably a disco heel or a platform of yesteryear) and a fur, it's a fun nighttime look.

I HATE HAREM PANTS. Oh, this was SUCH a bone of contention when I saw them appear again, ranging from a subtle tuliping shape (more acceptable) to the return of the Hammer pants that make you look like you just couldn't make it to the john on time. They are NOT FLATTERING. I don't care if you're 5'11 and a size 0. They are virtually antithetical to a woman's shape. They make you look like a banana. I flirted with this trend by purchasing a pair in a leopard print (subtle so as not to make people want to hurl at me in public) and that was more like a jodphur, than a full on ballooning harem. I wore them a few times (most successfully tucked into knee high boots), and then tossed them.

I've noticed people here are very anti-studs. Well, seeing as how they're suddenly so in Vogue, I can see the backlash, but I love studs. Then again, I've been doing the studs thing irrelevant of trend. Too many studs however, and you risk looking like a Judas Priest video. But done right? Love em. I am also happy to see the return of leather pants, which I've been wearing for years, once again, irrelevant of trend. Leather skirts however, are a bit trickier.

As for those who are critical of "vintage clothing, and thrifters", well...I can sympathize in terms of watching all the newbies do it with such poor acuity. Yes, just because something was pre-owned and poly doesn't make it fashion, or even really vintage for that matter. That said, I endorse vintage shopping, if done with eyes for silhouettes, textures and materials wholeheartedly. 75% of my wardrobe at present, is vintage. This is from years and years of hunting for pieces, and there is nothing in my closet I wouldn't wear YEARS from now. In particular, I endorse high end vintage because of it's timelessness, history, quality and individuality. Wearing vintage ensures that NO ONE CAN COPY YOU. I love that aspect of it most of all.

Lastly, I'd like to mention a trend that I'm not yet sick of! Jumpsuits!!! I was thrilled when they came in, it's a trend that can be modified to just about anyone's taste or body type, provided you don't lean too hard on the harem styles, those....are rather risky.

Enough of my rant, it's Saturday night at 11PM. Time for a drink!
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just a thought.. Isn't it possible to be sick of a trend that you do follow as well... - Just because you are sick of it doesn't mean that you hate it right. E.g. I still wear black from time to time even though I'm sick of pretty much everyone around me doing it.. I just wish people would cool it :lol:

to add to the list: Pamela Love-ish jewellery - though I really never got the appeal of that.. :unsure:
On women:
-platform heels (esp. patents and pumps)
-bandage dresses (esp. in all black and neons)
-cropped jackets (esp. leather, sequined, studded, or any combination)
-belts worn around dresses, sweaters, and blouses (whatever happened to trousers and denim?)

On men:
-monochrome suiting (esp. all black)
-blazers over tshirts (esp. the "ironic" slogan or graphic kind)
-the vest, skinny tie, button down, jeans combination (add a leather jacket and it's all the more awful)
-suits worn without a tie and the top button undone (why?)
Dudes wearing UGGs

What's up with dudes wearing UGG boots?
O.K. I admit, I do own a pair of UGGs, almost just because they're super duper warm & comfy.
But when I saw a few guys wearing them .... :rofl: That's a crime!
seen this increasingly at concerts and daily too now

girls with tops/dresses with a low back and their bra showing at the back. eww.
What's up with dudes wearing UGG boots?
O.K. I admit, I do own a pair of UGGs, almost just because they're super duper warm & comfy.
But when I saw a few guys wearing them .... :rofl: That's a crime!

Hää? I've never seen this. Sounds..weird. Like an anti-trend...
did you make that, loonaka? it's too funny, definitely a clever way to make things in this thread more graphic. :lol::heart:

I don't know.. I'd probably end up wearing that if we'd get snow here and didn't care much for fashion. I don't think it's a style.. just practical dressing for many people.
did you make that, loonaka? it's too funny, definitely a clever way to make things in this thread more graphic. :lol::heart:

I don't know.. I'd probably end up wearing that if we'd get snow here and didn't care much for fashion. I don't think it's a style.. just practical dressing for many people.
It's a reason why I wrote ""style""..:rofl: the thing is that the kids here wear those jackets every single day, and yeah we live in Norway, but come one. And the wellies, I couldn't find UGGs:innocent::lol:
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