Trends You Are Sick Of #2

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Those kinds of vests... they could be seen everywhere here.
I deeply dislike those things.

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^ Curtain vests. I agree. I usually dislike anything that is too drapey. I don't mind draping as long as it has shape and direction. But there's a difference between draping and hanging.
I know it's been here like 2435345 times but I HATE leggings as pants! I just can't stand it. Whenever I'm out I see girls doin' it everywhere. It's just wrong, wrong... I understand if she's wearing it with longer tunic or dress, as far as I can't see her bum, it's ok.

Now I am also sick of denim shorts with pockets which you can see. And the most irritating thing is when girls wear them sooooooo high that you can almost see camel toe :sick:
Now I am also sick of denim shorts with pockets which you can see. And the most irritating thing is when girls wear them sooooooo high that you can almost see camel toe

As much as some may dislike them, Daisy Dukes will never go away. That would be like the t-shirt or the color red going away.
Currently for me, crap that is being overdone:

. STILL this wanna-be Zooey Deschanel look
. "urban hipster geek chic" (neon skinnies, skate shoes and those hidieous rims of 3D glasses)
. floral dresses (were cute until bloggers over did it)
. body lace suits
. pretty much american apparel and their overpriced basics, why do people shop there?
. clogs...ewl
. anything studded
. gladiators
. dolmans (but comfy!)
. people praising deathly, forced pale skin or faked, hardcore tans
. label whores (A&F, HCO, AE, Coach)
. leggings as pants
. hippie crap, all these little girls screaming how much they love the beatles.
. bangs....i like bangs, but its getting a bit much
. sailor look (bloggers practically screwed this one hard)
. head-to-toe vintage, like as if they are in a play
. people who LIE saying things are vintage to try and look "cool"
. harem pants
. grandma shorts (some highwaisted shorts are cute and accentuate...but dude...)
. wedges
. maxi dresses
. converses
. jean skirts and leggings

I don't know, everything just seems so overdone and boring :/

could not agree more, especially hideous is this hippie-indie-geeky look ewww ... :yuk:
Tee shirt under maxi dress. What is that ?
Shorts, mini skirts with pumps = cheap.
Some of this will be repeat but-
gladiator sandals
denim skirts
farmer plaid shirts
bright raybans (especially knockoffs)
leggings, especially calf length
Leggings as pants
Bandals (boots + sandals)
High waisted floral skirts
Gladiator Sandals
Maxi Dresses
Harem Trousers
Really loose fitting denim shorts
Denim waistcoats
i also am over the high waisted floral skirts. floral in general. GOT IT. move on!
I noted the drape/waterfall vests in Post #841. I'm very okay with them. If there's something I'm just not feeling besides the whole boyfriend thing, it's denim jean short-shorts with leggings/tights underneath. I'm not much into denim jean shorts, and especially not boyfriend-style ones with any kind of leggings or tights.

The "jeggings" have to go. Only redeeming quality is that they are more proper pants, since there are those who argue that leggings are not pants. So along comes the "jegging." Really... what makes "jeggings" any different from skinny jeans? I don't get the big deal about those...
I agree about the "jeggings". Everytime I see them I roll my eyes. It's just skinny jeans pretty much.
I'm always confused about what exactly people call "jeggings". Because pesonally I love skinny jeans that have like 40% elasthan and are often called "denim leggings". I think they're way more comfy than other skinny jeans and I think they look great. So why is everyone hating on those? :ninja: Or do you guys mean the leggings that are only made to look as if they were denim and don't even have real buttons or pockets?
Ok I'll post it again. I've had enough of THESE

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