True Blood

last nights epi was good, loved the additional backstory on Eric/Pan, the whole Jason boo hooing is BORING, the terry story i kinda like, even though he wasnt huge at all in the book, as for Terra *sighs* im SOOO over her, because her role in the book was so small, but on the other hand loving chris in this so far, and Salome Agrippa playing both sides w. Eric/bill

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Pam is so GREAT she absolutely OWNED that last episode. She´s a gorgeous woman, and it´s so lovely to see the beginning of her link to Eric. So weird that Gainsbourg looks a lot like Charlotte Gainsbourg, quite cheeky.
Tara is obnoxious and boooooring even more now.

Bill standing next to Eric is so funny, he looks up ti him like a kid. And again his haircolor is so weird. Not manly at all.
and i notice Bill isnt as fit as he was in prior seasons, course standing next to a lean fit eric would make anyone look alittle plump
I like the steadyness of these past episodes, not great but not bad... it has interesting elements and stories to look for.
My only complaint is Claude, is that so hard to cast a super hot actor? LOL all the other male actors are better looking...
Tracy´s Togs was a nice touch for the readers :)
i agree koko, in the book he was like, a david gandy type, stunning from head to toe, and gay to, wonder if they will stay true to that or not
I liked Jason and Jessica's story, that was sweet.
Alcide is the only truly good guy in the whole show
the books have more good guys, even bill eric have there moments as well, was good over all, had to tear up with Eric released pam, and bill told jess she was a good one, but the whole fae thing agrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, has me totally annoyed, when she told jason vamps killed his fam, SOOO not the case the Fae did it!!!
True Blood Season 5 Episode 5 Let's Boot And Rally Promo HD-next weeks preview

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This week's episode is sponsored by Apple.

Yess! I thought the same thing! The modern avant garde vampires use cool computers while humans and shapeshifters wear trashy clothes, old cars and flip cellphones. Maybe there´s message there....;)
I was moved during the Eric+Pam scene :(
Can Alex be more hot? doubtful lol
^ Me too! I really feel for Pam. I love seeing the flashbacks of her and Eric. She is my favorite female character, all the others are to stupid. I can't wait to see her develop into a more leading role. I think with time she will actually come to like Tara.

The Fae thing is getting annoying. I was wondering when Jessica smelled the fairy in the boutique, it seemed like that was the first time she had smelled that scent. One would assume having been exposed to Sookie & Jason she would already know it. I guess in a way she did because like she said they guy's scent made her think of Jason.
^I think they should drop the fae story, they don´t seem to know what to do with it...
I bet people will think the fire thing looked really cheesy but I loved it. This seemed to be a bit of a filler episode - nothing too much really happened, they're just setting it up for next week.
last nights epi was good, finally got to russell E, but not sure where there taking the fae, and who is behind wanting to bring down the authority

True Blood Season 5 Episode 6 "Hopeless" Promo

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Pam is definitely the best thing about this season so far... And Alcide's general hotness.
great epi YET again last night, felt they killed of Chris to soon, not sure if he is totally dead, but we'll have to wait and see, as for Hoyt, LAWD that boy when it comes to jessica, then sookie & jason thinking maybe vamps killed their parents, SIGHS so not in the book, then Laf i hope he goes and finds out about jesus, and here;s next weeks preview

True Blood Season 5 Episode 7 "In The Beginning" Promo

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Definitely the best part of last weeks episode was watching Alcide recoil from Sookie's touch. Gotta love Eric for doing that! :lol:

Hoyt really is a hot mess, I think it's hilarious. They def got rid of Chris way too soon! I feel like his story line had more to offer. This season has been pretty good, although I feel like for me the end of episode cliff hangers aren't as attention grabbing as they were in the past.

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