UK Vogue September 2006 : Kate Moss by Nick Knight

Katie Sketch's ed is amazing. Thank you so much. I'm on my way to give you karma for it!
When I clicked on the thread, I knew that the first few pages would be full of doubt, so the cover and edits had to really shine- which they do, which was a pleasent suprise :flower:
when i look through UK Vogue i have just one felling... what Kate Moss and Gemma Ward are the only models on the earth... i`m sick and fu**ed up already
I'm loving this issue, I think the cover is great!! I like the color theme of B&W. Cant wait to see it, when it finally arrives in AUS...
I just got this magazine today and nearly a third of the magazine consists of Kate Moss. As much as I love her, I'm starting to get a little sick of her.
Am so not a fan of the cover. The black is boring, the body contortions odd.
I do like the "Polished Elegance" editorial, though. Thanks Suzy! And congrats again on your Teen Vogue mention. That's awesome!
Have just finished flicking through this -on the whole I liked it, more interesting articles than usual, interesting Gemma ed, I even liked the Sketch ed (nice to see an atypical 'model').

I'm just so, so sick of Kate Moss. I've always been a huge fan of hers... but she's in EVERY ad, plus the cover, plus the editorial and she looks the same in all of them -messy blonde hair, mouth-slightly-open head-slightly-tipped-back pose. Yawn. I really miss the days when she would change her look up, chopping off her hair, dyeing it brown, etc.
I love the fact that Vogue UK worships Kate but just because she's done a million covers doesn't mean they shouldn't put any effort into making them original or different! Her cover is nice but very bland.
Can someone tell me why the UK Vogue editorials are always so much better than US'? Is it because they focus more on fashion rather than wasting money on random background themes and weird artistic props such as babies? now that one was just dumb. I just feel so much more fulfilled by the eds featured in UK Vogue. Too bad is costs 2x as much here in Canada:cry:
I like Gemma's and Solange's ed the best. Caroline's ed is pretty boring. And I am so sick of Kate that I don't like any of her eds.
susie_bubble said:
My fave ed out of the whole crappy mag - The Boys Are Back in Town featuring Katie Sketch, lead singer from The Organ :heart:
Might be a bit too androgynous for most but I love the attitude and styling..... looks like something D&C would do...
Ph:Corrine Day
Scanned by myself from UK Vogue September 2006

the lead singer from The Organ is a GIRL!? wtf I didn't realize :shock: her voice sounds like a guys to me.... wow i'm oblivious, I like their music though!

omg I looked them up, they are all girls! :shock: she's also Canadian! umm cool to see her get a editorial in Vogue UK! pretty awesome
holy crap! I have never heard of the band before, but when i looked ata few of the pics before, i figured it was a boy with a girl's name! I feel a little stupid now that i see there are pics of her wearing high heels and dresses. i thought he- well, she- was cute too. :innocent:

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