I'm actually worried about Leibovitz... She is a great photographer, but her photos are the most photoshopped. I just hope that it doesn't affect Michelle. I'm really interested about the contents.
Agree. Hope Vogue continues on this new path.^^it so is, i mean this is the third issue with someone new on the cover , damn Wintour took her time but she finally is getting there.I think that recent wave of criticism truly got her thinking, lets hope it last's cuz i dont want to see Renee et all back!
The cover sounds great, and I can't wait to hear who made it into the editorials. I'm genuinely interested in seeing what they've put together - and to think I didn't even bother buying the September issue, I was so bored with this magazine. It's a whole different story now.
^^it so is, i mean this is the third issue with someone new on the cover , damn Wintour took her time but she finally is getting there.I think that recent wave of criticism truly got her thinking, lets hope it last's cuz i dont want to see Renee et all back!
Glad I no longer subscribe to Vogue!
^i kinda agree..except i don't really consider Leibovitz great..her photography, at least her work in US Vogue, is most boring.
Knew Michelle would make a Vogue cover..haters fall back...
I love that Michelle Obama will be on the cover!
But I agree Leibovitz isn't great in my book and I'm not a fan at all. I just can't stand her style anymore. Her sets are so extravagantly staged it sometimes seems her subjects are an afterthought. And every time I look at the people she photographs, it's like their personality has been completely wiped away. I don't see any joy or excitement in her photographs.
Glad I no longer subscribe to Vogue!