V #56 November/December 2008 : Beyonce by Bruce Weber

but do you really think it's ok to publish that kind of things ? have you ever been faced to someone who got AIDS because of that kind of stupid games ?
no because dogging is nothing new .... just wake up sometimes !

I'm sorry but I think she is a bit out of place :huh: Groups sex, dogging and other 'kinky' sexual practises can be safe, it's a matter of personal choice, and I certainly won't feel bad looking at that kind of pictures just because some people are stupid enough to have unprotected sex with strangers in 2008...
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I find it very distasteful in every possible sense. :ninja:

Not one of the strongest 'shocking' Meisel edits (compared to the war or cosmetic surgery ones). No wonder VI wouldn't publish it.






Beyonce channels her alter ego Sasha Fierce in issue #56 of V Magazine, on stands this week.

“When I’m onstage,” says Beyonce of Sasha, “I’m aggressive and strong and not afraid of my sexuality. The tone of my voice gets different, and I’m fearless. I’m just a different person. It’s a way for me to differentiate what I do onstage from who I really am. It’s a way for me to not lose myself, to keep my life in perspective, because it’s really hard sometimes to stay on Earth when you’re a celebrity.”

The 27-year-old triple threat adds, “It’s funny because right before the show I’m under the stage making sure my double-stick is in the right place, my pack is turned on, and my shoes have the stickies on the bottom so I don’t slip—all of these things that are so not glamorous. Then I take my last sip of water, clear my throat, close my eyes, and tell myself, You are fierce. You are fierce. You are fierce! And the second I take that first step and hear that crowd, I kind of transform. By the time I get up to the stage, I’m in the zone. I don’t feel anything anymore. Like if I’m in pain or if I’m nervous it kind of becomes, I don’t know how to describe it, I become that other thing. It’s like I’m ready for war.”

Editor-in-chief Stephen Gan couldn’t be more happy with his cover model: “Beyonce is a true icon of our time and V Magazine loves everything that she represents, including her new album which lands in about a week! Bruce Weber has captured her classic beauty as well as her fierce onstage persona.”

Source: Just Jared
I want to like this. I've given up hating Beyonce due to her omnipresence and the innate hilarity of Single Ladies, however this is not a very good editorial. Bruce Weber is one of my old favorites and I love his very collage inspired style but this is not working for me - the pictures look unfinished somehow and for a depiction of the enigmatic Sasha Fierce it's lacking in sensuality, vibrancy and quite frankly...fierce.
Thanks for posting. I like the third cover the best. I don't really like the ed.
^yeah Luxx, I was hoping they'd do something more like this:


source: Beyonce World

which is fierce. But the ed is still okay, I like it.
I want to like this. I've given up hating Beyonce due to her omnipresence and the innate hilarity of Single Ladies, however this is not a very good editorial. Bruce Weber is one of my old favorites and I love his very collage inspired style but this is not working for me - the pictures look unfinished somehow and for a depiction of the enigmatic Sasha Fierce it's lacking in sensuality, vibrancy and quite frankly...fierce.

i agree
tbh I love the cover and the ed. she is so earnest and she just becomes unintentionally campy when combined w/ weber's style. how can you not love it :crush:

If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it
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The ed is so stupid i hate , all the cover the ed
omg I love the bottom left pic she's like saying HAI GIRL I'M HERE OK
thank God.. no gloves-_--_-


although... the covers are :innocent:

Meisel's eds..personally disturbed me..:doh:

Beyonce channels her alter ego Sasha Fierce in issue #56 of V Magazine, on stands this week.

“When I’m onstage,” says Beyonce of Sasha, “I’m aggressive and strong and not afraid of my sexuality. The tone of my voice gets different, and I’m fearless. I’m just a different person. It’s a way for me to differentiate what I do onstage from who I really am. It’s a way for me to not lose myself, to keep my life in perspective, because it’s really hard sometimes to stay on Earth when you’re a celebrity.”

The 27-year-old triple threat adds, “It’s funny because right before the show I’m under the stage making sure my double-stick is in the right place, my pack is turned on, and my shoes have the stickies on the bottom so I don’t slip—all of these things that are so not glamorous. Then I take my last sip of water, clear my throat, close my eyes, and tell myself, You are fierce. You are fierce. You are fierce! And the second I take that first step and hear that crowd, I kind of transform. By the time I get up to the stage, I’m in the zone. I don’t feel anything anymore. Like if I’m in pain or if I’m nervous it kind of becomes, I don’t know how to describe it, I become that other thing. It’s like I’m ready for war.”

Editor-in-chief Stephen Gan couldn’t be more happy with his cover model: “Beyonce is a true icon of our time and V Magazine loves everything that she represents, including her new album which lands in about a week! Bruce Weber has captured her classic beauty as well as her fierce onstage persona.”

Source: Just Jared
OMG!! I can't stop laughing at these other covers..hahahaha:lol::lol::lol::stuart::rolleyes:
Ok I've been thinking about this, that editorial has amazing effects with the infra red and all but in general, I feel that it is a stupid editorial. I feel silly for getting so excited over it :ermm:
The photo of her in the T. Mugler motorcycle dress would have made a 1000 times better cover for this issue!
This Sasha thing is beyond ridiculous. Beyonce and an alter ego, right...:rolleyes: Terrible Terrible pics.

Meisel Ed is cold.
She tries waaay to hard to be cool and fierce. It's like we already have RiRi for that. :lol::innocent:
maybe i liked the sex ed
so much because i didnt really
get excited for it..i was expecting
nudity but didnt get that..i actually
wouldnt mind bringing it around my immature
high school classmates :)
I don't like the covers or the eds..those aren't fierce at all and I don't hate her. They could have done a much better job:judge:

I just like the Who's the Boss ed of this issue:cry:
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