Also, I think that to the public, and I am not saying this is entirely my opinion, but her attitude is kind of annoying. First off, she preaches about how she hates paparazzi and only got into singing and acting because she truly loved it, but that's not believable when the talent's not there to back it up. It's OK when Sean Penn goes nuts on the paps, or to use a younger star, someone like Kristen Stewart. It's believable when she says she got into the business because she truly loved it--the talent is there to back her up. But no with Vanessa. Also, it seems a bit rich for someone who became famous from a Disney Channel Movie to act all holier than thou to the paparazzi when she should be grateful that HSM gave her all these opportunities.
Personally, I'm on the fence with Vanessa, sometimes she seems cute and sweet, the other times, fake and cocky. I look at her candid style often, but I am usually disappointed.