Wish I could help. Which library? I want to fly down just to view their archive!
Can someone post the Kate Spade feature from US VOGUE c 1995?
Or the Sigerson Morrsion feature from around the same time?
It's the main branch of the Los Angeles Public Library - I've already called ahead and warned them I might be coming.
They may be missing an isolated issue here or there but they have Vogue Paris, Vogue Italia, Mademoiselle and Harper's Bazaar (U.S.) going all the way back. Elle (U.S.) only from 1992, Vogue (U.S.) only from 1986 (but missing 1993-2001). They don't have Vogue UK. Anything else you would have to go on their website to check.
About a month ago, I discovered the online Vogue (U.S.) Archive and Vogue Italia Archive and that's what got me started on re-acquiring if not all of my former collection, at least every single one that I remember/liked the most. I found a lot of them just searching Google images and Pinterest.
An out-of-state resident can get an LA Public Library card (lasts for one year) for $50 (but that has to be done in-person). With that, you can get access to the Vogue Archive from home (or so they tell me). In which case, you could review at your leisure every single issue from 1892 forward. Alternatively, there are search terms you can put in if you are looking for a certain designer, model, article of clothing, etc. From that you get a listing of results that you have to click on individually to see the fashion editorial or whatever. For my purposes, it didn't work that well (I checked it out at the Phoenix Art Museum library and the University of Arizona library here in Tucson).
Otherwise, the Vogue Archive costs $1750 per year! There are also Harper's Bazaar, Vogue Italia and Women's Wear Daily archives that work similar to the Vogue one. There is also a free Vogue Italia version that you can find online that will return photos instead of text in the results (but there is no way to save the images to your computer unless you pay for a membership).
Bottom-line, you should check big-city or university libraries nearest you and see what they have.
In my case, I can probably go through two years worth of Elle per hour (the library is open for seven hours) so I should be able to find the photo I'm looking for within one day. But holding out some hope that someone on tFS will be familiar with it and save me the trip.