To set the stage, I once had a physical collection of 40+ photos - mostly from fashion magazines - that I obtained from 1984-2003. Being a minimalist naturally, I ended up getting rid of them in 2003 or 2004.
In August, I came across the Vogue Archive and that led me to decide to establish a new online only collection. The base of the collection will be the photos that I used to have and I have also added new photos as well.
I have either found (or remember but haven't found) nearly all of my previous collection. To the extent there may be a few that I just don't remember at all, I rationalize they must not have been among my favorites and thus it's not vital that I find them (how could I anyway?). Of the ones that I've found, some I am not including in my new collection (as I've decided it will be limited to 27).
That leaves four in particular that I remember but haven't found. I am almost sure three come from Vogue Paris, In Fashion and The New York Times Magazine - all are worth considering for inclusion in my collection but I don't think my collection would be invalidated if I don't find them. I'm debating if I want to put the effort into finding these or not.
The other one that I remember but haven't found is the subject of this post. It's the only one among my most favorite that I don't have and I've been looking for it (not everyday of course) since August.
Vintage scan wish lists (post 335)
I remember this photo was originally collected later than most of my photos and/or came from a magazine I didn't normally get anything from. My problem is that really doesn't help me narrow down the years too much. If I only had to consider four or five years, it would be much easier to grind through those years and eventually find it. The more I look and don't find it I'm afraid that either I'm not looking early or late enough or that I've actually looked at the exact issue the photo is in but somehow missed it.
I'm sure it was a 5 to 7 page fashion editorial and that it had at least somewhat of a bohemian slant. The model probably wasn't, but looked like it could possibly be Rachel Williams. I'm also pretty sure that it wasn't in a big issue like March or September. Also, for some reason, I have a general idea of what the format of the Table of Contents looked like.
I've mostly been using the Table of Contents to guide my search. For instance, if there is an editorial about furs or denim or suits, I think I can safely presume my photo isn't going to be there. If it's an editorial with a tropical flavor, that's an example of something where my photo probably isn't going to be, but could be - so I'll look at it. But, it takes only one misjudgement for me to skip over something I should have looked at. Has that happened already?
Here are the most-likely magazines (all U.S.) that I think it could be in:
1. Harper's Bazaar: I've looked at this from maybe 1987-2004 twice, another time from 1990-1997 and just today from 1988-1990. The Table of Contents look is right for the late '80s - early '90s but I look and look and don't find my photo. I can look at a year's worth of issues in about half an hour. It might sound like fun to look at all of this but when you are looking for one photo and have so much to look through (and then are not sure if you missed it or not), it's not so much fun at all! I've been able to look at this locally at the University of Arizona library. Today I also did an online search of the Harper's Bazaar Archive from 1984-2003, using words like "bohemian, boho, gypsy and peasant" and my photo wasn't there. Also, Harper's Bazaar is much glossier than other magazines - that part doesn't feel right to me.
2. Elle: Flew to the Los Angeles Public Library in October and spent about 3.5 hours looking at issues from 1992-2001. No luck. Have gotten Table of Contents scanned and e-mailed to me through the Interlibrary Loan system but don't believe my photo is among those editorials (one small possibility I haven't yet followed-up on). Still waiting for 1989 Table of Contents (seems very early so not really expecting that to be the answer but hoping as this is still about the highest probability of things I haven't checked yet). 1988? Doubt it but may ask for it. 1987? Very doubtful - I think!
3. Mademoiselle: I knew they had this in LA and that was my back-up plan if I didn't find it in Elle. I think I looked at that for the same years 1992-2001. At one point, I took one of the issues up to the reference desk and said I think this might be it (I always imagine the librarians to be highly interested in my travails, such as I imagine the same to any readers here) - nope! After I got back home, I realized I needed to look further back so subsequently took a bus to the Phoenix Public Library and looked from 1988-1991 and also re-looked at 1992-2001. Nothing. It's probably not Mademoiselle - but can I rule it 100% out?
4. Vogue: Just don't think it's here - goes against the grain of me thinking it came from somewhere I didn't get a lot of photos from. Still looked at the U of A library from 1987-2004 though and also queried the Vogue Archives will no luck.
5. Glamour: Meets the criteria of coming from an unexpected place. Have gotten Table of Contents for 1991 and 1992 - totally has the wrong feel. Got January for '96, '97 and '98 - wrong feel. TOC requests for 1990 and Jan '93, '94 and '95 are open. I believe I might have bought this once or twice but this didn't even have good covers to possibly entice one to look inside. On my list because I've looked hard at the others above and haven't found anything.
6. Mirabella: Unlike Glamour, more a real fashion magazine. Magazine printed from 1989-2000. Did I ever buy it? Not sure. I know I at least looked at it. If I looked, it's possible I bought it. If I knew for sure it wasn't in magazines 1 through 5 above, I'd say it had a very good chance of being here. I may request TOC for these or eventually travel to a library to look at. The best thing this one has going for it is I wouldn't be repeating something I've already done.
7. Marie Claire: This didn't even exist in the U.S. until 1994. Low probability - if I ever bought this it would have been only the one time my photo was in there.
Others: I went through the entire listing of fashion magazines on the Fashion Institute of Technology's Library website and think it's got to be in one of the magazines above. Small chance it could have come from a foreign magazine but I am not thinking so.
I wish that I had never had that photo in my collection to begin with, because it is obviously bothering me not to find it. I'd maybe even just settle for seeing it once and knowing where/when it came from, just to satisfy my curiosity at this point.
There was even a point when I asked the moderators here if I could offer a reward for anyone finding this but was told that was not allowed.