What annoys you about your body?

my hair's becoming slightly long now, i should really cut it but i always have a reason for putting it off...
also, i should shape my eyebrows a bit.
my boobs. i hate them!
any idea of what kind of exercises i can do to make them smaller?
^ Lucky you...I have opposite!!! :)
I doubt exercise would reduce just possibly tone them up. Are you slim everywhere else?
yeah, but i do have a little belly which im trying to get rid off too.
i have a small upper body and small waist, but when u go below there comes the huge hips and thighs :blink: i just think my body is very weird all together
I absolutely hate my height.I am so tiny........I would do anything if was two inches taller.

and i hate my carves...they are so huge in comparison with my small body frame.but i don't know what to do.Its a vicious circle:if i work out in order to get slimmer,my carves become even more and more bigger.
Moreover i hate my tummy..

nonetheless..i am pretty happy with ma face....
Due to an illness I cannot exercise, my endurance has gone down and I feel exhausted after walking up stairs.
-hate my neck, i wish it was longee
-wish my lower back was thinner
-wish i was all around more toned
I had chicken pox a couple of months ago and the scars on my body are really unpleasant :( I hope they'll go away...
I desperately dislike my stomach at the moment :( It sticks out just below my ribs, especially after I eat (anything! not just after a big meal) and I don't like it one bit.... *sigh*
yeah i had that too, after a while it goes normal, if u do sit-ups;)
and then i hate being pear shaped. :(
Um, I have the strongest core of anyone my trainer knows. I'm at the gym 6 days a week - 4 days cardio (2 hard, 1 med, 1 easy) and 2 days weight training.

So yeah. Not much more I can do. It's mostly intestinal bloat. Which sucks.

Maybe I just should eat, lol... (jk)
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I have a stubborn layer of fat around my lower abdominal .. drives me INSANE! And I have an obnoxious hair on the side of my head which sticks straight out to the side .. :)

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