What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?

i think that you should love your body the way that it is
i have small boobs (its genetic) and all my friends have like huge knockers and i used to get really upset and insecure about it but now ive (sort of) come to peace with myself because everyone is beautiful in their own way and ive noticed that when people get plastic surgery they become more insecure with other parts of their body !
anyway basically just be happy with the way you are, everyone is beautiful in their own way :smile:
I think everyone has some kind of insecurity with their body in some way, some are just bigger/more bothersome to some people vs. others. I have thought of it. But even if I did have the cash for it I am not so sure I would be sprinting to the Dr.'s office to get it done right away. I think if you have made a honest effort to try and change that area without the plastic surgery, like working out, changing your diet, etc. and you have had no luck, if plastic surgery is your last resort, go for it. But I would def. makesure to be aware of all the possible side-effects, complications and etc. before going under the knife.
If I had the money and found a surgeon with a good reputation I'd get my nose done in a flash!

But other than that, I don't agree with lipo as a 'quick fix'. Exercise will get a far more realistic and healthy result. If one was incredibly large I could see it might help, but not for the average woman. But you can't exercise a nose smaller or t*ts bigger, those need a bit of help....
I can ussually tell if someone has had plastic surgery, maybe not so much with celebs but in real life ussually they just look tired, and their faces are to plain. Anyways, I think for defects, there is definitly a place for it, but for people that just keep tweaking and tweaking their faces, i don't support that to much.
i would totally get lipo. there are areas of fat on my body that just wont go away even with excersize. (inner thigh and tum tum)

i dont think id ever do my face though. maybe when im 50 and surgery is less risky.
Im usualy only against plastic surgery if someone wants to look like someone else. I think thats the worst reason!!!! I think plastic surgery should only be necissary if someone really suffers under the way one looks. I also think its important to have it look naturaly and not to exaggerate. If you have a too big of a nose then ok.. but dont go ahead and change your boobs from cup a
´(whoops i pressed enter)to like double d! me for instance. i admit that i have had a breast reduction cuz they were just WAY too big. i had a like and e or f and now its a full b, c ish. its still big just not that big. u see im 5'2" and having such big breasts can lead to having back problems which i did. exercising was also hard and just fitting into clothes and all that was hard. i always had to make sure to wear plain shirts cuz ones with prints would emphazie them.. so in such cases im for plastic surgery.
I'm considering collagen injections to get Scarlett Johansson lips, but I'm only eighteen.
A lot of people at my school want me to get a tummy tuck and lipo EVERYWHERE as well as a nose job (I have a long nose) but I'm not going to get plastic surgery. I don't want to spend the money on it and I don't believe, personally, in having someone cut me up to fix me. I will get veneers though because I have ridges on my bottom teeth.

And for anyone who is considering breast implants-please don't. I have large boobs and it's a curse. You can't get cute bras, it hurts to run, and some exercises are harder to do.
im on the fence with plastic surgery.
i believe that everyone looks the way they do for a reason.
if god wanted you to have a perfect nose he would have given you one. i
f he wanted you to be tall her would have made you tall.
you are who you are for a reason.
BUT if you think that maybe by plumping up those lips a little will boost your self confidence then by all means do so.
if you think by getting those cheek implants will make you feel better about your self then go right on ahead.

there are those who overdo it though. they find a tiny flaw about them and they think the only solution is plastic surgery. now that i belive is a serious problem. i think theres a specific name for it but i cant remember what it was called. oprah was talking about it on her show once.
I wouldn't do it unless it was for a medical reason, like brest cancer or if you were born with face definecies.

I hate the fake big boob look, collogen, face life, cheek implant, botox look.

I watch Dr.90210 and some of those girls look ricdicolous and disgusting, not even real.

I'm going to let myself droop, sag and wrinkle.
I'm not sure what to think about plastic surgery. Somehow I think it's crazy but then I kind of understand it. As for myself, I don't wantto have plastic surgery. I'm happy wih the way I look and don't see any reason to take the risk that something could happen, just because I'm not 100% happy with my nose or whatever. It's everyone's own decision but I've never really had the desire to have something done. If you feel really insecure about I don't know ur nose, ur boobs or whatever and really want to have plastic surgery, than do it. But don't have the hope that'll change ur life. It won't. I also don't like it if you can really see it. That looks horrible. I won't say that I'll never have plastic surgery, but at the moment I just don't have the desire to change something about the way I look. Maybe in 10 years!? I don't know.Never say never. If I don't feel good about myself then I might do it, but to be honest I don't really thing I'll have plastic surgery in the future.
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Trista said:
A lot of people at my school want me to get a tummy tuck and lipo EVERYWHERE as well as a nose job (I have a long nose) but I'm not going to get plastic surgery. I don't want to spend the money on it and I don't believe, personally, in having someone cut me up to fix me. I will get veneers though because I have ridges on my bottom teeth.

And for anyone who is considering breast implants-please don't. I have large boobs and it's a curse. You can't get cute bras, it hurts to run, and some exercises are harder to do.

people at school want you to get plastic surgery?:blink: why would they have any say in it i think thats so rude!
Trista said:
A lot of people at my school want me to get a tummy tuck and lipo EVERYWHERE as well as a nose job (I have a long nose) but I'm not going to get plastic surgery. I don't want to spend the money on it and I don't believe, personally, in having someone cut me up to fix me. I will get veneers though because I have ridges on my bottom teeth.

And for anyone who is considering breast implants-please don't. I have large boobs and it's a curse. You can't get cute bras, it hurts to run, and some exercises are harder to do.

OMG! :angry: These people are obviously very shallow and must lead very boring, unfulfilling lives. If I were you I would stay far, far away from them.
What kind of school IS that? :shock:

I find the whole idea of plastic surgery quite unsavory and scary. I love natural things.

However, I totally understand why performers--specially those that get filmed and photographed-- would get surgery done, for reasons completely unrelated to vanity. Their bodies are their instruments, the tools of their trade. Sometimes you can't play a particular character or perfect the vision if you have certain features. A dancer's severe profile may break the fluid harmony of her movement for example. Or not, of course.

On the whole though, I think society really needs to "get over" the stigma attatched to aging...the misconception that it's ugly and shameful is abusive to 100% of humanity.
I would support plastic surgery if it is reconstructive. For example, if someone lost a breast to cancer or their nose is so crooked they can't breathe properly.

I don't support it when they are depressed and have low self-esteem due to a certain feature because these type of people tend to see flaws in everything once they've had the surgery and they become addicted to it. They are so critical of themselves, they just keep seeing more and more things wrong with them. If they don't have the money to keep on getting surgery they will be just as depressed and self-loathing as they were in the first place, minus all the money they just wasted. I think it would be much better for them to go to therapy or something similar, to try and build up their confidence and help them realise everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Just because big boobs seem popular it does not mean small boobs are ugly and no-one will ever like them; it's the same with big noses, stomachs that aren't flat and lips that aren't plump. If everyone in the world went out to get surgery everyone would end up looking the same and it would become boring. People are attracted to what is rare and unique to them. That's why we have white people in the West trying to get a tan and Asian people in the East trying to whiten their skin; it's different to what they see in the majority of people around them and it makes it more appealing.

I am against it if people get surgery just to look like someone else. I think most people who go in to get their face altered have someone else's facial features in mind and not their own individual plan for what they want. The majority of women who go to get a nose job ask for Nicole Kidman's nose. People always want to look like someone else other than themselves. Maybe it has something to do with this "rare and unique" thing, again; we see ourselves in the mirror everyday and we're so familiar with ourselves we see our faces and bodies as being boring and ordinary. We look in magazines and see the impossibly unique models and celebrities who've been airbrushed to death and we think that is what we want to look like. We should actually be looking at everyone and seeing what makes us unique and interesting instead of wanting to be someone else that everyone wants to be; we need to identify and cherish what makes us stand out from the crowd.

I am also against it if people get surgery for other people. You should never get surgery just because you think guys/girls will like you and fall into your lap because of it. It doesn't work that way, anyway. You should never get surgery because so-and-so says you're fat or you have a big nose or you have no t*ts. They're probably just jealous of you for something else and feel the need to put you down in order to feel better about themselves.

The only time I would support surgery when it isn't reconstructive is if the person is doing it for themselves, they aren't trying to look like somebody else and they are perfectly comfortable in their own skin with no serious self-esteem issues or depression. If they are happy with their bodies, but think it will look nicer with a little bit of fat taken out here, or some collagen in there, then I think that's okay. As long as the individual is doing it for no-one else but themselves and they are mentally healthy without any confidence or obsessive problems I think it is safe for them to do so.
now u can pay for anything...
that sucks!!!!!!!
plastic surgery sucks... we'll all be barbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LucindaMay said:
OMG! :angry: These people are obviously very shallow and must lead very boring, unfulfilling lives. If I were you I would stay far, far away from them.

Agreed..... :ninja:

People who get plastic surgery (and I am not talking reconstructive surgery here) tend to think that it will boost their self esteem.... But that's a lie, because self esteem has to do with how you feel about yourself.... it has nothing to do with your appearance.... They will get something done, but will never be satisfied.... :(
softgrey said:
i do not believe in elective surgery...period...end of story...
what happened to accepting people for the way they are...doesn't that go for ourselves as well...
changing what we look like is not the answer...
changing how we feel about ourselves and each other is... :ninja: :flower:

peace and love...

My thoughts exactly... Very well said Softie.... :heart:

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