What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?

I would never choose plastic surgery except in case of serious accident. I like myself too much to change any part of this body for fake.. :lol: :blush:
I was bowlegged and had to get corrective surgery at 15. It was 100% medical surgery... if they didn't fix it I would have arthritus at the age of 30 and I had lots of trouble walking and one leg was shorter than the other (which they also fixed). As a result, my legs were straightened. To me, this was "like the most amazing thing in the world!" (my 15-yr-old satire voice).. I no longer had to worry about anyone making fun of my (gimp-like) walk or wearing a lift on my shoe, etc. For real, I hated my legs.. absolutely hated that they were bowlgged.

Now, post surgery- did it alleviate some of my hangups? Yes, I didn't spend as much time critizing my legs. Did it make me any BETTER or HAPPIER as a person? No. You cannot expect a physical change to make you happier. And it will ONLY lift you up if you are a person who places self worth on your image.

To me, cosmetic surgery is debasing someone to the level of a physical body. We are not a physical body, our body is just a vehicle. We are so so much more, and focusing on the body just takes our mind away from that. Love yourself-- its the best relationship you'll ever form. If you want to change anything- change your self perception.

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To each their own.. as long as it's not abused.. it's really a minority those who I've seen getting some benefit from plastic surgery with just vanity purposes but that minority has looked great.. a friend got a neck lipo.. is that the name?.. I honestly can't tell the difference but he feels better so it's all good.. I've been in the hospital once and I promised I would never get back to it if I had the choice so it's a no-no for me, I'm scared to death of needles, tubes and everything in between.. but, maybe.. who knows.. I've never had wrinkles on my face so when I get there, I might not find them as fascinating as I do now.. same for gravity-defeated breasts. :innocent::p
I'm all for it. I used to be anti, but my mom got her ears pinned back a few years ago and absolutely loves the results, she was so happy that she got her hair cut in a pixie cut. Personally I know I'm going to get a breast lift, Botox (within the next couple of years), maybe a nose job just to shave off a little bump, and some lipo. I don't care about the pain.
I don't think anything is wrong with it as long as you can afford it and you aren't doing it to deal with emotional problems. Deal with those first, if you still want to change your features go ahead. But changing the way you look is not going to make you happy if there are emotional problems underneath.

That said, if I could afford it I wouldn't mind getting touched up to look like Natasha Poly.:innocent: I have always been in love with her face and cheekbones. A little bit of boob enhancement wouldn't hurt either.B)
But aren't the risks too high? And if you inject botox on your face it will not move naturally anymore... I think people should be careful with medical procedures which are not done to benefit your health. It seems like in today's society full of reality programs about plastic surgery, people think they can go to a clinic today and come out the next day as a new person. There is always a risk when you are getting operated, no matter how small or short the operation is. Especially if you need to be put to sleep during the procedure, it can be fatal. After the surgery there still can be complications... there can be complications any day after you have had your plastic surgery done. I think people should take this business more seriously. Would you risk your life to get a tiny bump out of your nose or have five wrinkles less? A surgery is always a risk. If you know about the work of an anaesthetic surgeon, you know that the most fatal thing in surgery is not actually the part were you are cut and when the surgery is actually performed; the most dangerous part is when you need to be put to sleep during the procedure. That is why it is extremely important to have an anaesthetic surgeon in every surgery and why their training is highly skilled. It baffles me that people would want to go through that just because they want to get bigger boobs or a less extraordinary nose.

Botox is highly poisonous. Why would you want to inject that on your forehead on your own will? Breast implants can start to leak or transform from soft to hard.

If you are planning to take plastic surgery, what is the ideal picture you have in your mind? Doesn't plastic surgery, which is mostly based on the ideals of media, makes us all look the same? What's wrong with the little bump in your nose, it makes you unique? Why does it matter whether you have breasts size of AA cup or size of DD+, if your breasts are beautiful? I would hate to transform myself to a barbie doll with the perfect nose, perfect bottom, perfect C- or D-cup breasts and perfect skin that would never wrinkle. I think it looks odd if you try to stay fifteen for your whole life. Although Hollywood and the fashion world says beauty is only a thing of teens, in the real world there is beauty in every age. Beauty is diversity, not ideals.

Sorry if I sound a little bit passionate about this, but it baffles me how many are considering to have plastic surgery as if they were picking candies at a candy shop or testing make-up at the make-up counter. Although I am disgusted by people wanting to look all the same, the thing that mostly makes me afraid is that many don't seem to realise what they are getting themselves into. A surgery is always a risk, there is no "easy" or "riskless" surgery. Even if you go to get one wrinkle evened out from your face, you might die from the surgery. It doesn't matter if you are healthy and go to a reputable plastic surgeon, there are always a lot of risks that cannot be calculated beforehand. Think hard if you are considering plastic surgery. Would you have heart or liver surgery right now, would you think it is easy and riskless? You probably wouldn't. There's no difference between that kind of surgery to plastic surgery.
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Good plastic surgery isn't about changing yourself to look like everyone else. It's about 'tweaking' (for want of a better word) your own features so that you still look like you- but an enhanced version. I know people who have been bothered by certain features of their face (like a 'little' bump on the nose). A girl got her nose shaved down and now she feels so much better. What may seem like nothing to everyone else is something that consumes them and doesn't let them get on with life. There is always the - but it's a superficial fix- argument but in reality it works. (Here, a psychological profile/evaluation plays an important part. Professionals have to ensure unreaslistic expectations are non-existant etc) The girl I mentioned didn't hate herself, she just didn't like her nose from profile and it bothered her.
Of course any kind of surgery is a high risk and should be carefully considered. But that is where research plays a part and where a good relationship between a surgeon and their patient is necessary. It makes me sad that people look for cheaper options, don't check the qualifications of their surgeons (board approved etc), the facilities and the experience the particular surgeon has with the particular surgery they want. There is risk in everything- but risk can always be reduced.
Botox may be poisonous but in its form/use this is irrelevant.
I don't think plastic surgery should ever be a first option but it is an increasingly popular route (being so much more accessible) so the best thing imo is for people to be more informed about safe surgery (mental/physical/procedural components).
Botox may be poisonous but in its form/use this is irrelevant.

Many make-up products contain harmful ingredients. Just because they are allowed and don't acutely harm your health it might not be enhancing your health to use it :flower: I just simply don't see why we would like to inject poison to our bodies, whether it hurts us in the way it is used or not.
Plastic surgery is JUST WRONG. I am a socialist. I live in a capitalist order which I deplore. I barely shop anymore. I eat so little and so basically. I don't drink, have all but cut out sugar, don't have any physical addictions...

And yet. I. WANT. SURGERY.

Plastic surgery is not awful because of insecurity, or messing with nature, or narcissism or the awfulness of fitting into a mould. It is awful because spending so much money on oneself is the most grotesque and vulgar thing one could do. Just GROTESQUE. There are so many programmes on TV about kids who are stoned in third world countries because of their cleft lips and the Western doctors who try to help them pro bono, or about the other horrors in the world that that money could help avert.

Am I going to get surgery? Yes.

I just don't have the strength to deal with the madness that comes with wondering about what it would be like not to have to think about my nose. And I don't believe in much meaning in this life beyond sticking to the rules and not rocking the boat for other people. And I doubt the chances of an afterlife (though I don't rule it out). Therefore by getting surgery, I am trespassing against my own moral code but not enough to significantly rock that boat. If life is that meaningless, perhaps there should be those moments where we give in to temptation. And that is not much of an excuse, nor should it be, but surgery it is.
I think plastic surgery is great if you think it will help your self-esteem. I have an issue with a scar and I really want to get scar revision. But I just don't know which doctor to pick cause I 'm scared about having a bad doctor. Can anyone help me about picking a doctor in Canada. Where do I start?
I still think one's self esteem can be nearly as bad as a kid being stoned because of a cleft lip. But I see your point.
Oh and to answer your question, look at the boards that a surgeon has to qualify with in Canada, contact them and hopefully they'll put you in touch with someone.
hitzpink said:
I totally agree. Plastic surgery is ridiculous. I hate how it's practically a crime to age naturally now. Things sag as you get older, wrinkles appear, stretchmarks pop up...these aren't things that need to be "fixed," they're natural!

I also disagree with people who say "Oh, I've hated my nose since I was 3. It's so ugly and I'm going to fix it!" IMO, it's not the nose that needs fixing. It's the way you feel towards it. People look at plastic surgery as this miracle cure for everything that is "wrong" with their body, and that is a sad and dangerous way of looking at it.

I think that breast implants are the absolute worst, even if you don't go for the Barbie doll DD-cup look. I just hate how much emphasis is put on having big breasts. When you really consider what you are doing to your body just for the sake of fitting into the mold of a "beautiful" woman that society pushes on us, it's just depressing and ridiculous.

Plastic surgery is just the same as dieting, doing your makeup. dyeing your hair. It is a cosmetic improvement and it does help self esteem. Professional plastic surgeons do a evaluation with the patient prior scheduling surgery to make sure they don't have any false expectations and/or emotional issues.
I had my breasts done after childbirth. I had my son at 19 and my boobs were left with that "empty tire look":lol: , I was a DD before the child at 5'1, 96lbs. So I returned to my original size. I pretend to have lipo in a few months on my love handles. Lipo is only intended for people on their normal weight range but have "tough areas" that won't go away.
Plastic surgery improved my self esteem. I feel happier and much more confident!!!:D
Plastic surgery is just the same as dieting, doing your makeup. dyeing your hair.

No, it isn't. All those things don't involve a risk. Plastic surgery is a medical operation, and there is always a risk. You cannot compare a surgery to dyeing your hair.
WhiteLinen said:
No, it isn't. All those things don't involve a risk. Plastic surgery is a medical operation, and there is always a risk. You cannot compare a surgery to dyeing your hair.

hair dyeing has it risks too if done wrong. Seriuosly scalp burns and baldness. Plastic surgery if not with a good surgeon and with proper research is much more safer than driving your car. You have more chance of dying while driving than while getting your boobs fixed in the hands of a certified plastic surgeon.
For the ones that say plastic surgery makes you a fake person. Don't you think hair coloring, makeup, dieting, contact lenses, braces to fix you teeth, shaving, etc makes you fake as well. None of this things are natural.
hair dyeing has it risks too if done wrong. Seriuosly scalp burns and baldness. Plastic surgery if not with a good surgeon and with proper research is much more safer than driving your car. You have more chance of dying while driving than while getting your boobs fixed in the hands of a certified plastic surgeon.
For the ones that say plastic surgery makes you a fake person. Don't you think hair coloring, makeup, dieting, contact lenses, braces to fix you teeth, shaving, etc makes you fake as well. None of this things are natural.

You are comparing hair dyeing to a medical operation? Sure, everything can go wrong with hair dye, but the risk of dying or getting seriously injured is not there, at least not in the same way as in a medical procedure. Do you know anything about surgery and medical work? People take this matter far too lightly.

Everything can kill us, so why is there information about health hazards? I could be killed right now. I could be killed every moment of the day, everyone can. If I can be killed anytime, I shouldn't care about my health, right, or avoid situations that increase the risk? Well, then I guess we can say "whatever" to anything.
I think plastic surgery is a natural progress within the materialistic, consumerist society that we now live in- as we purchase more and more, and goods become more accessible, we've come to a situation where we can all now buy beauty. I think that it can benefit those who have thought it through and weigh the pros and cons of it.

Personally, I would love to have my nose done. I'm asian, so I have a very flat button nose. My glasses sometimes slide off my nose because of the low nasal bridge. But sometimes I wonder- isnt that just an excuse?

*edited* I often feel that 16/17 is too young for plastic surgery- as though your whole body has not fully developed yet... like, not settled in....
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If the only reason for plastic surgery is vanity then I'd say you're a bit insane to put yourself under a procedure that could potentially cause fatality or disfiguration to an otherwise healthy body. I understand how people with facial disfigurations or enourmous breasts might want surgery and I don't disagree with it. However I've seen far to many pretty girls or average girls go for augmentation (rhinoplasties, breast surgery, liposuction) with awful and sometimes quite damaging consequences.

I don't like the way I look but I won't be one of those girls.
There's a extremely small risc of a rhinoplasty causing a disfiguration or any side effect if you chose a good plastic surgeon. There's no age for plastic surgery, you can have it as long as you've finished growing and developing, but it's very important that your surgeon is a good one, don't believe any kind of beauty center where they offer low prices or anything like that.
republicofstyle said:
Personally, I would love to have my nose done. I'm asian, so I have a very flat button nose.

*edited* I often feel that 16/17 is too young for plastic surgery- as though your whole body has not fully developed yet... like, not settled in....

I had a nose job for the same reason. I had a really flat button nose. My surgeon told me that it is much more difficult to build a nose up than to shave off a bump, so make sure you pick a really good surgeon.

My results weren't very radical, but I was looking for something subtle.
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