What makes a person captivating?


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Nov 6, 2007
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What do you think makes a person outstanding from the rest of the crowd? What gives them a great charisma?Is it their walk, their eyes? Don't say "aura" - because that wouldn't explain anything... Do you think it's a fantastic sense of style? A smile? A perfect haircut?

Everytime I'm in the city or at university I have the same thought:
There are some extremely "captivating" people - Some of them not even classically "pretty" but still ...you can't take their eyes off of them.

Another thing I noticed is this exact forum: Why is it that Kirsten Dunsts thread is more visited than let's say Anna Kournikova's? Why Gemma Wards thread more lively than... Cindy Crawfords? Even though I find the latter two more beautiful from an aethitc point of view.

Thanks for replies :flower::heart:
I think that what makes a person captivating cannot be put into one category. For some people it's their sense of style, for some it's graceful body language, and yet for others it's their infectuous energy, warm personality, or any number of things.

As for your point about celebrities, I think it's more a matter of who is "hot" (i.e. hyped) at the moment and who is not. Celebrities - even the genuinely down to earth ones - are walking marketing machines for their movies/products etc. For example, Anna K was once one of the most searched celebrities on the internet, but she isn't in the limelight so much currently. That may change, if she starts playing tennis again, or stars in a movie, does an advertising campaign...
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JE ne sais quoi.....
But i guess at a combination of factors.Physical, and inner personality.

I would guess, in part, at the inexplicable secrets yet to be revealed to us.
A make up of different characteristics, all coming together to form a multi dimensional projection of the persons being.

As well as the quality's an individual find attractive in a conscious, and maybe sub conscious level.
What makes a person captivating....

I would say a sense of style, humour, their appearance and the way they walk. you can spot someone when out by their presence so that makes them captivating. I look at some people and think you look really intersting and why? I hope people think that about me!!
and yet for others it's their infectuous energy, warm personality, or any number of things.

i definitely see the appeal of infectuous energy and warmth, but i find that the people i admire from afar seem relaxed, low-key, aloof. god, i wish i were captivating! :lol:
I guess that kind of depends on what we ourselves consider captivating. Besides having a je ne sais quoi, mystery can be captivating. Someone who you don't know everything about and who isn't always seeking attention is a lot more interesting than the opposite. And some people are just cool, specifically people who don't go out of their way to be considered cool and just have a coolness factor that I can't even explain. I also think grace and elegance can be very captivating. You can have one person who fits into the general idea of what it is to be attractive and one person who's more unconventional looking. The latter can be a lot more captivating when they have an elegance about them that the other person might be lacking.

And about who's topic gets more visits, I visit the topics of people whos' style I like (since this is a fashion forum) and people who I prefer in general. To be honest, asthetically speaking I prefer Gemma and Kirsten over Anna K. and Cindy. Something about Anna and Cindy just seems boring and uninteresting to me, but that's just my opinion based on my own preferences. Obviously everyone has a different perspective on that type of thing.
People who live in the present moment. Most people are so distracted and rushed that they aren't really devoted to what is going on in front of them. I think that when people are completely "present" and living in the moment, completely focused on what is happening in that second, they automatically appear interesting.
Hmm, to me it's a combination of their style and a nonchalant attitude with a gaze in their eyes that stands out like nothing else. The look in their eyes is a big thing and I think it has much to do with living in the moment an thinking intensely about what's ahead of you.
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I think it has a lot to do with inner confidence. People who are captivating carry themselves well, they have good posture, and they comfortable with themselves. I think being comfortable means that you can look a bit different, but you don't have to.

srsly, i've met people that look amazing but their personality is so blah, it makes me wonder what attracted me at first.
belief in themselves, a style that suits them, a passion for what they believe in and talk about, people skills, ambition, an ease awith themselves

... or exactly the opposite can have the same appeal

innocent, wide eyed wonder, selfconcious, beautiful, unsure, not taking themselves too seriously.
Its always the confidence in themselves that makes you aware of their presence, even if they're just simply standing there..

I really believe how one carries themselves attracts (or even allows you to blend in if you wish) and captivates others...this person has something that the others don't have and may want..be it knowledge, physical traits, materialistic goods (e.g. clothes), a certain style, etc.

My two cents of course
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I think it is a unique personal style that is inspired by own believes. If you have found your style you will wear it with confidence automatically. Of course besides looks a great personality and good attitude coupled with the ability to be a good speaker pretty much blows peoples mind.
Energy and vitality--not to mention a sparkle in the eye.
I think it is a number of things but IMO always starts with self confidence.
I think it is a number of things but IMO always starts with self confidence.

i agree with this, ultimately, it is the person inside who defines how we see them. but i would qualify the self confidence to say that it is a type of confidence that is not overly arrogant, but self-assured. someone who knows who they are, accepts their strengths and weaknesses, but has the impetus to really accentuate their gifts and take advantage of these - that is a great self-actualization that is rare these days.

i think the other component to this is the ability to perceive, interact, and fully engage those around you. this of course doesn't necessarily mean through verbal speaking or direct contact - this is a social intelligence to be able to have the right body movements when you interact with those around you, being able to speak clearly and articulately, giving proper eye contact... for those of us new to a social situation, or as a casual observer - we will make slight judgments initially off of these visual cues.

what i have not mentioned, but is implicit, is that a person who knows herself well will also be in tune to proper dress, proportions, grooming, colours, etc. a captivating person can engage people visually, orally, and physically simultaneously. beauty is not skin deep, it exists on several planes.
Caring about other people + not caring what other people think of you + having a skill = awesomeness B)
Besides the outward stuff like eyes, smile and overall appearance, I think that distance, or a certain sense of mystery makes a person captivating. It makes you want to know more about them, break through the outer walls so to speak.

But I think there has to be some fire behind it, and that's where a person's eyes come in, they let you know if there's something beyond the exterior.
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