What to pack for a trip or extended stay

What to pack this summer?

I'm going on a week's holiday to a cute town called Positano along the Amalfi Coast in Italy.
I'm not sure what to pack fashion/accessory-wise, any tips or recommended beauty products to bring would be helpful!
Anyone who's been there, care to share your experiences?
Well darlings,I am currently on week 2 of 'Air Hostess' school and your packing tips have been helpful! I decanted my toiletries into mini bottles,and I've also aquired the free shampoo,conditioner and shower gel bottles from my hotel for future night stops :P
I'll be going to Thailand during the rain season this summer. First time in a tropical climate, let alone during the rain season, so all tips/suggestions are welcome! :flower:
^ I would think Ts, cargo shorts, and footwear where the rain can just wash over your feet and not leave them soggy and clammy, that are also good for walking? I don't have such a pair of magic shoes, but it seems like they must surely exist :wink: And bug spray ... I like Burt's Bees because it both works and smells decent, but I don't know if it's strong enough for the tropics ... And a rain hat perhaps. Rain poncho?

Patagonia might have some good performance wear for you ... their quality is great, plus they'll repair it for you if something happens. This might or might not be worthwhile from where you are ...
Adding to fashionista-ta's great suggestions, I think a pair of Havaianas is that sort of magic shoe wear that performs really well under a hot, rainy weather. A very light rain coat (the type Nike carries) is also a good idea. Plus a small backpack to carry the essentials while you're out, high SPF for face and body, a bottle of fresh water, and you're set.
I'll be going on a road trip with my cousins from Vegas to LA to SF (via the Pacific Coast Highway) for 10 days in late May.... I still haven't figured out what I'll wear.
I love lululemon post-yoga pants for travel ... and black makes everything better, so you can still wear them to a decent restaurant or for shopping ...

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