Thanks Evexa.. I didn't realize 'nouveau riche' had negative connotations..
My grandparents survived WWII and moved to Australia with nothing but a few friends and the clothes on their back... spent months on a boat just to get there.. hoping they had a chance to rebuild their lives after so many of their friends and families were killed. My grandfather worked 7 days a week, and still does at the age of 81, and my grandmother raised 3 beautiful girls while working with my grandfather and making sure they both learned English..
My grandfather worked tirelessly and wanted nothing more than to give us the opportunities and education and comfortable life that he didn't have as a child.... growing up people would sometimes speak of my family as 'nouveau riche'..but always in the context of wealth and an empire that was built from nothing.. we never splashed money around or wore brand names just for the sake of it.. my grandmother has one of the most exquisite clothing collections I think I will ever see, but she will take just as pleasure in wearing a $5 t-shirt as she will in a couture gown...
I wanted to understand what you all were referring to before I took offense