What's your best color?

Would it be better if we state what colouring we are then say what colours look best on us?

I'm still trying to figure out what looks best on me actually.

Black hair, dark brown eyes, olive/sallow skin tone.
works best: dark colours with a warm tone(i think. might change)
works worst: anything that is too close to my skin colour.
I have pale olive skin but with freckles,green eyes and light brown hair
so greens,lavender,purple,magenta,blue look good
I never wear black,brown,yellow,bright pink,orange,red
very pale skin with dark hair & eyes.
so, actually one could think that i should avoid everything that is too dark, as it would only highlight my paleness even more
but i think it works rather well in my case ^_^
so, my best colours are: grey, black, navy blue
worst: red, yellow, green (anything that is too bright i guess)
I'm very fair, with medium brown hair with golden and auburn tones naturally, and dark green/hazel eyes. I've unfortunately been typed both cool and warm, but after doing some digging, I think I might have a neutral undertone?

I look good in the darker, stronger earth tones like chocolate brown, olive green, mustard yellow, and burgundy. However, I also look nice in jewel tones. I can get away with pastel lavender, although most pastels don't flatter me, and brights are too strong for my complexion, although again, I can get away with brighter greens and purples, as long as they aren't neon.

So I have no clue if I'm an Autumn, or whatever, but I think I've worked out what works best for me.
I'm very fair, with medium brown hair with golden and auburn tones naturally, and dark green/hazel eyes. I've unfortunately been typed both cool and warm, but after doing some digging, I think I might have a neutral undertone?

I look good in the darker, stronger earth tones like chocolate brown, olive green, mustard yellow, and burgundy. However, I also look nice in jewel tones. I can get away with pastel lavender, although most pastels don't flatter me, and brights are too strong for my complexion, although again, I can get away with brighter greens and purples, as long as they aren't neon.

So I have no clue if I'm an Autumn, or whatever, but I think I've worked out what works best for me.

And that's all that matters ;)

You don't mention what your skin is like, but you could be both cool and warm, like me. My skin is a cool (Prescriptives blue-red) pink, and my hair is a warm chestnut. So I can go either way ... but I guess I prefer cool blue-pinks and purples. But I do the fall colors as well. I just don't like to go too brown, I want to get some orange or copper tones in there. That may be just for how they make me feel, and the effect ...

Eggplant is a really good color on me ... so is coral.
my hair's black, my eyes are blue/green and my skin's white but im actually a bit tanned

i look good in blackish tones, blue even a tiny touch of red or pink
i look terrible in green and brown, and pastel tones make me look like i'm sick, white is a disaster
fashionista-ta, I'm not actually sure about my skin tone. I've been told warm at one makeup counter and cool at another, and I've yet to puzzle out with the standard tests on my own what my undertone is. To my eye, it's pinky-peach, so not quite yellow or pink. I've pretty much given up on figuring it out - if I wear earth toned colors, I wear more yellow-toned makeup, and if I'm wearing jewel tones, I wear cooler shades of makeup, which seems to work all right for me. My hair, though, is definitely warm.
^ Peach sounds like a yellow undertone (that is probably the most common among lighter skinned people). You can put a stark white piece of paper next to the underside of your arm, and see the underlying tone that way ... Basically it's going to be yellow, blue, or pink, I believe.
^It's no good. I just can't tell. I also tend to alternate between sallow and grey. Someone once told me that if you're sallow, you have yellow undertones. If you are ruddy or grey, you have cool. I have acne so I'm perpetually red. I would say that my face is more grey, my limbs, neck and decollage area is more sallow. I'm chinese so it's worst because almost all chinese has a bit of a yellow tint in their skin(we're called yellow people for a reason I guess) but can be actually cool toned(looks better in blues and cold pinks and silver jewllery).
^ You could try having a go at Donna Fujii's self analysis quiz.


She has a lot of categories for East Asian women along with the usual for Caucasians and a few for Black and Latina women. If you're South Asian, Middle Eastern or mixed race and don't match the colouring from any group, I guess you're out of luck. :( I still can't figure out whether the East Asian or Caucasian categories better match my colouring.
I really like it when people the wear colours that you find in their hair/skin/eyes.

Hence I wear mostly neutrals (grey, black) and a shade of rust that matches my red hair. Doesn't work to wear white if you are too pale though, at least not in my case. I look completely washed out in white... Maybe I am a "warm" then and should stick to off-white? Doesn't really matter. Cleaning white clothes is such a hassle I don't have any:P
During winter, I'm wearing mainly black, sometimes grey and dark blue, or a camel coat but that's it mostly. But when summer comes in, I like to wear white and gold, or bright colors because I get really tanned and it enhance that (I'm from algerian backgrounds, dark hair, tanned skin and dark eyes so..)
Which colour suits me the best and which one I like the most are two very different things. :D
I have a fair to medium skin tone, light brown hair with some ombre highlights and green eyes. I think the colour that suits me the most, and the one I get the most compliments on is hunter green. I only own a parka in that colour though, it's not really one of my favourites.
My favourite colours to wear are black, white and grey. I also have an ongoing obsession with peach. I used to hate colours, but I've been trying so many lately! *proud*
^ You could try having a go at Donna Fujii's self analysis quiz.


She has a lot of categories for East Asian women along with the usual for Caucasians and a few for Black and Latina women. If you're South Asian, Middle Eastern or mixed race and don't match the colouring from any group, I guess you're out of luck. :( I still can't figure out whether the East Asian or Caucasian categories better match my colouring.

hmm, interesting. the quiz says i'm high contrast summer. the wardrobe color recommendations aren't bad--they include coral pink and purple, which i wear, & teal, which i used to wear. the choices for describing hair color aren't very good. in color me beautiful, i'm an autumn. the part that's not true is silver being my best metal, which is rose or yellow gold.
Which colour suits me the best and which one I like the most are two very different things. :D
Same for me. The only colours I really find myself drawn to lately are pastels, which absolutely do not suit me. So I stick to wearing dark neutrals- black, navy, charcoal grey... I've got pale olive skin, medium brown hair and dark brown eyes- classic Mediterranean colouring. I honestly think black is the most flattering colour on me- I was once told it suits me because it matches my eyes. :unsure: I love white, but it does absolutely nothing for me.
I think I look good in white, but I don't wear it that often. I hate that it easily gets dirty... and I just love strong and fun colors. Teal and mustard are my favorite.
i been wearing tons of navy and white for years, but i've recently started to replace navy with burgundy and olive, basically what navy is for blue, but for red and green :lol:
Street_a_Licious: Burgundy and olive is such a pretty color combination! I'd love to wear the combination myself, but I hate wearing any kinds of greens... I have red hair and too many memories of people trying to make me wear green against my will:/

Clemence poesy always made the combination look so chic. (source:harrymedia.com)
i love their earthiness. work wonderfully with beiges, sumptuous chocolate browns. a burgundy pullover under a trenchcoat or beige woolcoat looks fantastic.

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