White & Green tea

over in australia they just made a green tea/ coffee concoction for instant coffee with the antioxidants. hmm.. i know what i won't be tryng anytime soon, it sounds too weird
I'm loving Earl Gray Green Tea at the moment. I could do without the strong flavor of black tea and I love bergamot. Perfect when I'm groggy in the morning, the scent is lovely.

I remember trying that before I liked either Earl Grey or Green tea and back then it was the worst thing I had ever tasted lol. But you've just reminded me I ought to give it another go as i like both of those types of tea now ^_^
omgosh, i love green tea! i drink at least 3 cups a day. it keeps my skin all nice and clear :)
I'm drinking rooibos tea too now. Deliciously different.
^YAY another rooibos fan :heart: Have you tried spiced rooibos? Delicious!
Pu-erh (black) tea

my post is not completely related, but i did a search for "tea" and nothing came up. idk what's going on.

the East's general slenderness could be attributed in small part to the fact that, when they eat fatty foods, they drink hot beverages. unlike the US at least, where you drink cold drinks and the fat solidifies. could be total bullsh*t but it doesn't hurt to try.

i really like Pu-erh, an aged black tea. it has been supposed for centuries to aid digestion, sort of a "weight loss" tea. i grew up drinking it and like it a lot. it's an interesting earthy flavor, not astringent, very smooth. and it's calorie free and low in caffeine. just thought i'd share :flower:
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i really like Pu-erh, an aged black tea. it has been supposed for centuries to aid digestion, sort of a "weight loss" tea. i grew up drinking it and like it a lot. it's an interesting earthy flavor, not astringent, very smooth. and it's calorie free and low in caffeine. just thought i'd share :flower:

I think Victoria Beckham swore by this for a while. In the book 'Japanese Women don't get old or fat' they promote the use of green tea as a key to a healthy life
Is "Japanese Women don't get old or fat" book any good?
I'm reading "Why French women don't get fat" right now and I pretty much like it, it's very simple, but well-written. I saw "Japanese Women..." at the bookstore but didn't buy it cause I hate Japanese food (it makes me feel sick)
I've been drinking green tea like a maniac lately, and it really does make your skin look nice and healthy.
^ same. I don't know if it's a green tea or not, but I recently started drinking Oolong tea and I really love it. The taste is so mild and it smells so good.
White tea is better because it's less processed. Do remember :) I also find it's less bitter.
Green tea is amazing... My favourite varieties are green & jasmine and sencha. White tea is also delicious and is better when you want all the benefits of green tea (i.e. antioxidants) without caffeine overload.
Apart from being high in antioxidant green tea may aid weight loss (however this has never been scientifically proven) and works as a mild diuretic. It is also important to remember that green tea is more beneficial for you when it’s hot.
The only word of warning is that people with adrenal exhaustion should not drink green tea.
Another tip for all green tea lovers – use tea bags for your eyes – simply brew your tea as usual and use the bags on your eyes for 15 minutes (you can also apply a face mask at the same time). Alternatively, brew a cup of green tea, freeze it as cubes and use one every morning after you washed your face.
^thanx for the suggestions NutriGirl. what exactly does it do?

i heard tea could leech calcium from your bones or something? :unsure: i hope it's not true because i drink so much of it!
my favorite green tea is genmaicha. :)
Is "Japanese Women don't get old or fat" book any good?
I'm reading "Why French women don't get fat" right now and I pretty much like it, it's very simple, but well-written. I saw "Japanese Women..." at the bookstore but didn't buy it cause I hate Japanese food (it makes me feel sick)

I read this book about 18 months ago so my precise memories on it are sketchy,but it definetly gave me the feeling that 'healthy eating' sounds achieveable and that the meal time should be an event as opposed to a quick meal from the microwave. At least that's what I remember. And I think there is an awful lot of truth that the green tea in their diets has a huuuge effect on the health and why they are a nation with one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world
^thanx for the suggestions NutriGirl. what exactly does it do?

i heard tea could leech calcium from your bones or something? :unsure: i hope it's not true because i drink so much of it!
my favorite green tea is genmaicha. :)
Hi Tondo

Green tea has the highest amount of antioxidants comparing to all the other teas as green tea is the least processed variety of tea. The most known antioxidant flavonoid in green tea is called epigallocatechin-3-gallate. And this particular ingredient is responsible for protecting our body from free radical damage, hense cancer, premature aging, bacterian infections due to impaired immune system, coronary heart disease etc.

Some research shows that people with high triglycerides can benefit from drinking green tea with their meals (1-2 cups of it) to reduce levels of triglycerides in their blood.

It is also said to aid weight loss and particularly, viseal fat loss, i.e. fat around organs, so it is likely to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, too.

Green tea also increases indurance during exercise in people who drink about 4-5 cups of it daily.

As far as the calcium levels are concerned. It may be true, but only to a degree as loss of calcium may be caused by caffeine, but not the tea itself. Since green tea contains come caffeine, it may affect calcium levels in the body. However, coffee, black tea and caffeine containing soft drinks should be mentioned before green tea (for example, a cup of green tea contains about 20-45mg of caffeine and a cup of coffee 75 - 115 mg depending on a variety). Safe limit is anything below 200mg per day unless somebody is very sensitive to it, then it should be limited to less than 75mg. Curiously enough, there was some research done that showed that green tea drinked actually had better bone density than non-drinkers, so I would not worry about calcium loss too much unless you drink too much green tea (up to 6 cups a day is fine).

It may also dehydrate a bit, so remember to drink plenty of water daily.

Now a few precautions.
Green tea may reduce iron absorption, so should be limited by those with iron deficiency.
It should also be avoided by people on warfarin, atropine, codeine, ephedrine, theoplylline and aminophylline and during first trimester of pregnancy.
Hi Tondo

Green tea has the highest amount of antioxidants comparing to all the other teas as green tea is the least processed variety of tea.

No, White tea is the least processed and thus has the highest amount of antioxidants. Look it up~

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