White & Green tea

^Those are deliciouss... I'm sure they have quite a bit of sugar but...still tasty :)
I finally decided that I'd try to give white tea a chance and picked some up at "teavana" in the mall. It wasn't cheap but I was at least able to smell/look at what I was getting. I'm not a fan of green tea and I'm still on edge about the white I just tried. It seems like flavored water, hardly strong at all. It smells good at least. Too bad I burnt my tongue being too eager to taste it right away :(, is there anything special I need to do to make it iced? I think I might enjoy it cold since I'm used to just having water.
i drink green tea a lot. i lost a stone in the past year and im sure green tea has a lot to do with it.

I went to whittard (a tea store in london) to get some white tea and they only had the kind which you have to boil yourself, not any in normal teabags, and it was £12 for a tiny sachet! does anyone know if i can get it cheaper and in normal teabags from anywhere else? is it worth trying china town?
I don't believe anything about what was said in a previous post,about weird effects of drinking lot of green tea,and the coffe better than it:blink: ,just look to people in Japan and China where they drink lot of green tea,you have the population with the lowest percent of cancer and with the best health in world,I am sure green tea have something to do with it.

By the way,I used to drink green tea occasionally,never tried the white tea,but I'd want to, I am sure green/white tea is better then any coffe,I am drinking right now green tea flavoured with fresh mint leaves,did anybody try that?:chef:
hehe green tea is good =) i alternate between traditional chinese green tea and the packageds kind =)... they taste around the same but the leaves one seems a bit less strong than the packaged one. =)
i hope i get all the benefits!
treizi said:
I finally decided that I'd try to give white tea a chance and picked some up at "teavana" in the mall. It wasn't cheap but I was at least able to smell/look at what I was getting. I'm not a fan of green tea and I'm still on edge about the white I just tried. It seems like flavored water, hardly strong at all. It smells good at least. Too bad I burnt my tongue being too eager to taste it right away :(, is there anything special I need to do to make it iced? I think I might enjoy it cold since I'm used to just having water.

I love teavana!!! Sorry, I just had to say that. But it's amazing, I love that place. I drirnk green tea, but I plan to start drinking it more often (as in starting as soon as I finish this post, I'm going to go me myself a cup), and I think it'll be great for curbing food cravings. If I'm constantly drinking something with flavor, albeit subtle (and no calories!), then I won't feel as much need to go munching.
Hi ! Does anyone like to mix teas up a bit ? I don't mind green or white tea, but I often add some chamomile or fennel (etc etc) in there as well. I wouldn't think this would change any of the benefits, maybe add some though, not sure.
mixing teas is great! i often add something extra (at the moment wild berry infusion/tonic) to my green tea for a bit of flavour. i think it definately adds benefits, mainly antioxidants.
Japanese Green Tea Chocolate Cake Recipe (japanese dessert)

4 eggs
1 3/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup butter
2 tbsps maccha powder (green tea powder)
1 tbsp chocolate chips

Put butter in a bowl and stir well until soften. Add sugar in the bowl and mix well. Whisk eggs in another bowl. Mix eggs and butter mixture together. Sift flour and green tea powder together. Add flour in the egg and butter mixture and mix. Add chocolate chips in the bowl and mix together. Spread some batter and place baking wax paper inside of a medium loaf pan

Pour batter into the pan. Bake in preheated 360F oven for 35 minutes.

*Makes 4 servings


green tea shampoo. credit: beautysteals.com

green tea cake credit: 222.to

^ I was mo bored!

Question: If I make many cups of green tea in the morning say, and let it seep, etc. Is it alright to leave it all day then drink it at night. Like are there still the health benefits there..or do they fade or anything?
Green tea is my love! :heart: I'm totally addicted, and I drink at least 2 cups of it everyday.

I've noticed that my metabolism goes faster after drinking green tea btw.
have any of you guys tried ARIZONA green tea>??>?? it says it is 100% natural with honey.... i really love the taste.. but is it really good? (health wise....) tia! :flower:
am addicted to tea!!!I take about 3 cups daily and am glad it has a benefit to my body!!!If anyone of you ever visits East Africa, make sure you take a cup of tea prepared with herbs and ginger....its also good 4u wen u hav astomach upset.
Ever since I've been drinking 2 cups of green tea per day, I feel so much less bloated and more comfortable in my own skin. Does that make sense? It may not just be the tea though ^_^
I've been drinking tons for the past few weeks and I swear I can pinch less on my stomach!:blush: :woot: I'm still going to need to utilize that gym membership...but green tea really is great. It fills me up nice too!
p.s. is all this p*ssing the g tea is making me do supposed to help me lose weight!? g tea. ghetto tea. gangster tea. straight up G TEA. ok I'm stopping..hmm...bouut...now. the end.
^ you are losing extra water from you body since you consume so much tea. so no worries :) when the water gets out you loose few grams of your weight. that is the reason why first you loose lot of weight when starting diet and then it balances to kilo/week :flower:

i used to drink green tea every evening before i went to bed, because it made me so relaxed and i could sleep much much better. i don't really know why i stopped.. maybe i should start again since i've been so stressed out during the past month. but green tea is so good! i always buy this package that contains four different flavours of green tea so i can have some variety
impossibleprincess said:
i drink green tea a lot. i lost a stone in the past year and im sure green tea has a lot to do with it.

I went to whittard (a tea store in london) to get some white tea and they only had the kind which you have to boil yourself, not any in normal teabags, and it was £12 for a tiny sachet! does anyone know if i can get it cheaper and in normal teabags from anywhere else? is it worth trying china town?

I've had white tea in tea bags, I believe it's from Clipper. They come in a green box with a white flower on the front. Waitrose would most likely have it, and if not that brand, I know they do carry a wide selection of teas. Also try Harrods, they have so many different kinds of teas.
Hope this helps. :flower:

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