White & Green tea

mellowdrama said:
My favorite is the big yellow box of Chinese Jasmine Green Tea. It is the bomb , it is ubiquitous, it is better-than-water. Yum. I can drink 6 cups of it day, straight up, no sweetener, no milk, just flowery, slightly bitter, mind-clearing yumminess.

is it organic? I'm looking for a good organic green tea but i'm not sure what brand is best.

fashionistangeL said:
^^what is constipation???

"Condition where it becomes difficult to empty faeces from the bowel" ^_^

So nobody has to figure out a way to explain it here's a linkhttp://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/constipation/index.htm
You know.... I'm usually pretty skeptical about the benifits of this and the benefits of that. I mean I believe studies to a certain degree and everything but it's hard to stick ith something and see results because my lifestyle is constantly changing and I am constantly changing and adapting/dropping all sorts of habbits. Green tea is something I picked up one day. I was kind of bored of heavy drinks like coffee, I was bored of just water and everything else was too sugary and fake. I felt like I was drinking chemicals... well... not really but you know what I mean.

That being said, I started drinking it about 4 months ago (on and off). I feel great! Like I said though I'm usually skeptical about saying things have changed due to "One miracle change" but as far as I know, green tea is amazing. I drink mine hot from one of those thick lipped diner mugs :) I love it!! It might not help that much... but I can almost sware it does (and thats really abnormal for me to say that). It doesn't need sugar or milk... It's wonderful and... I honestly think it helps my metabolism because after thanksgiving and many family dinners... I should weight more than I do. :)
Oh and also, my tea is "certified 100% organic". It is also naturally decaffeinated but that's just because it came that way... I think organic and decaffeinated go hand in hand in this case. I'm not complaining it's just a little extra bonus. I buy it in a box of 40 tea bags from Bigelow but you can buy it in a smaller quantity at any local grocery store.

You can tell it's organic at a single glance at the box. The box is green and the ORGANIC will just stick out at you and scream "buy me!!"
yup, love my organic green tea! I honestly don't know how people drink their tea with milk and sugar! Blasphemy!
I like the blackcurrant flavoured green tea ,dont like to drink it too hot,i have to wait untill its just warm.
Could i buy white tea at Holland and Barratt? Does this tea taste nice.
I started driking green tea like mad but I absolutely hate it!!.
I normally don't like any sort of tea and I want my coffee with strong coffee and milk since I don't like mixing with water, the flavour is like non.existent.
Anyway, for those who hate tea just like I do the only thing you can do it drink it quick and that's it but still drink it because the benefits and like woaa. Seriously, you really notice it(or at least I did).
I adore green tea. Infact, I cannot drink any other teas anymore.

For those who don't like their green tea, what kind of tea do you use? I despise the average green tea bags by Twinings & al. I also do not like green tea when it is very strong - I buy green tea that is quite mellow and fruity. I think the trick is to not let your tea to be too strong (don't let it turn too dark, it shouldn't be dark) and don't use tea bags.

Of course this is only of my personal taste, but that is the way I fell in love with green tea.

There's a brand called Nordstroms which sells green tea called China Green. It is my favourite, the taste is perfect.

Is drinking too much tea bad for your health? I can drink about two pots of green tea per day. I know that drinking too much water is unhealthy, but what about tea?
Fruity green tea? :yuk: Maybe it just sounds wretched because I really dislike fruity teas. I love green tea, but a tea that is also very tasty is Green Tea Chai!:heart: :heart: :heart: Soo wonderful.
And about drinking too much water or tea--I think you should be okay as long as you don't drink, say... two gallons. Too many electrolytes would be lost. I wouldn't worry about a pot or two beng too much, though. :flower:
I was actually meaning Chai tea - that too tastes very fruity to me. I guess it is about personal taste. . .I loathe those fruit teas. I am meaning teas which are more mellow and sweet by saying "fruity".
I drink lots of tea each day (plain, black tea). I can't stand green tea mostly because of how it tastes. Plus, you get much less tea out of a single bag. You can get 3 cups from a black tea bag but only 1 from a green
Love green and white tea. I've family who drink it every day, and they see the health benefits. :) I drink it almost every single day.
oh fruity green tea is quite disgusting. I had rasberry green tea thinking it would be tasty and soothing, wrong.
I love lots of different kinds of tea. ^_^ I drink it nearly every day. It really clears your head.
I agree, fruity tea is disgusting. Although once I tried this cherry tea at Teavana (long time ago) and it was really quite delicious.

Does plain green tea taste nasty for anyone else? Mine tastes bitter, so I always add some honey and fresh lime.

What brand do you all buy for tea?
I don't know if it's brought up already, but I've heard that drinking green tea isn't reccomended to anemics seeing as its antioxidant properties can make iron absorption even more difficult :unsure: does anyone know?

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