1. Pieces of Modesty by Peter O'Donnell
2. Treasure Yourself: Power Thoughts for My Generation by Miranda Kerr
3. My story by Marilyn Monroe
4. I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts On Being a Woman by Nora Ephron
5. Diary of a bad year by J M Coetzee
6. Solar by Ian McEwan
7. Consolation by Anna Gavalda
8. the Gun seller by Hugh Laurie
9. The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano
10. Ruusumadonna by Tuija Lehtinen
11. Ruutumadonna by Tuija Lehtinen
12. The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi
13. Andorra by Peter Cameron
14. The Darling Buds of May, A Breath of French Air, When the Green Woods Laugh by H.E. Bates
15. Unaccustomed earth by Jhumpa Lahiri
16. 101 Experiments in the philosophy of everyday life by Roger-pol Droit
17. Witch tree symbol, Mystery of the moss-cover mansion & The mystery of the fire dragon by Carolyn Keene
18. Love virtually by Daniel Glattauer
19. The land of painted caves by Jean M. Auel
20. The Blythes are quoted by L. M. Montgomery
21. The Christmas Train by David Baldacci
22. War by Sebastian Junger
23. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
24. Sputnik sweetheart by Haruki Murakami
25. The Xanadu talisman by Peter O'Donnell
26. Hiljaiset auttajat by Rauli Virtanen
27. The World without us by Alan Weisman
28. Matched by Ally Condie
Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Seljan tytot by Rauha S. Virtanen
I revisited Never let me go after watching movie, which was absolutely so sad, I didn't remember the book that way.. After third reading book has little bit lost its magic but still lovely. I remember to pick this at first time because of local cover has girl with green hair.
Livingston.. sigh. I have read earlier this in Reader's digest version, and I must admit whole story wasn't any better. I might be little dummy.
We have amazing radio program where they talk about good old girly books (I didn't find if there is exact word for books where main characters are girls, we have..) Anyways, it make me wanna read some books from my teens, this book was last episode, not good as I remembered though. Next time the book will be Little Women, maybe I should visit library already.
I kind of wish that I would finish this challenge already, I'm little bit impatient and this slow and long