'A million girls would kill for this chance' - an ex-intern at Vogue US

perhaps. her story is quite skewed too... she told me she walked in to visit some assistant or something in some advertising sales dept and walked around uninvited to editors offices and passed out resumes.

I can believe it. I was recruited to work in a high-end boutique (price point up to $10K for a garment), just from walking in and looking around. I had the poise and "look" the owner was going for. I have NO retail experience let alone high-end retail (just corporate experience). I was just dressed in nice dark jeans with a Hobo Intl. bag :lol:. Nothing high-end but that didn't matter to her. (I interviewed for the position, but ended up turning it down for another position that was more in line with my work experience and what I was going for.)

Its not the same as interning for a major magazine, but this was not the type of job you can just walk-in off the street and get either. Right place at the right time. :P
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I suppose if you get a guest pass you can walk around to other offices and no one will bother you, though I guess you're not really suppose to do that.

They probably just needed some more free labour?
“When you walk past Anna’s office, do not look in. Keep your eyes forward and walk quickly past.” “Is it really like that?” I asked as I broke the rules and peered past Wintour’s two assistants. I could see only part of the room, which was painted white and had framed fashion pictures all over the walls; it looked like a living room. “Yes it is and if you ever run into Anna don’t make eye contact, just look down and walk on.”

I probably would have been fired on the spot. I make eye contact with everyone. I don't care who you are and what you do, I bow to no one.
That was a really interesting read. The internship seems incredibly challenging but also enthralling, mixed in with a whole bunch of stuff in between.
i would be an intern in a heartbeat. it sounds like the torture you endure during a medicine residency - but more fun!!!!! at least you don't have to SLEEP at the conde nast building at night.
“When you walk past Anna’s office, do not look in. Keep your eyes forward and walk quickly past.” “Is it really like that?” I asked as I broke the rules and peered past Wintour’s two assistants. I could see only part of the room, which was painted white and had framed fashion pictures all over the walls; it looked like a living room. “Yes it is and if you ever run into Anna don’t make eye contact, just look down and walk on.”

I probably would have been fired on the spot. I make eye contact with everyone. I don't care who you are and what you do, I bow to no one.

i think a lot of girls will do the job because of the name 'vogue' and for superficial reasons ie: to be part of that world and see those people so they will do what ever they are told to do, no matter how rediculous

but for the serious people who actually want to work at vogue who actually understand fashion, the rules must be irritating but i guess you just have to approach it with a bit of humor and just accept it for what it is.
Off topic ... but I just have to interject:

It's his vision of how to shoot it,he directs everything that is going on, he has the "eye" and the talent.

But I do find that very interesting that he's using assistants to shoot.

At this point he's a brand. A very valuable and highly regarded brand.
Unfortunately, what the ex intern witnessed is nothing unusual in the fashion or media line of work. The bigger the company the more they all sell you the "you are so priviledged to work for us" so they use you up as long as they can and then they get rid of you.

Yeah, pretty much standard procedure but this here is the very extreme. I think theres a big difference of simply being the intern and being humiliated, used and abused. You might be the intern but you dont have to take that kinda **** from anyone.

As Fashionista NYC put it: I dont bow to no one. And me being me, i would probably tell Mrs Anna to take off her glasses while talking to me,loooool
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I'm pretty sure this is the truth, too. If you think of the cost of clothes for some editorials and the amount of frivolous spending that goes on like the article listed, it makes sense that it is shown the way it has been in movies and books, and it couldn't be more true. If you are in such a position of power, you have money to spare and fashion is about luxury, not so much neccessity, when it comes to Vogue. If a person has a problem with the power and authority, they can begin their own work and go under someone else or begin their own company-- but when it comes to certain jobs that are heavily desired with no thought on what goes into them, being a member of Vogue's staff would likely be one of them.
i don't look anybody in the eye and everybody hates it but that's just me
so i guess I should work there

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