I'm afraid I can't say anything particularly witty here, but I do remember buying my first shirt from them... I was so proud of it too. We went down to the States, to visit an art gallery for a day trip and stopped by a shopping mall. I was in my mid-teens at the time and was so impressed with all of the different labels. We went into Abercrombie & Fitch, which honestly seemed very new and different to me. It had this huge chandelier made of antlers, that now seems quite gross to me, and it was a pretty big store. I bought a single pale green shirt which cost me nearly fourty dollars.
As much as everyone here sees the label as now being very common, it really wasn't at my high school. When I came back with that one shirt, I started paying more attention to other people who had them as well. Yes, I'm being totally and horribly honest here... There was a girl in one of my classes who also wore the label. She was so incredibly polished, and very blond and seemed to have quite a lot of money. I remember that she ended up dating one of the faintly stupid, but good-looking boys from my art class. Anyway, one of the major moments of my high school trying-to-be-cool phase was when I spoke to her in class one day, because we both had clothing from that label. "Oh... Ambercrombie and Fitch... Great label, eh? Pity it's not available here." Trying so very, very hard. It didn't work and I got over that phase, but there's my pathetic but honest little story.