Abercrombie & Fitch

Mutterlein said:
uhhh...this is how most high fashion labels work p.s.

uhhh, not really, Abercrombie not only promotes its clothing, but also a very certain lifestlye, much more so than a high fashion label. It's more than obvious in their advertising and stores. Their catalogue wasn't just a catalogue it was a "guide to life," so to speak.

Its a bit more specific than high fashion labels promoting a wealthy, "have nice things" lifestlye.
TheFLUFFER said:
Clothes are meaningless. The only meaning they have is the one we give them, there isn't an item whose nature is tacky or tasteful, masculine or feminine, original or conformist. They signal different things to different people

I agree. Clothes are meaningless, just like words or numbers, until we give them a definition or assign them a value. This goes without
saying. Abercrombie has chosen to place meaning behind their clothes with a very strong PR campaign that promotes a very certain lifestyle. They begin to send out a certain "look" or a "signal" as you say.

TheFLUFFER said:
statements like "he wears abercrombie therefore he has to have no opinion of his own" are inaccurate and show a person who in this aspect was victimized by certain sociological stereotypes. It is true that anyone who's got a choice in dressing wears clothes that communicate a part of who she/he is. but a wearer of an abercrombie polo shirt doesn't nessesarily want to say "i am a colelge jock and i have a big dick"

I agree again, only because your'e refering to blanket statements. I don't believe EVERYONE that wears abercrombie have no opionions of their own. Or that they all want to communicate they are college jocks. But a lot of them do, a lot of abercombie's customers want to fit in to this sociological stereotype and want the company to speak for them.

TheFLUFFER said:
Let me give you another example. When I was 12 and left russia, very few people knew what a louis vuitton bag was. When I started to regularly notice women in a german town where I lived carrying those little classic print pouchettes, I was confused and thought they were very ugly. A year later I moved again, went to a different school where people were older and more fashion-savvy, some of them had vuitton bags and people admired them and I started perceiving them differently.

This is exactly what I'm saying. These women gave the Louis Vuitton monogram a meaning to you. Just like, on a much wider scale, Abercrombie's PR gives its clothing a meaning or "signal."

TheFLUFFER said:
It is a mystery to me why some people here are so proud of hating abercrombie, as if that somehow means that they are smarter more original and have better taste. What is good taste anyway? Who decides that something is acceptable and somethig isn't? Is a martin margiela shirt only accesable to people with high IQ? You can be anyone if you dress the part. It's all PR. I am just urging you to be smarter and more open-minded about these things.:flower:

You are on a fashion board, people are going to be hypersensitive about fashion, of all things.

Yes you can be anyone if you dress the part, but a lot of abercrombie's customers want to be the type of person defined by abercrombie's very specific PR. They do not have goths or punks or people of age in their ads, you rarely see anyone of colour. You see the same good looking white models in the highschool to college age group, in great shape, who are engaged in the same type of activities in the same type of surroundings. Yes I realize that most most models are white, in good shape and very attractive, but its more specific than that. They promote a lifestyle that I don't believe in or fit in to apparently.
pnin said:
Bravo. Popping out of lurkdom just to highlight this post.

Some of the smartest people in my college are A&F and American Eagle-wearing fratboy types. And some of the more obnoxious people I've ever encountered are Gauloise-smoking pseudo-intellectuals who think wearing vintage and Comme des Garcons somehow elevates them to a higher level of being.

Take away all the pert pretensions, and clothes are still just clothes.
Nobody has the right to look down on another solely on the basis of what they wear. That's not decrying the mistakes of their vanity, that's only feeding into your own.

"Style" is ephemeral. Don't mistake shadow for substance. If our best barometer for detecting who is individualist and who is conformist is by what they wear, then all the arbiter elegantia in the world are no better than the plebes they look down upon, because like it or not they're also conforming to a certain sartorial standard - a more elitist and less mainstream one perhaps, but conforming nonetheless.

True nonconformism is not caring if one is being conformist or nonconformist. And true individualism is judging others by the merits of their persons, not by the merits of their fashion sense.
i really could not agree with you more...

but i have to add...
i could say that some of the most obnoxious people i have met look like the ones you describe as the smartest...

i really don't think you can gauge intelligence by what someone is wearing...
it's quite difficult to be truly stylish without a certain level of intelligence...
while the reverse does not apply...intelligence does in no way guarantee stylishness...
style involves more than simple intelligence..
it involves creative thinking...and a need for personal expression...

you can look around every day and see very smart people wearing very expensive clothing and looking very terrible...:doh:
it really makes me sad...

**on topic-since i don't go to high school and don't live near a mall...
i have no problem with abercrombie...because i never see anyone wearing it...:p
I've never liked A&F simply because the clothes have never appealed to me. Too thing and tight shirts with huge logos and ripped jeans that are overpriced. While many have said this already, I think that many people wear A&E because it represents a certain image. The whole All-American, slightly upper middle class, thing. Whether or not they have style is the opinion of each individual. Then there's the idea of "good" and "bad" style. My friends and I were discussing how people who wear these "mainstream teen brands" are, in some ways, conforming to some "American" ideal. They don't want to be singled out for being too different so they stick to what is considered cool. Then we realized that everyone conforms to something, at one point in their life or another. So called "Goths" have a standard as to what makes someone goth. Being "punk" has certain rules that apply. People in high school are so desperate to have a group, they jump into the first thing they feel slightly comfortable in and immerse themselves in it. That's fine, I suppose, but when an individual or a group of people are mocking someone else simply because of what they wear, that's when I get irritated. I know people who wear A&F and Hollister. They are wonderful people who I get along with yet they wear what the majority of the teen population does. I don't think that your clothes define your intelligence or personality, but in a place so obsessed with image I can understand why so many people would hate A&F. Then again, there are people who really like the brand. They like the tight shirts with sayings and the ripped pants and flip-flops. So what am I supposed to do? Nothing. I know people who can't stand the idea of high fashion. They think people who spend "big money" for an article of clothing or purse is pathetic. They find it pretentious. Of course there's the whole trend thing. It seems as if whenever something because a trend it becomes lame and conformist. I don't wear A&F because I don't like it. Everyone is interested in presenting a certain image, or they're at least aware of what their clothing is supposed to "represent." Maybe because I've had friends with all different kinds of styles and "images" but I wouldn't change it for the world. We get the most odd looks when we go out together. I understand what everyone is saying about how A&E is just a way for teens to not think for themselves in terms of fashion. But I don't know all teens. So I just let everyone be. Of course that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I can be rude and hypocritical with people and their style too, but isin't everyone? Fashion is fun for me, although you'd never know if you saw me. So I might not like what someone is wearing because it's too "mainstream" or "last year's trend" but I know there are tons of people who hate what I wear simply because I tend to wear slight variations of the same thing.
TheGloryOfThe80s said:
uhhh, not really, Abercrombie not only promotes its clothing, but also a very certain lifestlye, much more so than a high fashion label. It's more than obvious in their advertising and stores. Their catalogue wasn't just a catalogue it was a "guide to life," so to speak.

Its a bit more specific than high fashion labels promoting a wealthy, "have nice things" lifestlye.

how do you think prada, dior, versace, louis vuitton, etc make their money? You think people buy Prada nylon bags because of the quality?

It's a fundemental aspect of marketing. You buy the product so you can feign the lifestyle of the people in the advertisments. Abercrombie just knows how to milk this for all it's worth via Bruce Weber's all american eroticism.
purplelucrezia said:
I'm afraid I can't say anything particularly witty here, but I do remember buying my first shirt from them... I was so proud of it too. We went down to the States, to visit an art gallery for a day trip and stopped by a shopping mall. I was in my mid-teens at the time and was so impressed with all of the different labels. We went into Abercrombie & Fitch, which honestly seemed very new and different to me. It had this huge chandelier made of antlers, that now seems quite gross to me, and it was a pretty big store. I bought a single pale green shirt which cost me nearly fourty dollars.
As much as everyone here sees the label as now being very common, it really wasn't at my high school. When I came back with that one shirt, I started paying more attention to other people who had them as well. Yes, I'm being totally and horribly honest here... There was a girl in one of my classes who also wore the label. She was so incredibly polished, and very blond and seemed to have quite a lot of money. I remember that she ended up dating one of the faintly stupid, but good-looking boys from my art class. Anyway, one of the major moments of my high school trying-to-be-cool phase was when I spoke to her in class one day, because we both had clothing from that label. "Oh... Ambercrombie and Fitch... Great label, eh? Pity it's not available here." Trying so very, very hard. It didn't work and I got over that phase, but there's my pathetic but honest little story.
:lol: good story..made me laugh a lil

A&F is so-so
i dont like to live a lifestyle with dozens of buff guys..ugh:ninja:
if they replace the guys with dior homme boys than maybe i ll get addicted..:innocent:
Mutterlein said:
how do you think prada, dior, versace, louis vuitton, etc make their money? You think people buy Prada nylon bags because of the quality?

It's a fundemental aspect of marketing. You buy the product so you can feign the lifestyle of the people in the advertisments. Abercrombie just knows how to milk this for all it's worth via Bruce Weber's all american eroticism.

I don't deny "high fashion" brands use the lure of a better lifestyle, If you would of read my response I said abercrombie promotes a certain lifestyle "much more so than a high fashion label." :blink:
Does anybody have pictures of A&F's new Fifth Avenue store (the ex-Ferre location)?
A&F is all made in India. You can buy it off the sreets in bombay city. LOL. and i bought a TOPSHOP shirt yesterday for Rs 150
You can also find Tommy Hilfiger, with some luck Mango, Miss Sixty jeans etc :P
Could someone actually describe A& F to me or post some pictures as i live in the uk where (i dont think) that they have stores. On the idividualism thing i geuss i 'conform' ( i have many freinds who dnt and i reli respect that), as at the moment i dont feel confident enough not constantly feel self concious when i no people are looking at me and thinking "What is she wearing" but hopefully someday ill stop caring what people think of me:) And if that makes me come across as a complete loser, so be it
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LostInNJ said:
I agree with your comment, but disagree at the same time. Personally, as a student in high school, I can relate to the fact that we want to fit in. As sad as it may sound. But, while I do not shop at A&F, I think you can purchase items from these stores and still have your own personal style.

As for comments on the store. I avoid it due to the allegations of the company being racist. I'm really not sure whether or not it is, but I tend to stay away from it. I actually like some of the clothes, but other things are overpriced and just crappy looking.

i agree with this to a certain extent. my general thoughts are that abercrombie has decent normal stuff...if you want say, a pair of shorts or sumtin, but some of their stuff is just not stylish. You can walk into an abercrombie, spy out a striped shirt, then walk into 5 other stores and see the same thing over and over...
oh and one more thing...the abercrombie in my home town employs a full time buff guy to stand around *topless* and look pretty at their entrance. Something has to be wrong with that picture.

Never stepped in an abercrombie and i don't plan on it
TheGloryOfThe80s said:
I don't deny "high fashion" brands use the lure of a better lifestyle, If you would of read my response I said abercrombie promotes a certain lifestyle "much more so than a high fashion label." :blink:

I disagree still but I understand what you are saying. Abercrombie does seem to have a strong influence on their customers that they actively enforce, but other than their wider and mainstream appeal, it isn't any different than what high fashion labels do. Is it their ad campagins? their store designs, their millions of brand promoting products created for just a quick buck? Their quaterly publication filled with images of nubile young models? It's disgusting that they tell young americans that the ideal is to be a meat head blonde muscle jock/beach babe but is that anymore disgusting than Prada telling young girls they need to obtain a physically impossible stick thin figure?

Abercrombie is based in Columbus Ohio where I live, I've met a lot of the designers and people who work in marketing and the company managment. In fact a few friends now design there, I can say that they are just very smart business people. They are the equivalent of the Phillip Morris of the clothing industry. YES abercombie is the bane of american visual culture, YES it is a sad excuse for an aesthetic idenity, YES it extingiushes any spark of individuality and taste for those unlucky enough to wear the clothes. If people don't know better and don't mind not knowing any better let them enjoy it. Let people enjoy whatever it is they enjoy especially if it's not harming anyone. It just means I have easier access to the good stuff.
softgrey said:
i really could not agree with you more...

**on topic-since i don't go to high school and don't live near a mall...
i have no problem with abercrombie...because i never see anyone wearing it...:p

do yourself a favor and never come to central Ohio (not that you were eager to anyways)!
i really am quite amused by this whole discussion. how can most of you snobbily look down on the supposed 'conformists'? just beecause you don't buy into the bland abercrombie look, certainly doesn't mean that you don't conform. if you have anything to say about the lack of fashion present in the clothes that a&f sells, you have clearly bought into some other style. although abercrombie is not unique or creative, the concept is the same.
shoppinghoe said:
i really am quite amused by this whole discussion. how can most of you snobbily look down on the supposed 'conformists'? just beecause you don't buy into the bland abercrombie look, certainly doesn't mean that you don't conform. if you have anything to say about the lack of fashion present in the clothes that a&f sells, you have clearly bought into some other style. although abercrombie is not unique or creative, the concept is the same.

No, it really isn't. Abercrombie and Fitch is different from say...the Gap or J.Crew. All three are equally bland, each has their strengths. But unlike A&F, Gap and J.Crew are discreete. By that I mean when you wear those brands it's not heralded for all to know that fact. Also when you wear those brands, you aren't buying into a very odd elitist/aryan/pseudo-nantucket cult. It's not even a matter of conformity, like you said, were are all conforming to SOMETHING. It's a matter of not submitting to be being tabula rasas and allowing what is probably the most dysfunctional and distorted commodification of american youth culture shoved down your throat. I don't blame the company for being smart about making money and I don't blame the people who buy into what they are selling, but it all puts a bad taste in my mouth.
i agree that the image is definately different in abercrombie clothing from others that are similar, like GAP. and that image can be kind of disturbing to those who see it as a way of excluding certain "types" of people. i'm just saying that the way that the customer conforms is the same as the customer of any other brand or particular style. a&f shoppers are not a whole different breed.
my guy wears lots of abercrombie, but he is definately not the 'abercrombie buff guy' type... i think as long as a person can incorporate different brands into their wardrobe without overdoing it, it's not so bad. but head to toe anything is never a good idea:rolleyes:
ok so reading what some of you have written, i considered what i said and realize i was a bit too harsh.

just because I wouldn't wear Abercrombie clothing doesn't mean i don't want others not to either. Personally, it isn't my place to judge what other people wear. I consider certain things stylish and certain things not...one of those being abercrombie. pnin put it best in his post.

btw, i'd like to see the article that hotpinky is writing or going to write about this. should be interesting to see how she takes all this and puts it together.

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