Acid-washed jeans sounds like a throwback to the late 1980s and early 1990s. I'm usually hateful of anything '80s. Before seeing any pictures, I was imagining that this was a chance for the '80s to come back and bite us like an mosquito that has no one better to suck peoples' blood out of. I was thinking of '80s pop or early '90s pop (maybe even some rock from those times). The only acceptable acid-wash jeans (especially like the first picture from Post #1) is for painters on a lunch break or for folk that just find something to wear without even thinking about a specific look or style. If the wearer of these jeans is simply a trendy teen trying to just look... trendy, then these jeans are a bad idea. Ripped jeans are more managable as far as aging goes, but not these. The jeans from Post #9 are somewhat manageable as well. I just prefer jeans that don't look like they've been in the closet for years or treated poorly. I prefer richer denim colors than anything faded or look like painters' pants on a lunch break. The jeans from Post #9 are skinny jeans. I'd be happier with dark indigo skinny jeans with black, low-heeled, pointed toe pumps if I were a lady. Avoid these acid-wash jeans.