Advice: Education & Career Goals (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

I always read about people wanting to go to Parsons in NYC but I am applying to the one in Paris. Does anyone know about the program there? Is it any good?
Are there any London College of Communication MA Publishing alumni here? I'm considering applying for the Magazine pathway. I have a degree in Design & Art Direction (my specialism was editorial design and magazines). It's now 2 years since I graduated and I've since realised that whilst I enjoy doing practical design work, I don't want to do it on a daily basis. I was always good at writing and critical thinking and my tutors suggested I should do an MA, but I didn't listen!

I would still like a career in magazines and I want very much to use my skills as a designer and problem solver just not at the mac monkey end of things. I have been working as a freelance graphic designer, in a bookshop and as a library assistant since I graduated. Is it worth me doing this MA in Publishing at LCC (or University of The Arts as they're now all called) or should I attempt to find work now somewhere on the bottom rung as an intern?

The course:

To summarise my waffle: is this MA valuable to starting a career in Magazines? (both fashion and other.) I would like to be a features editor or art director.
Confused About My Major!

I attend Cornell University and I am in the Fiber Science and Apparel Design Department. They offer 3 Majors--Fiber Science, Apparel Design, Apparel Management (with concentrations in either Management, Product Development, or Communications)

I originally applied and currently am a Design student, however I am unsure of whether I should stick to this or change to a Management-Communications major. I've been trying to decide this for over a year and I am still not sure what I should do.

My indecision basically stems from the fact that I don't completely know what I want to do after college. My history is based in art, and I love design, but I am not sure that I want to be a designer. I have also always been interested in writing and would consider a career in fashion journalism, either fashion editing/styling, fashion writing, or perhaps layout/graphic design.

I love designing but I only started to learn sewing/patternmaking this year and I don't know if I am good enough/don't enjoy patternmaking enough to pursue a career as a designer. Then again I have an internship this summer and I don't know if it is the magazine that I am at or the department I am in, but I don't know if that is the place for me either. The job seems to be based on organizing and calling in samples, sometimes pulling possibilities for shoots, and I don't want to be doing that forever.

Anyway I would love any insight as to what major would be best considering my interests, and especially which, design or management-communications, would offer the most flexibility in my future (would it be easier to break into journalism with a design major or design with a management-communications major)

Also from what I can tell it seems like both aspects of the industry have less-than-enticing entry level salaries, but my parents keep asking which would be the more lucrative option money-wise, so any information regarding that would be great too.

Thank You!
MA Fashion Management/Marketing

Hey everybody,

I am thinking about taking a Masters degree in Fashion Marketing/Fashion Management/ Fashion Business in London or New York since I always wanted to work on the business side of the fashion industry. I saw that, for example, the London College of Fashion offers a MA in Fashion Marketing or the European Business School London a MA in Luxury Brand Management.

I actually studied Business Administration and I am working now for a majour european media company, but since my dream has always been fashion, I am thinking now to make a shift in my career. However, I am pretty unsure, whether this is a good option because I heard a lot, that most of these fashion courses are rather for (expensive) fun, than for finding a good job.

Does anybody of you know, whether these courses are good or if it would help your career, to invest in this kind of education (if you are thinking about working in the marketing department of the popular brands such as Dior, H&M etc.)?

I would be very grateful, if anybody could help me.

Thanks a lot!
Are there any London College of Communication MA Publishing alumni here? I'm considering applying for the Magazine pathway. I have a degree in Design & Art Direction (my specialism was editorial design and magazines). It's now 2 years since I graduated and I've since realised that whilst I enjoy doing practical design work, I don't want to do it on a daily basis. I was always good at writing and critical thinking and my tutors suggested I should do an MA, but I didn't listen!

I would still like a career in magazines and I want very much to use my skills as a designer and problem solver just not at the mac monkey end of things. I have been working as a freelance graphic designer, in a bookshop and as a library assistant since I graduated. Is it worth me doing this MA in Publishing at LCC (or University of The Arts as they're now all called) or should I attempt to find work now somewhere on the bottom rung as an intern?

The course:

To summarise my waffle: is this MA valuable to starting a career in Magazines? (both fashion and other.) I would like to be a features editor or art director.

You actually have a great background for publishing and possibly eventually curating if that's something you'd enjoy. The LCC MA in Publishing looks really great. Let us know if you do pursue it.
Cado ... your question has been merged into the thread about this school ... here.
college help?

Hello. I am currently a junior who is beginning the whole college process. I have been interested in fashion since I can remember, and have always wanted to pursue a career in it. As I've grown older I realized that I would want to be involved or styling or working at a major magazine such as Harper's Bazaar or Vogue possibly in Journalism. Parson's has always been my dream school, but as of late I have become interested in some regular colleges that are not art schools. I know I'm going to apply to both, but I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on schools that have strong fashion journalism programs, or strong fashion business or merchandising.
Thank you!
There are threads here about each profession .. and most of them have suggestions about the usual education needed and often name some schools.

Learn to do an advanced search to find these threads:
  • Search by thread titles ... we are very good about keeping them search friendly.
  • Select the Careers, Education forum ... that's where all of these threads can be found.
  • Use keywords that relate to the job with the following suggestions in mind:
  • Do not use the keword "fashion" because the will give you too many varied results ... litereally hundreds.
  • Our search engine does not recognize words with less than 4 letters.
  • Therefore, "PR" should be searched as "public relations", NY should be searched as "york" (both "NY" and "new" are are too short) and FIT should be searced by "institute" and "technology" (FIT is too short & don't use "fashion").
In your case, I suggest the following keywords: publishing, magazines, magazine, editor, journalism, business, merchandising. We have a lot of threads about careers in those genres. Also Marketing, Buying and Public Relations.

You might also search by region or city ... if you wish to narrow it down to your geopgraphical area. We have threads for fashion schools (but not regular schools, since this is a fashion forum) in each of the the major fashion cities: Paris, Milan, New York, Miami, and it think Antwerp ... not sure. We have threads about various other fashion schools in countries or regions like the United States, Europe/European, Austrailia/New Zealand, Dubai, South America, Mexico, and I think Japan and the United Kingdom.
Hello all! Question:

I am considering (AKA definitely not certain on) pursuing a career in styling at some point- as it's a competitive field, to say the least, often based more on who you know more than what, I have no intentions of transferring out of my top ranked liberal arts college or even switching my major/minor (English/Film Studies). I am, however, looking to take classes that might add to my skill set a bit- suggestions? Would Art History be more helpful than 2-D Art Foundations? Would it be better to take courses in the costuming under the theatre department or in the art/art history department?
I can understand why you can't decide. I think both are important for different reasons. Can you not take courses from both departments?

You are studying Film Studies ... so, I am assuming that you might be interested in working in film as a wardrobe person and a costumer (which is a lot different than styling). The Theater Dept. courses would probably help you learn the craft of actaully making costumes, about resources for fabrics, resources for renting costumes, and tricks of the costumer's trade, how to turn clothing into realistic costumes, how different fabrics look under the lights, etc. ... it would be hands on costuming and would be invaluable. But then, art history would give you a foundation on which to build your ideas. In films, you would be called upon to be able re-create authentic dress from any time period and culture ... so all the art history would be very important, too. For a costumer, I would think that the Theatre Dept. is the place to be, if you could only choose one.

As far as fashion styling goes ... people get into it from all types of educational backgrounds ... or no formal training at all, in many cases. A fashion stylist needs to have a good eye for what looks good on camera and for what might be the next trend. She would use mainly today's fashions and have to create concepts and themes. Since, nothing is ever new in fashion and most of it has a nod to the past, art history and would be valuable. Art studies of any type would give you a foundation for ideas, plus help you develop an eye for the artistic, to learn about color, shape, texture, movement, etc. On the other hand, even though a stylist would not be asked to create and authentic costume and they don't sew (much), they would be working with fabrics that will be under the lights and taking care of garments. So, I would think that working in the Theater Dept. would help you learn how fabrics work on stage, you'd pick up a few stylist's tricks and learn how to care for the clothes that are entrusted to your care for you gigs. For a styist ... I think Art History and other art courses would be a bit more important.

I say do both if you can!

And ... something you probably have not thought about, if you are planning on being a freelance fashion stylist: Business courses ... consider entreperenurial or small business courses. As a freelance stylist (90% of us are) you will have to run your own business: hire and supervise assistants, keep inventories, pay quarterly taxes, invoice your clients and most importantly, market and advertise your services. Without marketing, no matter how talented you are ... you won't get any clients. It' pretty much 80-20 ... 80% running your business, 20% actually styling.
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^ I was hoping you would respond BetteT! I know that you're a stylist, so your input is awesome.

I'm actually just doing film because I like it/have an aptitude for analysis; costume design has never really interested me. As for the English major, well, like an acquaintance recently stated: "English is the 'undecided' major for girls." :lol: I'm in college because I like learning, not really with a specific career outcome in mind. Alas, my college does not have business courses outside of the undergraduate/graduate business school, which one must apply for (and I've already passed the deadline), but I can dabble in pretty much anything else. Most of my time will be focused on my major and minor, but I will have time for at least one elective a semester, and I think I'm going to go for 2-D Art or Art History for next semester; there's also a History of Fashion course through the theatre department that is not about costume design, just fashion in general, so I'm definitely going to try and take that at some point.

Thank you so much!
Lack of courses for emerging online fashion industry?

Hi all,

I recently had a performance review with my boss and we discussed areas in the company I could grow within and what i really want to do with my career. I'm 21 and in an entry level role at a brand management company. My current background is a Bachelor of Commerce (marketing) degree, and I mentioned how I would like to do some more courses to widen my knowledge base. He is happy for me to undertake some more courses and pay for them providing they're in line with the companies expansion plans for the future.

Areas that came up in discussion that I would like to grow in is the emerging presence the internet has in the fashion industry (particularly in Australia), and how I would like to get involved in the PR and development side of that.
I have found it so hard to find a course that will help me with this!!! I am happy to do an online course from overseas but there doesn't seem to be one course that deals with image manipulation, fabric/textile knowledge, writing, Fashion PR, Web development, web strategy etc.

My boss recommended perhaps just taking single units at different universities rather than undertaking a full course. Eg. Photoshop at one, Fabric/textiles knowledge at another, PR at another. Is anyone in this sort of area? How did you gain all the skills necessary?

Sorry if i am not explaining myself correctly!!!

Thank you in advance!
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snowinmoscow I merged your thread into the exising thread where members may ask for help regarding decisions about school.

You might find some more helpful information in the Public Relations thread:
All about PR
For PR, one of the skills you will need is to be able to write well, to catch people's interest in short bursts, for press releases. So, writing or basic journalism courses would be very helpful. Generally image manipulation is left to the techies in a company not the PR people and that is guided by the marketing dept., but Graphic Arts classes may help with learning how to lay out a web site. Fabrics and textiles ... that's a long way from PR and development of a company's presence on line ... that's part of fashion design training or a separate type of design, altogether. We have several threads about textiles ... just search this CEB forum and you'll find them. Maybe there's some ideas in there about what courses might help you, if any.
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For PR, one of the skills you will need is to be able to write well, to catch people's interest in short bursts, for press releases. So, writing or basic journalism courses would be very helpful. Generally image manipulation is left to the techies in a company not the PR people and that is guided by the marketing dept., but Graphic Arts classes may help with learning how to lay out a web site. Fabrics and textiles ... that's a long way from PR and development of a company's presence on line ... that's part of fashion design training or a separate type of design, altogether. We have several threads about textiles ... just search this CEB forum and you'll find them. Maybe there's some ideas in there about what courses might help you, if any.

Thank you for your reply Bette T!

Since the company I work in is quite small, all of these areas are necessary for me to learn as I will be doing Brand Managing as well as dealing with our PR and online presence. There aren't too many large fashion companies based in Australia so knowing more than one area really sets you apart from many others. I've just had a look at some ads for the sort of position I want to get in to and a lot of them have been asking for business qualifications, image manipulation and industry experience so I guess I will just have to do single units and try and widen my skill set!
I need advice from someone with more experience than me!
I'm currently interning at a major fashion company in my country, it's a 3 months plus another 3 months if both parts agree, internship. At the end of the 6 months there's a high chance they'll hire me. I like my job but:

1) I'm still in my MSc program and I'd like to graduate within December, which I don't think will be possible with still 5 exams left, a thesis and work (i work from 10 to 12 hours a day) I barely have time to breathe. Continuing for another 3 months will mean graduating in March 2012.

2) I'd love to do what I'm doing right now and get properly paid for it but I also want to move out of my country ASAP, and being hired would mean that I will have to stay here for at least another year.

What should I do??!
I need advice from someone with more experience than me!
I'm currently interning at a major fashion company in my country, it's a 3 months plus another 3 months if both parts agree, internship. At the end of the 6 months there's a high chance they'll hire me. I like my job but:

1) I'm still in my MSc program and I'd like to graduate within December, which I don't think will be possible with still 5 exams left, a thesis and work (i work from 10 to 12 hours a day) I barely have time to breathe. Continuing for another 3 months will mean graduating in March 2012.

2) I'd love to do what I'm doing right now and get properly paid for it but I also want to move out of my country ASAP, and being hired would mean that I will have to stay here for at least another year.

What should I do??!

Well you just have to ask yourself what REALLY matters to you. If moving REALLY matters the most to you the answer should be obvious. Same with school.
You really didn't provide enought information about what you want to do, IMO.

What is you actual career goal? What specifically are you working towards?

MSc ... Masters of Science degree? Does that relate to fashion? Or are you stuck in a discipline that you really don't want to follow... and and want to switch to fashion?

And where do you want to move to ... and why? The city you move to will change your chances of working in fashion or not.
Thank you Both!

BetteT my MSc is a Master of Science in Marketing Management with a concentration on fashion and luxury companies, so yes, it's totally fashion related! (considering that I live in Milan pretty much every school has a fashion course, even business schools)

Right now I'm working as a brand manager assistant and I like it, but I wouldn't mind trying something new, probably buying. Before that, I interned as a marketing and sales assistant in New York and yes, New York is my end goal even if it's totally unrealistic considering I don't have any work visa and companies are usually not willing to sponsor.
My second choice would be London (I've already been contacted by a company offering me a job interview but they thought I was going to graduate in July)

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