An excess of everything

I tend to buy stuff even if I *know* it wont be worn. I know I will regret it if I havent got in in my wardrobe though. Anyone ever buy stuff and then forget they have it? Im sure I buy and buy and buy---but where the hell half my stuff goes ive no clue.:lol:
I have a wierd excess of shoes that I never wear. I go shopping, can't resist a pair of shoes and even if it's not my size I still buy it because I might "grow" into it, but I never do.
I tend to buy stuff even if I *know* it wont be worn. I know I will regret it if I havent got in in my wardrobe though. Anyone ever buy stuff and then forget they have it? Im sure I buy and buy and buy---but where the hell half my stuff goes ive no clue.:lol:

I have that same problem..

When I'm not so sure about a piece I tend to buy it because I know that if I don't I'll just spend all my time coming up with "perfect" outifts that have that piece. ofcource when I buy it I only wear it a couple of times

more of my problems:

  • I get bored of the pieces
  • I forget that I've even bought them
  • I keep stuff because I'm always in the mood for different looks so everything will come in handy some day (-that day hasn't shown up, yet:innocent:)
  • I always face the same dilemma: never having anything to wear

My friends love my wardrobe though..
Gosh, like most ppl here, I'm the worst at holding on to stuff...I have a hard time letting anything go. I got 2 closets full of shoes and clothes but everytime I tried to do a cleaning, It's never been successful because of the "what if" or "maybe some day" excuses:ninja:...I'm also keen on customizing my old clothes, but since I have no time, there remains a lot of half-way done projects and attempts:innocent::unsure: I will def try to do a spring cleaning this year with abundant more of will power to let go:lol:
I moved last summer... had the biggest garage sale ever. but I kept what I wear often and what I truly LOVE. it also showed me what types of garments I buy and never wear and to be more thoughtful about purchases. I've been much more conscious since, I recommend a through closet cleansing every so often, its been so good for my style and my pocketbook!
I just find myself drawn to things that I need as they are aesthetically pleasing rather for the purpose of wearing them. In fact, I often find myself thinking that it's just too nice to wear, and I don't want to ruin it... how sad is that??

Like now, I am into a bit of colour.. and even though I know that's not what I reach for in the morning I still want it. I just want to have lots of choice. It drives me crazy sometimes though because after I have gone gathering I find my wardrobe and myself without a clear vision.
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pucci, I have the same issues! really starting to rein myself in though. my purchases now, are normally always well considered, something i appreciate, can justify, and has a lasting value.

my main concern is that the retail industry is moving way to fast, everything has become so disposable. its terrible...and its intentionally created.

sales come around quicker, pre-ordering, pre-collections etc...consumers are being forced to think 'whats next?' rather than taking the time to enjoy what they already possess.

its a huge issue, that relates to multitude of problems, debt, environmental impact, economy etc.
Well, my wardrobe consists of several categories; one part is investment pieces i always take a long time considering whether to buy them as i am quite picky they are generally great buys.

My goal is to have a wardrobe which I love everything so even when I buy from the high street (never H&M) it has to meet a certain standard of quality which again is why I never shop at H&M as it stands for throw away fashion, something I try to shy away from.

With a wardrobe which I love everything comes the worry of 'what if I wear my black tweed Chanel jacket and it gets ruined?'.... things becomes irreplaceable, and if they were to get ruined I could not just go out and buy a new one. As it's past season etc.
With a wardrobe which I love everything comes the worry of 'what if I wear my black tweed Chanel jacket and it gets ruined?'.... things becomes irreplaceable, and if they were to get ruined I could not just go out and buy a new one. As it's past season etc.

I share your pain, pucci_mama
^ That is life though :p Nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same ... this life & just about everything in it is ephemeral.

The upside is that when the game changes (like when an "indispensable" piece of your wardrobe wears out), you are forced to change too ... and I have found I often end up in a better place once that fire's been lit under me.

My advice is don't bother clinging to anything ... embrace life, wear those favorite things, something even better is just around the corner :woot:

Yeah, I guess I become too emotionally attached to my wardrobe.. but it really is a part of me, I love the clothes for the image they represent, the way they make me feel, it goes further than just wearing it as an item.

It's also that I really feel the item is the perfect one, as I usually have been looking for some time for it, you really feel you want and need the back-up which is why I have bough 7 black skirts this season but only really wear one of them.

For spring I feel I want a lot of dresses for the reason that they wear out easily spring clothes should be easier to shop for but I can't stop being a perfectionist. I found the silk dress I loved last year did loose it's vibrant shade in washing, I really loved that dress so now I am doomed for a whole season of searching.

I am putting way too much though in this..=)
For spring I feel I want a lot of dresses for the reason that they wear out easily spring clothes should be easier to shop for but I can't stop being a perfectionist. I found the silk dress I loved last year did loose it's vibrant shade in washing, I really loved that dress so now I am doomed for a whole season of searching.

a bit off topic, but I thought that colors in silk are generally steadfast. That's why I'm planning on buying more black silk items instead of black cotton, etc. Did you just really love your silk dress, and wore it often? :blush:
said it before and will say it again..

too much is never enough...

moving is a great impetus to throwing stuff out, and i haven't moved in three years so crap is accumulating... certain things i buy are just so damn beautiful and interesting to look at it deludes me into thinking i should have them, but so much stuff doesn't get worn and i create minute distinctions to justify keeping things that i don't REALLY need but that i love...
i think i need to get some new ideas, move away from the stuff i wear every single day.
im ALWAYS in a plaid shirt or a cardigan. i need inspiration, it's like.. other things doesn't excist. tomorrow i'll try to wear something different... but what. hmmm.
I think my problem is hair accessories. They are small and cheap, and I always get the idea that this clip or that headband, or those hairpins will solve my bad hairday problems forever.

Of course, 90% of the time the reason my hair looks terrible is because I went to bed with it wet, and am too lazy/incompetent to re-style it decently in the morning, so I look like I have a rooster perching on my shoulders.
I have consumed way too much lately... I really need to stoooop. :ninja:

There are too many items that are temting me now that we are changing seasons I should just back away from it all... that is what I do when the choice its too great, and items don't really seem to stand out. It's hard to get a clear focus..
so true...

the only thing that really needs updating regularly though is footwear...
^true...i fell victim to the squared toe conspiracy - seriously - when does a rectangular shape EVER look right on the foot?

thankfully the painful beauty of the pointed toe is peaking its head out with more designers...

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