Ana Carolina Reston - RIP

very sad indeed
that's really sad for her.
Sao Paulo FW will follow Madrid about underweight girls.
I think all cities should do that, espacially the biggest as Paris, Milan and New York.
Bianca the pic you posted is so beautiful and cute :heart:

i actually think it`s a good issue sao paulo wants to follow madrid! and i would be glad seeing also other cities follow in this direction. just to show respect to the health and well-being of models.

and yes, i think articles give a wrong image when they print old fotos of ana carolina in this content. this should be written below the pictures!

and by the way, imo she even looks extremely skinny in the campaign for armani, probably she already had less weight there
That's terrific.:cry: She was so young and beautiful...
RIP Ana Carolina
devon_jay said:
thats great! where did you hear that?

once again RIP

i don't know if it's 100% sure but that's what they said on the news in France!
BerlinRocks said:
that's really sad for her.
Sao Paulo FW will follow Madrid about underweight girls.

WOW, That's amazing, I hope it's true. :). I also heart that London wanna do the same ^_^ . I think that people going in a good way. :flower:
does anyone have other pics of her on the runway?? i would like to see her on the catwalk, she was stunning
does anyone know if she ever did any shows in sao paulo fashon week or rio?

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