Oh yes...Mia Farrow...what a heart of gold that woman...if you haven't already, do read her biography she wrote "What Falls Away"...makes me want to be just like her.SiennaInLondon said:The woman is a goddess. There is nothing more to say. How often does such a sweet nature go with such a heart-breaking face? The Jude Law threads will illustrate not very often. But then Angelina's face hasn't meant that her life has been plain sailing. From what she says it got rough at times. Anyway here's to her future Mia Farrow-esque family with lots of kids from lots of continents!!
By the way Orchide, what's your avatar from?
I do have a dream to adopt from out of country one day. I grew up with families I knew who did that- some from Vietnam and two kids from Eastern Block war countries...beyond rewarding and so many kids need homes, it is heartbreaking.
If you ever can handle its intensity, see the docu "The Dying Rooms" about how in China orphanages have unwanted girl babies which then are put into separate rooms-perfectly healthy babies are left to die

The British film crew who filmed this all snuck all the cameras into China b/c this was a longtime myth...I saw Lisa Ling on Oprah talking about this and how this affects her as a Chinese woman to know baby girls are discarded like this...
well, I digress...but yes, Angelina seems to be using her fame and wealth for good purpose, bless her for that.
ps- My avatar is a picture of me photoshopped by our very own BohoChic into a pic with Hayden Christensen