Angelina's Baby Out of Hospital

SiennaInLondon said:
The woman is a goddess. There is nothing more to say. How often does such a sweet nature go with such a heart-breaking face? The Jude Law threads will illustrate not very often. But then Angelina's face hasn't meant that her life has been plain sailing. From what she says it got rough at times. Anyway here's to her future Mia Farrow-esque family with lots of kids from lots of continents!!

By the way Orchide, what's your avatar from?
Oh yes...Mia Farrow...what a heart of gold that woman...if you haven't already, do read her biography she wrote "What Falls Away"...makes me want to be just like her.
I do have a dream to adopt from out of country one day. I grew up with families I knew who did that- some from Vietnam and two kids from Eastern Block war countries...beyond rewarding and so many kids need homes, it is heartbreaking.
If you ever can handle its intensity, see the docu "The Dying Rooms" about how in China orphanages have unwanted girl babies which then are put into separate rooms-perfectly healthy babies are left to die :cry:
The British film crew who filmed this all snuck all the cameras into China b/c this was a longtime myth...I saw Lisa Ling on Oprah talking about this and how this affects her as a Chinese woman to know baby girls are discarded like this...

well, I digress...but yes, Angelina seems to be using her fame and wealth for good purpose, bless her for that.
ps- My avatar is a picture of me photoshopped by our very own BohoChic into a pic with Hayden Christensen :p the caption is silly and I loved it so had to use it :lol:
Ho-Coture said:
Yes very true, this is one subject that people cannot afford to be ignorant about, especially when it comes to protecting themselves.

Thanks for the information you too Oria.

everything said is true. and de nada. :flower:
by the way, there aremany children in the US who desperately need to be adopted as well. too many american children are orphaned by AIDS, poverty, and drugs.

just a thought.
yes there are but there are famines and horrors experienced world-wide which have not taken hold quite yet here in the US- but I like the point you are making.
It is much more complicated and costly to adopt out-of-country and when someone does, this should be seen as a true humanitarian act and a way to make this planet more united...shouldn't matter what country anyone if from...a child in need is a child in need.
absolutely. i think any loving adoption is a humanitarian act, though, especially in multicutural society that strives for parity, for peace and justice.

i wish i had the means to have a larger family. maybe someday.
Has anyone been through the adoption process? Is it difficult to get a baby in a third world country? Ahem pictures of Angie and Maddox are conjuring up broody feelings I never thought I had!! Maybe they won't hand a baby to a 19 year old student though :lol:
Some clearer pictures of beautiful baby Zahara :heart: :flower: (from 'Oh No, They Didn't!')
SiennaInLondon said:
Has anyone been through the adoption process? Is it difficult to get a baby in a third world country? Ahem pictures of Angie and Maddox are conjuring up broody feelings I never thought I had!! Maybe they won't hand a baby to a 19 year old student though :lol:
My mom and dad are going through the process right now. We are going to adopt from vietnam. It takes about 9 months for vietnam to get your child home. Here's the process:

Fill out apllication
Homestudy (a social worker comes and checks out your house and does interviews with you)
Fill out dossier and paperchase (get all documents for adoption together and send them off)
referrel (picture and information about a child that they think best match you and your qualitfication and you either accept or deny the referrel)

(if you accept the referrel) you get travel information about 2 weeks later and then travel about a month later

you then spend however many number of days that the country requires in the country where you are going to adopt your child.

Then you finish all the paperwork in that country and your free to come home with a new addition to your family.:D

(if you deny the referrel) you send it back and wait for another. and then if you accept the next one you do everything that's stated above.:D :D :D

It's a long process. Ethiopia(where angelina adopted from) only takes about 6 months for the whole process but they definelty spead up the process for her. I think she might have had a fresh homestudy therfore she didn't have to go through that again.

Just a little insight.
Angelina's Baby: The Hospital Scare

July 21, 2005
It's been nearly two weeks since Oscar winner ANGELINA JOLIE announced to the world that she was adopting another baby, this time a girl from Ethiopia named ZAHARA. But in the process of bringing her home, Angelina discovered her new daughter suffered a number of health problems.

The six-month old baby was ill from malnutrition and dehydration and had to be hospitalized for a week in New York. According to the upcoming edition of Us Weekly, on newsstands tomorrow, after being admitted, doctors discovered she was also suffering from an intestinal infection.

"In spite of her illness, she was very sweet, engaging and responsive," her doctor, JANE ARONSON, told the magazine. "When she gained her strength, she began to smile and coo."

Aronson also tells Us that the baby had clearly bonded with mama Angelina. "She was very connected to her mother during the hospitalization," she says. "It was clear the love and devotion of her [new adoptive] mother ... helped her recover."

Angelina and even her 3-year-old son MADDOX were very hands-on during Zahara's hospital stay. "Angelina was sleeping in [Zahara's] hospital room," a staffer revealed to Us, who adds that Maddox came by to check on his new sister.

Aronson gives Angelina credit for saving Zahara's life. "Children with [these multiple ailments] living in orphanages in developing nations die quickly without medical intervention," she says. "That would have been her fate had she not been adopted."
this baby is becoming cuter each time I blink :)
here she is at the Barnes and Noble- same day but look at that face!


^ lol Golden_Butterfly ..

that baby is so cute .. what a multicultural family.
And here is an other picture ( From People) where little Zahara is actually smiling :flower: She is such a cutie!
The baby looks kind of scary in that picture, I think it because her face is partially covered by Angelina's hands.
Ho-Coture said:
The baby looks kind of scary in that picture, I think it because her face is partially covered by Angelina's hands.
Such Ignorance

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