Australia's Next Top Model

Shanali is amazing and i want her to win but i'm afraid Duckie might win..

I don't get why Melissa made the final 3 because she is so short and one note..
Happy that Melissa is in the finale, altough the lack of height, she's the most ready proportion and face-wise.

Shanali's shot is overrated by miles. The puffy cheeks aren't working for me. She's a cute girl but lets admit it, she wants to become a fashion designer.

Duckie let herself become lazy and due to the judges BS she keeps sliding through. Abbie should have made the finals althouh I see her look bordering on tired/not fresh.
Oh god that VS rip-off intro/catwalk was cringe-worthy.

Jen is obviously nervous - she can't stop giggling!
I have just come back from the finale and OMGGGGGGGGGG

* So glad with the winner, and the final 2. I hope both have a lot of success.
* Jennifer Hawkin's nervous laugh during the live taping. Poor dear.
* My clothes smell of about a zillion different cheap fragrances. Thanks teenage girls in the audience.
* Dajana was EUGH EUGH EUGH on stage. My sister asked "Who is that dumpy one? and why is she there?"
* If the show was hosted by both Alex Perry and Charlotte Dawson, it would be SO MUCH BETTER.
^ Alex was great in Shanali's interview! How was Melissa IRL height wise? Since she's apparently grown. I would have perferred the runner up to have win, but I think both will do well.
^^ I agree, Duckie's photo was 0_o

Even Duckie was like 0_o at the photo.

I still believe that the only girl who could work internationally is Melissa. She looks as tall as Ashley, and even as tall as Shannon, yet they keep talking about Melissa's height.

Melissa said on her Instagram that she is 173 cm so I don't know how much work she could really get internationally
Melissa said on her Instagram that she is 173 cm so I don't know how much work she could really get internationally

There's no way she is even 173cm... surely. That's 5'8 and she appears a good 3-4 inches shorter than Shanali and Duckie, and they aren't 6'ers. Didn't Abbie say she was 6', and she towered over all of them.
I am happy with the winner, but the runner-up deserves it too, I kind of feel bad for her. Anyways, I think they could both do really well in this industry.
Eh, just watched the finale. This has almost turned into the monstrosity that is GNTM. I can't stand this type of live finale and am so disappointed that the winner is now decided by the public. And why didn't the finalists do any castings this season? I don't think this show is watchable anymore...
I agree about the castings... why don't they do them?!?

I love Melissa's face and her proportions are great... the height issue is going to be a challenge... over all this season was pretty meh... Shanali, and Abbie will both probably work really well in the Aussie market... Duckie has everything but her images bore me to tears... seriously... she was a preshow fav of mine and by the end I was so over it...
Melissa has the 'interesting' face, but from the final 3, imo it's Shanali who will really work. well, she could, if she were white.

so stupid to have the public alone decide on the winner...
really don't get why they signed so many girls from this season... totally shocked.
Good for them I suppose, but Ashley? Really...? I tried to click the links above and some of the girls (Ashley, Brooke etc.) are not on the development board for Australia anymore.

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