Australia's Next Top Model

:lol: This whole situation is madness!

So, they held the lines open because Kelsie was winning and Foxtel wanted Amanda to win. If that's the case, then yes the real winner is Kelsie, so a split cover would be fair I guess
That is so messed up! And that's why they are compensating things for Kelsey in such a big way. It's obvious what the final result really was in my opinion.
Apparently they are going to split the cover of the magazine. In the end there were only 3 votes that separate the two girls. The network wanted Amanda to win so they let the voting to continue longer than planned. Doggy or what! Here's a video;

Kelsey baby you deserved it!:clap: Such a fake, fake fiasco season. Not even funny!
That is totally speculation by the editor.
If Foxtel wanted Amanda to win, and were willing to 'rig' votes, they would have made sure of it, much sooner :innocent:
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i really don't see how kelsey's cover is better than amanda's :ermm:
i don't think this is fare at all, why didn't they just declare it a tie. it's not far to amanda at all. plus the celine dress photo looked so much better than the one they picked for the cover
^ Because it wasn't a tie. On Today, the HB editor said there was a difference of 3 votes, so Amanda did technically win. But it is also up to HB if they want to run another cover; they are not at the beck and call of AusNTM. They are a business, so like want to keep customers happy and make money. But they also want to present a beautiful and professional magazine, and the editor herself admitted Kelsey's pictures were vastly superior.
^yeh but what i meant was that they both get a cash prize, a trip to NY and cover of harpers. the only thing really different that amanda gets to kelsey is the car. they could've picked a better photo for the cover for amanda
I don't agree with HB printing another cover with Kelsey or including her editorial in the pages. That's not what was promoted all season as the prize. They should commit to the winner, or change their sponsorship of the program. I don't agree with them changing the rules to suit themselves right at the end.

Anyway, Kelsey is still a midget. And she's no Kate Moss, or any other short-**** successful model.
Sarah just did an exclusive interview with A Current Affair.

I'll just paste the summary from a forum poster on Vogue.

"Last thing Sarah heard was 'Kelsey 1, Amanda 2' and when it came time to do the actual announcement she heard nothing (that's why she went silent for a few seconds and held the earpiece waiting for something), so just went with the last thing she heard.

Then someone started saying 'Amanda Amanda Amanda' in the earpiece and she thought they meant to go and talk to the runner-up. She didn't realise until she saw the card.

EDIT: Sarah also confirmed that voting closed when it was supposed to close, and that story is rubbish. And she was genuine."
^ That interview was quite good. I think if further showcased how good she can be.

Also on the 7PM Project they had some really short copped up version of an interview that Kelsey did where at first she said it was "a bit of a mistake" then later it was a "big mistake" and that she felt "a little humiliated" With the amount of attention shes getting over Amanda you could almost say at this stage that it was all worth it.
Well Amanda gets the title, the car, the Levi's campaign and the ed will probably be solo, and since it only came down to three votes I'm sure Kelsey and Amanda will both be happy with the result. Sophie's probably at home sulking. I really liked her cover a lot though.
screw the title and the car. Amanda might have gotten the Diesel campaign, but Kelsey bagged both U by Kotex and Impulse campaign, not by winning anything but simply by having the better picture.

isn't Kelsey also the one who got 2 pictures in Cosmo?
Amanda might have gotten the Diesel campaign, but Kelsey bagged both U by Kotex and Impulse campaign, not by winning anything but simply by having the better picture.

but who wants a tampon campaign in their (high fashion) model book? :lol:
if she signs with an international high fashion agency, they'd be taking that out asap.

bonds and levis are great campaigns for amanda to start with
commerical brands yes, but iconic, with top models already fronting (Cat McNeil etc)
and *gasp* actually clothes.
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but who wants a tampon campaign in their (high fashion) model book? :lol:
if she signs with an international high fashion agency, they'd be taking that out asap.

bonds and levis are great campaigns for amanda to start with
commerical brands yes, but iconic, with top models already fronting (Cat McNeil etc)
and *gasp* actually clothes.

That's exactly what I thought too. Diesel is pretty major, same with Bonds. I doubt any agency would use a tampon advertisement and a cheap deodorant advertisement in a model's portfolio...
Kelsey can have her cover, in the the long run Amanda will have the successful career. On the show the HB people originally did not like Kelsey, but then when they had to shoot her and their opinions changed. In the real world, if Kelsey went to that casting for HB, she would have not got the job. Kelsey will do loads of commercial work in Australia, but unfortunately thats it. She is a very pretty girl, but the modelling industry is not just about being pretty, you have to have versatility. I can see Amanda working all over the world :). Anyway its not such a big deal about the covers, its only Harpers Bazzar Australia:) They usually use reprints from other editions for their other covers during the year lol (e.g. Gisele for October)
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