Bi-racial/mixed models

I don't know if it is scientific enough, but there is enough difference between caucasoids, negroids and mongoloids to be able to tell their race from the shape of the skull (with no skin or muscle on it). However, you cannot pinpoint race from DNA as far as I know.
Yes, that's true. I learned years ago that race is mainly based upon cranial bone structure. And there's nothing bad or "racist" about acknowledging that. Personally, I think it's good that there are different races in the world. It makes the world interesting. It would be boring if we all were of just one race.
Are there pics of Miranda with her parents?

Here is Miranda as a child with her brother and one with her parents. I don't know what to believe as far as Miranda's background goes, I've heard about a million different possibilities (like Japanese, Armenian, Filipino). She looks caucasian to me personally, but I guess anything is possible.

facebook: Miranda Kerr-stunning
^I thought if Miranda is mixed, her mother looks white but could maybe be like dutch-indonesian (like Eddie Van Halen), but see now I'm just speculating and adding more guesses to the mix!
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hahah. ya, i dont see any asian in either of her parents but i do see some in her.... hhmmmm :eyeshift:


so many models who have native american/american indian blood. interesting to know...

i know right? like tara gill. shes native canadian. so beautiful
Miranda is 100% australian, according to her mother agency, Chic Management in Australia. But to be honest I think there is some asian heritage in her. ^_^
Miranda is 100% australian, according to her mother agency, Chic Management in Australia. But to be honest I think there is some asian heritage in her. ^_^

Yes, she is from Australia but her ancestors may have come from other places. The only people who can call themselves 100% Australian are the Aborigines
Maybe one of the parents in the pic are not biological.

Her biological parents are cited as Therese and John Kerr, they're still married. Here they are again with one set of Miranda's grandparents as well.


contact music
^Yes, both of her parents are her biological parents. :)
I'm pretty sure all that about Miranda's heritage was just a rumour that rapidly spread...even Australian tv bought into it, having obviously done some research via wiki :innocent:

By the way, I don't meant to be all pedantic but can I just mention that when you say "100% Australian", could you please refer to "100% Anglo" or something along those lines (depending on what you mean) because Australian is a nationality, not ethnicity...everyone here is "100% Australian".
The thing we need to remember about this thread is that race, nationality, and ethniciy are three different things and it can be complicated but is important when denoting someone's heritage.

There are technically three races derived from human social construct: Negorid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid.

Africans and even Austrailian Aboriginals are considered Negorid. Many Asian countries such as Korea, China, Japan, Thailand, etc., are considered to contains people who are of the the mongoloid race. Caucasoid have the blending of ethnicties that are Indo-European. These would who we would call white people. The Celt, Franks, Slavs, etc are considered Caucasian.

So Alek Wek is Black (Negorid), Claudia Schiffer is White (Caucasoid) and Du Juan is Mongolid.

Sometimes people get confused because they say, well what about Native American and Pacific Islanders. Well technically many of these ethnicities derived from Mongoloid Asia so they would racially be considered so.

Now we come to nationality. This used to be simple before man started exploring and setting up shop in places where he was not a native. It used to be that where you came from, for the most part would tell you what you were racially. As in, Claudia Schiffer is German therefore she is white. But we can no longer say that even as the lovely Sabina Karlson is 100% Swedish but not 100% white right? Racially she is black and white. Ethnically she is Swedes and whatever part of African her parent is from if she also embraces that cullture. Nationalty wise, she is 100% Swedish as that was where she was born and raised, and that is her dominant culture, I assume. If I am wrong please forgive, but you see the point I'm trying to make.

So....Gisele is 100% Brazilian. That is her orgin of birth. Racially she is white. Ethnically she belongs to whatever German group she's from sure, but I'm pretty sure she identifies in whole with being Brazilian so she considered ethnically Brazillian or Horizintinian (lol her hometown). So she is not mixed racially. She is just white.

Julia Imai, however is a racially mixed Brazilian having a mixture of mongolid and caucasoid ancestry.

Ethnicity is the one that is trickiest of them all. This term is used to describe a people who share a common language, culture, religion, region, etc. This is synonomous with nationality in a way, but in other ways it differs. For instance, the Ebo and Yourba tribes are both Natives of the African country Nigeria. They are both racially negroid, and of the same nation, but they are of two different ethnicities. They live a different way of life and believe in different things.

So ethnically, Julia Imai is Brazilian because that is her culture, but if she acknowledges and so lives by her Portuguese/Japanese cutlures, she can also say those as well in an ethnic capacity.

Jessica White and Tyra Banks are Americans who share the same race and ethnicity, but Arlenis Sosa (who is also American just not from North) may share the same racial background, but was born in a different part of America and therefore does not share the same ethnicity (She is Dominican Republic). Cindy Crawford is also American, and is of a different racial background but could be considered ethnically linked to Tyra and Jessica as they have all grown up in American culture. So I just wanted to put that out there because as I stated before years ago on this thread, I am multiracial and it urks my nerves when friends will say I'm half black and half cuban. It's just weird. Hope this helped as you we continue to post the multiracial beauties of our beloved modeling world.
I know this was an old discussion about Miranda, but she's said on her official FB that she is not Filipino and she doesn't know how that started getting around.
I just saw this girl and thought probably she's another Japan new face.

and you knw what, she's Egyptian.
yes,Egyptian, how could she look totally like a Japanese?!:shock:
^I don't know about her looking Japanese, but she's absolutely stunning :shock: She definitely has a very 'exotic' look.
^^ Why is it so surprising to you? Immigration exists everywhere and it's as much cliché to picture Egyptians all looking egyptian as to think all French are white or all Scottish red-haired. :flower:
I think she is mixed too but perhaps she has a case of Bruna Tenorio and is not asian at all :D

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