Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker

Interesting, I met a woman today who is a close friend of Bitten's design director.
i really can't say much about this. after all we can't expect much from the cheap line, can we?
I actually like this. To me, this whole collection confirms that SJP is WELL aware that she is not, and will never be, a proper fashion designer. She is however, a person with style, and the fact that she has chosen to collaborate with Steve and Barry's to give the people who aren't as lucky as the ones who afford Balenciaga, or The Row for that matter, is kinda cute to me. In this case, more than in others, for example Madonna for H&M, I belive in the ideologi behind this line. It's fashion, or rather clothing, for the masses, it's toned down and it's not at all an attempt to take over the fashion world. Quite the opposite, really. I like it. And I think everybody's putting waaay to much into this than they need to. It's not like she put on a big gala fashion show to launch the line like Nicky Hilton did. Talk about fashion suicide. (Sorry, this is all just my ideas, and what vibes I'm getting of all this. Feel free to pin me down.)
I wouldnt pin eu down... I feel that SJP. jsut wants to put her name on something(well she is cool remeber?) and she feels she dosnt want children to buy cheap clothes and get laughed at but if it was cheap clothes with her name on it.. well they probably wouldnt be laughed at aright?
Its not bad at all. I'm just really glad that she didn't try to hard.
Still not sure why she named it bitten
I think the whole thing is really cheesy. The clothes are generic - it's quite obvious she didn't have any part in the design process. She probably just signed a contract for them to use her name and that was it.

That said, there is definately an audience for Steve & Barry's (only about 10% of America has stores like Forever 21, H&M, Club Monaco) so fashionable clothing is hard to come by. Also, the audience for Steve & Barry's is mainly active teenagers, so of course their won't be any tailored pants, puff sleeves or cocktail dresses. This collection is clearly targeted towards tweens/teens.
GLAMOUR GIRL: Though several blogs have unveiled looks from Sarah Jessica Parker's new clothing line Bitten, Glamour will provide the first "official" look in its June issue, where the "Sex and the City" actress will be featured on the cover and interviewed inside. Glamour has the print exclusive on the new collection, while sources said "The Oprah Winfrey Show" has the TV exclusive and still expects to air a show this summer. To do the piece, Glamour recruited The New York Times' style writer Bob Morris, who is Parker's neighbor in the West Village. Though senior fashion editor Maggie Mann was responsible for styling the seven-page fashion spread, which features a mix of Bitten's T-shirts and pants with Chanel jackets and Burberry Prorsum dresses, Parker personalized the looks with accessories — naturally obsessing the most over the shoes: Jill Stuart boots and Christian Louboutin pumps. What, no Manolos? — S.D.S.

via wwd
funny how they're saying how fabulous her clothes will look like, purely because she's shown up at events with wicked designers and knows how to dress ... on rare occasions.

will she even design the clothes? you know, like actually feel for the fabric, sew, stay up all night agonizing over the correct measurements? something? or will she be like the rest of the terrible actress-turned-designer (cough, beyonce) who think telling the actual designer, "yes, that looks great. use it for my line." is considered a rough day's work?

at least the olsens actually learned about fashion designing.
she's wearing bitten t shirt and jeans in this photo from fashionweekdaily


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here's a pic from of her wearing a bitten hoodie.fashionweekdaily also had an excerpt of the interview with some telling quotes...

The next Ghesquière?
On her well-priced basics:
“They’re not setting a trend. We’re not Balenciaga. They’re well-made clothes that feel of-the-moment.”

Modesty is the Best Policy
On not naming the line after herself:
“I was embarrassed to. I don’t want the line to be about me. I’m not pretending that these are clothes from my closet. Or that this is Carrie Bradshaw.”


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the models in post 91 seem to be laughing and askin themselves what on earth is this?
The bashing is hilarious.

It's all pretty cute that she decided to do something cheap and totally un-ostentatious. And I read that she was really poor growing up and couldn't afford nice clothes so maybe this is her putting back into that.

No matter how crappy her films are, it's not like she's struggling. I don't think she's that fame-hungry to be honest.

I think the clothes would be good for girls who want nice, neat clothes that are affordable and don't care too much about brands, making a statement or being different. I doubt this would be aimed at Carrie wannabes.
i expected more of her. But then again, for under $20, theres not much you can do
"I’m not pretending that these are clothes from my closet" - SJP

if she wouldnt wear this stuff then why should we? i realize that these items are for mostly young people...but i think the same standard should apply.
here's SJP's response to what she perceived as criticism of the line from the "blogosphere"...(from an interview with a reporter from the minneapolis star tribune.)

“What’s interesting to know about a blogger, and I’m glad we live in a democracy and we can all have an opinion is that these clothes are not made for people in the fashion industry. These clothes are about people all over the country who don’t have access to really well made, affordable clothing. It’s wonderful that people in the fashion industry can borrow things, and have the money and the financial means, never mind the logistical access to clothes that are very fashionable and of the moment. What’s really important is that women in this country, really, really feel good about who they are and that we make things affordable and accessible. So there’s no criticism that a person can make about it. They don’t have to wear them. It’s really important that women in this country have an opportunity to have the things that all of us who do have the financial means can have. And that they should be really well made and they can fit in with their peer group, or they can feel good when they go to an interview and they can still pay their utilities and they can still take care of their children or buy a present for a friend. So criticism like that is negligible and it’s foolish.”
Avant Garde said:
Could you imagine saying to someone: I just went to the store today and I got Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker

I'd tell them they should go get a tetanus shot. :lol:

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