Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker

lucy92 said:
here's SJP's response to what she perceived as criticism of the line from the "blogosphere"...(from an interview with a reporter from the minneapolis star tribune.)

“What’s interesting to know about a blogger, and I’m glad we live in a democracy and we can all have an opinion is that these clothes are not made for people in the fashion industry. These clothes are about people all over the country who don’t have access to really well made, affordable clothing. It’s wonderful that people in the fashion industry can borrow things, and have the money and the financial means, never mind the logistical access to clothes that are very fashionable and of the moment. What’s really important is that women in this country, really, really feel good about who they are and that we make things affordable and accessible. So there’s no criticism that a person can make about it. They don’t have to wear them. It’s really important that women in this country have an opportunity to have the things that all of us who do have the financial means can have. And that they should be really well made and they can fit in with their peer group, or they can feel good when they go to an interview and they can still pay their utilities and they can still take care of their children or buy a present for a friend. So criticism like that is negligible and it’s foolish.”

i think this is a smart (and curt) response from SJP, and i like that she is taking into account the various socioeconomic levels of people in the u.s. for all the talk of designer capsule collections making designer fashion more accessible to the masses, sometimes i think it's easy to forget that even $40 for a top or dress is very expensive for a lot of people in the country. however, i do think it's confusing that she's doing things like vogue luncheons and such when it would be more logical to go on 'regis' or something. but then again, she's doing something with 'oprah,' right? that will absolutely reach the target audience for this...

however, yeah, the clothes are just zzzzzzz. there are some cute pieces, but nothing to make an event about.
^^SJP's response was very well thought out. Making sure the public knows that the line isn't supposed to be for 'fashion people' might be a challenge, however, with the tee shirt sporting her catchy slogan.
ktee said:
The bashing is hilarious.

It's all pretty cute that she decided to do something cheap and totally un-ostentatious. And I read that she was really poor growing up and couldn't afford nice clothes so maybe this is her putting back into that.

No matter how crappy her films are, it's not like she's struggling. I don't think she's that fame-hungry to be honest.

I think the clothes would be good for girls who want nice, neat clothes that are affordable and don't care too much about brands, making a statement or being different. I doubt this would be aimed at Carrie wannabes.

How are her films crappy?? They all did so well commercially and the family stone she even recieved golden globe best actress nomination or it:heart: Failure to launch lso did great commercially :flower:
I think this line just goes to show how celebrities and pop cultures in infiltrating into all areas of our lives. Is the fact that this low end of the price spectrum has not be breached yet a reason for collaborating with S&J?

Its a good commercial way to market the products imo, but that said... I dont like the clothes.
I do not like this collection but it is not made for me so I do not care...and I do not like this trend of celebrities who are designers. I am not sure but I do not think they have much of a job they just put their name on it. and they make it sound casual like 'oh I am x celebrity and I am a model and actress and oh yes I am a designer too!!!' but it is really hard work.
I really think SJP's response to the early criticism of her line completely missed the point. It's totally obvious from the pictures that the clothing is not for fashion people, and while I do understand her point that in this era of designer x highstreet collabs, and her carefully calibrated image, that many people assumed that her line would be Fashion in ideology...but, why the slogan? Why not "Crappy cropped chinos are not a luxury"?

And her invoking of the lower class struggle as defense? Yeah, hardly. As the child of a single mother who raised two boys by herself, and who had a hell of a time making ends meet and did not splash out on clothing but always ALWAYS looked amazing, I'm gonna say no. My mother would not touch this sh!t with a ten foot pole. Poor people aren't blind and they deserve affordable clothing that is attuned to current fashion, and if you're going to utilize your image as a "fashion icon" to drum up business for your new clothing line and create the slogan "Fashion is not a Luxury" why WHY would you, only after facing criticism for your ugly designs, get all, "Oh, it's not for fashion people"? It doesn't have to be for fashion people! Most of the people lining up at H&M for the Lagerfeld/McCartney/V&R collections were not fashion people (I'm sure there were some editors in there, for sure), they were just regular people who can't or don't want to pay $$$$$$ for good design. Bitten is straight up busted, and boring and if that's what she thinks lower middle class America wants then...whatever.
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while i think her response was quite witty...i completely agree with bart. she totally missed the reason why people have had criticisms over her line. it seems obvious to me that the marketing side of her bitten project was not very well thought out. as a matter of fact, her entire line was not planned too well. being someone of her stature, a lot of people probably expected to see more than clones of the GAP and old navy.

the fact that she said her line is not for fashion people can be offensive. anyone can take a forever 21 piece and make it fashionable, i'm sure they can do that with one of her pieces as well. if her plan was to target lower income class to purchase her clothing...did she forget that there's H&M, forever 21 and other no brand stores that sell the same pieces as her collection for the same or even lower price?

i think she took the criticism too far. and for her to have said that it was i'm disappointed and totally don't see her the same way.
kristina_zhou said:
How are her films crappy?? They all did so well commercially and the family stone she even recieved golden globe best actress nomination or it:heart: Failure to launch lso did great commercially :flower:

Oh that's not my personal opinion, sorry I didn't clarify. It was just a response to what someone else said about her not making very good films and using this venture as some kind of fame thing. I loved The Family Stone myself but I'm sure there are people who don't love her as an actress and will kind of roll their eyes thinking 'Urgh, another celeb clothing line. Is she out of work or something?'

As much as I love fashion I just think it's so fascinating how much debating and discussion it can provoke. I'm tempted to say "It's just fashion, man."

But that wouldn't be too popular here. Haha.
I agree- everyone thinks they are a designer. Being successful is more than having a great sense of style. A lot of people have great style. But I think she is business savvy enough to back herself with a great team who knows the technique aspects of apparel design.
excerpt from todays wwd story on SJP....

"I know there are a lot of women and notable actresses who have their names attached to a lot of things, and I think that's grand, but because I'm controlling, I can't do that, because that means I would have no time for a family or to be an actor," she continued. "I want to be involved with every step of everything. I can't spread myself that thin and still be involved with the process, and I don't want to do a bait and switch with the customer. I don't want to lure them and not be around to make sure it's everything I originally said it would be."

Parker's also garnering plenty of ink for her upcoming clothing line, Bitten, due in Steve & Barry's stores in June. "What's really important to me is that Bitten is well-made, yet affordable and accessible," said Parker, a member of a big family where money for clothes wasn't always plentiful. "Women can look fashionable, but still be able to pay the utility bill. I've always loved beautiful clothes, but my background as a civilian informs the way I think. I love the idea that fashion doesn't have to be a luxury. Every woman in this country should have access to well-made, affordable clothes."

Despite being offered a passel of design opportunities while appearing as TV's most highly rated fashionista, Parker declined until the Bitten opportunity came along.

"Honestly, I had been presented — for no right reason — all these design opportunities, because of ['Sex and the City']," she said. "They were crazy ones that I absolutely had no business even pondering — particularly because so many of my friends who work in the fashion industry are still having financial difficulties. I just felt like,'Go to those people, if you have that kind of money!' I also didn't want to do it just because there was a lot of money. I can't sketch, I can't drape. I didn't want to do it for the wrong reasons. So then, when Steve & Barry's came along — I, like most people, had never heard of them — I was skeptical. But I finally was convinced to go to their one store in New York, and I walked around and I was stunned. The first thing I asked about was their label practices, because at this price point [everything is under $20], you wonder. My own lawyer hired a team of people and did due diligence, to find out who these people were and what is their mission. Honestly, I really like who they are and how they work, and the idea of the company. It's a simple idea — to me, it's like one of those things, honestly, like a Post-It, where you're like, 'Why didn't I think of that?'"
Steve & Barry's??! their clothes are very cheaply made and their fit horribly. I just don't see how this is going to work out nicely.. ick..
A small mentioning.

As I was watching today's Oprah with the cast of Hairspray they showed a preview for Friday's show and the Bitten Line by S.J.P will be on the show. :flower:
so watching the oprah show today, it seems like bitten was named because sjp was "bitten by the fashion bug"??
I haven't seen much from her line, but from what i have seen I am kind of neutral about it. It is not an ugly line like i have seen from other celebs-turned-designers (I am talking to you Hilary Duff and Paris Hilton!), but it doesn't excite me too much, its simple..which may or may not have been the point. I think I would buy a basic tee.

Reguardless of what anyone thinks about it, i really like SJP's concept behind it. I think it is nice to see someone making the effort to take women of all economic standings, shapes, ect. in to consideration...because when you dont have the money for things, often people are just looking for basics that they can be versatile with. Besides, it is better than big designer lables putting their name on things that look exactly like something that costs 20 dollars and turn around and sell it for much more. If you can find a good peice for cheap, take full advantage. I'd would have to see more of sjp's line though to judge quality.

Buisness-wise, I think she was smart, but I say she should have just called it sjp

"Its just fashion, man."-ktee, I have been tempted to say that as well sometimes. oh well :)
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so i watched oprah today and i was unimpressed by everything except the houndstooth coat. for what it is, under 20 dollars is pretty great. of course, i had never even heard of steve and berrys and a quick search online showed why, the nearest one to me is at the fox hills mall. no thank you :ninja:
the houndstooth coat looks really thin. it is 19.98 it seems to me to be a rip off of stella mccartney's "jazzin" coat.


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text and image from 2 audience members dress up in "bitten"

Now, she's a designer herself! This June, she's launching a low-cost, high-quality clothing line called Bitten, boasting more than 400 items, all at a price of less than $20, at Steve & Barry's locations nationwide.

"It's about affordable, well-made American sportswear. It's about fashion not being a luxury and quality not being a privilege, and we don't want someone to hold it up and say, 'Well, you get with you pay for,'" she says. "We worked so hard to make sure it's everything women deserve."

Sizes range from 2 to 22. "This was really, really critical criteria to me," she says. "It was only a natural extension that these clothes are for every woman in this country no matter where you live, what you look like, what your skin color is like, what you are, where you are in the economic strata, everything. And that it's not for us to decide what looks good on somebody else. It's for women of all sizes to determine what makes them feel good."

Sarah Jessica has a lot of fans, but she has a special surprise for two unsuspecting admirers in the studio audience! Andi and Angie wrote The Oprah Show about how much they admire Sarah's style. "So Sarah Jessica wanted to do something fun with you," says Oprah. "She's going to take you backstage so you can try on some Bitten looks!"

After being "bitten" backstage with Sarah Jessica, Andi and Angie strut their stuff. Angie is decked out in a premium straight-cut pant and a gray vest, which can also be worn in a three-piece suit ensemble. Underneath the vest is a breezy white summer top, and she carries one of Sarah Jessica's favorite bags from the collection. And don't forget her teal espadrilles!

Andi is wearing the Melinda skirt and an orange and white striped shirt underneath a jean jacket. She tops her ensemble off with cute black espadrille. "You guys look amazing," Sarah Jessica says.

Sarah even changes into a black Bitten suit for the big reveal! "We have suits that are in gray and black and they come with a trouser or a skirt and a jacket, and the idea is that every woman should be able to have a proper jacket and trouser or jacket and skirt for under $40," Sarah Jessica says. "It's affordable for everybody and should be everything you need."


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