Blake Lively & Leonardo DiCaprio Dating?

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He had a girlfriend for four years? I saw him in a small club in Paris a few years ago, he looked very single - and left with a car full of girls.. Ms.Lively really hit the jackpot on this one..
I don't get how any of you people can you be "for" or "against" this couple or don't understand why they're dating.

None of us know these people. We've never met them, how could we possible comment on why they're dating or whether or not they're good for each other?

I've met them both. On a work basis, on separate occasions it has to be said. One at an event, the other during filming. Both nice enough but very different personalities. I couldn't, of course, comment on whether they'd work as a couple.

On Gossip Girl making a cultural impact. Maybe for the first season, not so much any more. Honestly, I think a few of them will go onto bigger things and succeed, others, it's not going to happen no matter how hard they try. I do think Blake's PR is being badly handled though.
The thing about those pictures in Italy... they just didn't look very couple-y. It was only a random couple of pics of course, so it's hard to say anything for sure. But Leo was walking way behind her and she was holding her own bags while he had empty hands. Is chivalry really dead? :lol: IDK, if I didn't know who it was, I could easily think Leo was "babysitting" his niece or something :ninja: That's the vibe I got more than lovers. However, I cannot see any other reason for them to be together in Italy if it's not because they are screwing, PR or she's his new beard or a combination.
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I've met them both. On a work basis, on separate occasions it has to be said. One at an event, the other during filming. Both nice enough but very different personalities. I couldn't, of course, comment on whether they'd work as a couple.

On Gossip Girl making a cultural impact. Maybe for the first season, not so much any more. Honestly, I think a few of them will go onto bigger things and succeed, others, it's not going to happen no matter how hard they try. I do think Blake's PR is being badly handled though.

Littlepaperstars, could you elaborate a bit on the personality comment, just curious. Different in what ways.:flower:
^^They're not my clients so yeah ;), Blake is very forthcoming, bubbly. Without making her sound like a pet, I'd say wanting to please! She's very sweet though. Admittedly my contact with Leo came on a film set and actors are always a little different at work, but he's much quieter, very polite, utterly lovely. I hesitate to say stand-offish, reserved is probably better.
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Bugger it, I was going to elaborate in the last post, but can't, anyway, I was just going to add that Leo came across as very well read, interested in a world beyond film, I obviously didn't get into deep conversation with him but it struck me that work was work. They both seem very nice though, but as I've said before I think Blake is very much in machine, which for an actress at her level is very understandable, what she needs to do is make sure she keeps kicking and comes out the other side of it. It doesn't always happen.
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even though she may have attended a few classes at stanford, she doesnt strike me as being very intellectual or very curious about the world around her.

i dont really see this relationship as being a good match.

but its probably very good for her PR. :lol:
Littlepaperstars thank you so much for your answer! Tried to give you KARMA but you are all fillled up. So again thank you and lots of karma to you!
even though she may have attended a few classes at stanford, she doesnt strike me as being very intellectual or very curious about the world around her.

i dont really see this relationship as being a good match.

but its probably very good for her PR. :lol:

I'm not sure it is, I guess it depends on how one looks at it. It's good for instant fame but it's not so smart if she wants longevity as an actress, because IT-girls, they come and go. As many others mentioned, Blake is being so hyped up right now with not much to back it up, not many know her for her actual work and her entering a very high profile relationship isn't very good if she wants to be taken seriously for her work. She's going to be known as Leo's girlfriend you know? And it won't help the rumors surrounding her either.

While this might to the outside look like a good PR job - the TIME list, the media exposure etc - in reality it's not. It's very aggressive and it's very sloppy. Because it's making a lot of the public go: 'Why?' instead of 'Yes, I agree' when she's featured. There is also the whole her being shoved down the public's throats instead of them taking liking to her naturally that's going to result in some rejection (if it hasn't already) if she doesn't start delivering.

I get the feeling Blake just wants it all, and there is nothing wrong with that, but there's a time and place for everything. She needs to work more on her real job and less on the publicity side of it and get famous for her work not her persona if she wants to make it. Because right now she's just that girl that you're being told all these things about. Right now she has not opened a movie on her own, she has not had a breakout role (the Town is far from one despite what's being pushed) and she hasn't shown much talent in the show she is headlining. She needs to accomplish at least one of those so when someone says 'Blake Lively' the first thing people will think isn't the person they see on magazines but someone they've seen on the screen and enjoyed.

So if I were Blake's PR, I would tell her to step it down a notch and do some hard work before gearing the PR-machine.

ETA: Her PR also need to match whatever she's being promoted as with whatever she has to offer. A lot of hate towards her seem not to come so much from what she's doing (there are worse and more famehungry ones than her) but it comes from being told she's this person she's hasn't lived up to. So most hate comes from people feeling she's not worthy of what she's going for and getting. And that's where, I think, her PR has done a real lousy job, they haven't been able to do the one basic thing which is find a promotional strategy that fits the product and not just one that is good.
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^Saann you are completely right!! Fantastic argument.

Look at Jennifer LAwrence, she is in my view one of the most talented young actresses out there, she was nominated for an Oscar, deservedly so may I add, and now she is headlining a possibly huge franchise "The Hunger Games", she has a boyfriend who is also a realtively successfull actor Nicholas Hoult and yet she is never was shoved down our throats. You don't see her everywhere and she is not overhyped as is Blake Lively, you don't see any candids of her with her boyfriend because she is not a famewhore.

Karma to you Saann!
He had a girlfriend for four years? I saw him in a small club in Paris a few years ago, he looked very single - and left with a car full of girls.. Ms.Lively really hit the jackpot on this one..
He and Bar did break up for several monthes at one point (and then got back together) so it's possible you saw him during their "off" period.

saann- I agree 100% regarding Blake's PR. I don't think she's a bad actress by any means. I've only seen a couple of her films but I think she shows potential. But more of the time when I see her in a magazine like TIME I just ask "why"? If I were her PR I'd tell her to focus on her acting and become known for more than Gossip Girl and a few bit roles in films. I'd give the appearances, and the leaks to the press, etc a rest of a while.
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Like it or not, people have PR to obtain A-list status. A significant factor in a known actor's pay for a film is tnat actor's ability to open a film which is often tied to the promo done leading up to the release date. So if a C-list actor has a chunk of money and can spend it on a top notch acting class or a top notch publicist, just as much if not more of an argument can be made for spending the money on the publicist.
Who the hell is Blake's PR anyway? Whoever they are, they certainly don't seem to be glued to her like Huvane is to Jen Aniston.
^Well that explains a lot. LOL. Thanks for the info. Doesn't Huvane's firm represent Reese?
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Okay now I need to read back stories into these PR companies, anyone have any clue as to where to start? :flower:
^That is hilarious so now Huvane has both of his girls set up with faux-mances, Aniston and Lively just in time for the release of their summer movies. Ha! THis is awesome, isn't Huvane known for his strategy of getting a bf for Aniston before each movie opening.

I cannot wait to read the comments on this from you guys! So much fun!
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